Enron Mail

To:v.weldon@enron.com, eric.boyt@enron.com
Subject:Gas Transport Issues for OPC
Date:Tue, 27 Feb 2001 01:16:00 -0800 (PST)

---------------------- Forwarded by Edith Cross/HOU/ECT on 02/27/2001 09:15
AM ---------------------------

Enron North America Corp.

From: Edith Cross 02/22/2001 10:12 AM

To: Mark Breese/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Gas Transport Issues for OPC

Here you go...
---------------------- Forwarded by Edith Cross/HOU/ECT on 02/22/2001 10:11
AM ---------------------------

Enron North America Corp.

From: Edith Cross 01/26/2001 03:12 PM

To: Ozzie Pagan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Heather Kroll/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Gas Transport Issues for OPC

I wanted to quickly write up the conversations I have had today and yesterday
with John Hodge (Gas Upstream Origination - I think this is the name of the
group) related to gas transport issues for Georgia. As I said yesterday,
Transco Zone 4 is at the Mississippi/Alabama border, and is not a delivered
price to Georgia. The only Inside FERC SONAT index is in Louisiana. Each of
these points are supply basins, and not delivered Indices. Hence the need to
pay transport costs to the delivery area. Below I have detailed the issues
on each of these pipes.

Transco Zone 4

Currently, Enron is working on a project with Transco to expand the pipeline
in Zone 4 (Project Momentum). This project is related to development sites
at Athens and Hartwell. John said he thought that Athens and Hartwell were
each a 500 MW combined cycle facility. The negotiated rate for capacity on
this expansion is ABOVE max rate for Transco Zone 4. The current max rate
for intra-zone transport is $0.21 for demand and variable costs
(approximately $0.03 is variable). The negotiated rates for this expansion
is $0.24 for Athens and $0.27 for Hartwell. Rememeber that the demand prices
must be paid year round for the maximum capacity needed, regardless of the
actual usage. These prices do not include the cost of fuel. If we were to
purchase transport from Onshore Louisiana to each of these delivery points,
you can expect to add another $0.05 to the above prices. Transco has
informed us that if we do not continue with this project, there are plenty of
people waiting to buy capacity on this expansion, and that they are already
planning another expansion after this.

Sonat Zone 3

Skygen (Calpine) is working with SONAT to expand their capacity (approx.
120,000/mmbtu/day) for a development in Augusta. SONAT has said that they
should be able to expand this at current max rate prices. The current max
rate is $0.55, which is $0.16 variable, and $0.39 demand. This expansion is
from an offshore pipe through Destin pipeline to connect with SONAT.
Recently, SONAT has sold their capacity at prices lower than max rate in
order compete with Transco.

Elba Island

Theoretically, SONAT should offer Intrazonal transport from Elba Island at a
discount to max rate. However, I think SONAT (El Paso) is still trying to
figure out what to do since we now have access to this facility. Currently,
SONAT does not want discount the transport cost. We are waiting to see what
price SONAT charges El Paso to transport their gas from Elba Island. So far,
they haven't reached an agreement (that we know of), but we are hoping that
SONAT will offer this at a discount to El Paso, and then we will 'force' them
to give us the same rate. John thinks that they will charge max rate for the
transport, but embed some sort of discount into the gas price to try to get
around offering Enron a discounted rate.

I hope this helps!
