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GOPUSA Bringing the conservative message to America GOPUSA Eagle - January 28, 2002 ======================================================================== Inside this issue... * A Look at the Headlines * State News Briefs * Bush Update * Alan Keyes... Legal Kill * Carol Devine-Molin... Camp X-Ray Allegations Lack Substance * SARTRE... The Philosophic Foundation for Politics * Dorothy Anne Seese... Morality has Tanked Around the World * Timothy Rollins... Time to Go * Douglas Brown... Airport Security: Top Down? Or Bottom Up? * Kevin Tuma Cartoon... Diversity ======================================================================== And now... a word from our sponsor... Be Still, America... I am God Be Still, America is a collection of poignant, soul-healing stories told in the aftermath of the horrific events of 9/11/01. Author Amy Bartlett, who lives and works in New York City, shows how God was present in the disaster -- even amid the ruin and the rubble. Be Still, America, published by Christian Publications, Inc., is now available at local Christian bookstores. Click here to find our more --< http://gopusa.com/ads/bartlett.html ======================================================================== A Look at the Headlines The front page of the GOPUSA web site is constantly being updated to provide you with the latest news and information. Here are your Monday headlines: GOPUSA Top Story -- Legal Status of Al Qaeda Prisoners in Question The Washington Times * No Founding Fathers? That's our new history * Justice rebuffs al Qaeda apologists * Earlier successes ease State of Union pressure CNSNews.com * Bush Should Spend Wisely, Not More, on Defense, Analysts Say * Conservatives Urge Spending Cut to Balance Budget * Legal Group Says Civil Rights Commission Subpoenas 'Purely Political' NewsMax.com * Nuclear Waste Battle Heats Up * Annan Leaves Iran With Assurances * Second Video of Flight 587 Casts Doubt on Crash Probe Fox News * Special Forces Raid Kandahar Hospital * Journalist Held Hostage by Pakistani Militants * Bush: Raising Twins Tougher Than Going to War USA Today * Israel steps up security in wake of Sunday's bombing * Cities struggle in Sept. 11's wake * Bigger U.N. force likely on agenda Human Events Online * Who Lost the Budget Surplus? * Democrats Made Defense An Issue Against Reagan * Walker's Admissions These headlines and more can be found at http://gopusa.com ======================================================================== State News Briefs In addition to national news, GOPUSA also brings you the latest news from your state. Click on one of the links below to read the latest state headlines. If your state is not listed, perhaps you'd like to help GOPUSA by being a state editor. To find out more the role of a volunteer state editor, please click here --< http://gopusa.com/editors.shtml Alaska - GOP targets tribal status http://gopusa.com/alaska Arizona - Governor's address sounded like farewell to some http://gopusa.com/arizona California - Farmer Gives Up Mexican Mayoralty http://gopusa.com/california Florida - Gov Bush jazzed for campaign http://gopusa.com/florida Georgia - Reed denies improper connections with company http://gopusa.com/georgia Idaho - House votes to repeal term limits http://gopusa.com/idaho Illinois - Castro to Ryan: How about a statue? http://gopusa.com/illinois Iowa - Polk ready to accept state plan on districts http://gopusa.com/iowa Maryland - Planned districts preserve power http://gopusa.com/maryland New York - Rudy: We Ignored Warnings http://gopusa.com/newyork Oklahoma - Tinker bond election aims to buy security http://gopusa.com/oklahoma Tennessee - Should state take money from road fund? http://gopusa.com/tennessee Texas - Perry to propose statewide rail system http://gopusa.com/texas Washington - Senate mends fences, passes transportation bill http://gopusa.com/washington Wisconsin - Green to speak on dairy reform http://gopusa.com/wisconsin ======================================================================== And now... a word from our sponsor... ADVERTISE IN THE GOPUSA EAGLE! This ad was just seen by over 18,000 people across the country! If you want to reach conservative grass-roots activists, candidates, and elected officials, advertise in the GOPUSA Eagle today! Click here for demographic and rate information --< http://gopusa.com/contact.shtml ======================================================================== Bush Update Weekly Radio Address THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. A few days from now I will go before Congress to report on the state of the union, and lay out my priorities for the coming year and beyond. These priorities reflect a single, overarching commitment: To enhance the security of America and its people. Read more at http://gopusa.com/bush/radio_0126.shtml ======================================================================== Legal Kill By Alan Keyes For a reason I will mention below, this past week was a most appropriate time to focus again on the nature of the evil that struck America on Sept. 11. The terrorist destruction of that day was evil in many ways, but at the heart of its evil was the deliberate deadly assault on innocent human life. The root of the word "innocent" reveals that the notion of innocence is connected to harmlessness. An innocent person is a person who does no harm. And we see immediately that there is a special quality of wickedness in premeditated violence against such people. Read more at http://gopusa.com/alankeyes/ak_0128.shtml ======================================================================== Camp X-Ray Allegations Lack Substance By Carol Devine-Molin Never mind that initial reports circulating within the UK regarding Camp X-Ray prison conditions were unverified and patently fallacious. That did not stop the British tabloids from reveling in a full-fledged media frenzy in recent days, spewing sensational headlines proclaiming so-called "torture" and "inhumane" treatment of the 158 Taliban and al-Qaeda fighters being held at Camp X-Ray, located within the US Navy Base at Guantanamo Bay, just outside of Cuba. Sadly, European "America-bashing" has reared its ugly head once again, and is now accompanied by similar odious sentiments from some quarters in our own nation. Read more at http://gopusa.com/caroldevinemolin/cdm_0128.shtml ======================================================================== And now... a word from our sponsor... "We're a great nation. We're a nation of resolve. We're a nation that can't be cowed by evildoers. I've never had more faith in America than I have right now." -- George W. Bush September 16, 2001 Vist BushCountry.org today! http://www.bushcountry.org ======================================================================== The Philosophic Foundation for Politics By SARTRE At the risk of disturbing the slumber of the lethargic, the case in favor of politics needs to be made. With the distraction that passes for understanding, few have a grasp on the nature of social relations. Politics is normally defined as the activities or affairs of government. But it really is the art of human relations, applied to the organization of society. The basis for government grows out of the perceived need to establish order. Rules are the results of a desire to construct a road map for society to function. The confusion that litters the highways, rests upon a false understanding of how those arteries are constructed and where they are going. The philosophy of politics can supply the answer. Read more at http://gopusa.com/sartre/sartre_0128.shtml ======================================================================== Morality has Tanked Around the World By Dorothy Anne Seese Let me see if this can be put as bluntly as possible ... tact isn't my specialty anyway. When sex and sex activities, straight or perverted, dominate a culture, that culture is on its way to the sewer, washing all the people involved with it (and sweeping along those who protested) into the vast wastewaters of the planet. Read more at http://gopusa.com/dorothyanneseese/das_0128.shtml ======================================================================== Time to Go By Timothy Rollins In what can only be described as time to go, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Secretary of State Colin Powell has shown that he is (a), too much a soldier, (b), not enough a diplomat or statesman, and ©, a liability when it comes to the handling of the 158 detainees that are currently being held at the United States Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Their current situation as to their being handled was well described my friend and colleague Robert Yoho in his column last Friday, which I would recommend highly for your reading. Read more at http://gopusa.com/opinion/tr_0128.shtml ======================================================================== Airport Security: Top Down? Or Bottom Up? By Douglas Brown When I opened the Lincoln Log set with my five-year old daughter, she immediately grabbed the brightly colored green roof. She demanded that I start building the log fort as depicted on the container from the top down. My first attempt to follow her orders brought a puzzled look. My second attempt brought an angry scowl. My final attempt brought a giggling reproach for being so silly. The tendency to want to do things from the top down is not limited to five-year olds. It is also the preferred method of problem solving in Washington, D.C. Read more at http://gopusa.com/opinion/db_0128.shtml ======================================================================== Diversity By Kevin Tuma The latest Kevin Tuma cartoon can be found on the GOPUSA web site by clicking on the following link: http://gopusa.com/cartoons/tuma/tuma_0124.shtml Archives of Kevin's cartoons can be found at http://gopusa.com/cartoons We hope you enjoy the cartoon! Look for more in future issues of the GOPUSA Eagle. ======================================================================== SUBSCRIBE TODAY! LET THE EAGLE LAND ON YOUR DESKTOP Was this e-mail forwarded to you? Would you like to subscribe to it yourself or subscribe a friend? If so, simply and fill out the simple form at http://gopusa.com/eagle/subscribe.shtml ======================================================================== Copyright 2000-2002, GOPUSA.com, Inc. http://gopusa.com eagle@gopusa.com