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Subject:GOPUSA Eagle - January 3, 2002
Date:Wed, 2 Jan 2002 22:44:14 -0800 (PST)

Bringing the conservative message to the Internet

GOPUSA Eagle - January 3, 2002

Inside this issue...

* 2001: A Year in Review
* Congressional Candidate Announces Via Webcast
* Linda Chavez... Looking to 2002
* Austin Bay... The Conflict Epidemic
* Frederick Meekins... Post-Christmas Wrap-Up


2001: A Year in Review

GOPUSA is proud to present "2001: A Year in Review."

We hope you enjoy this presentation of the events of 2001 set to music
and pictures. In addition to showing pictures taken throughout the year,
this animation also contains our tribute to the victims of the September
11 attacks.

The animationis approximately 3 Mb, so a broadband connection is best.
However, it should also work quite well on a 56 Kb modem connection.

To see and listen to our look at the images which shaped 2001, just
click on the following link:

2001: A Year in Review --< http://gopusa.com/yearinreview

And now... a word from our sponsor...


Get Your Tickets TODAY!
It's what everyone's been waiting for! Announcing the MRC's 2002
Roasting the Most Outrageously Biased Liberal Reporters of The Year!
January 17, 2002 at the Ronald Reagan International Trade Center.
The MRC's events always sell out in a matter of weeks. Order your
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Congressional Candidate Announces Via Webcast

John Graves will announce his candidacy for the Republican nomination to
the United States Congress, Texas Congressional District 4, today,
Thursday, January 3rd.

The announcement is being webcast at 8:45 a.m. CST to members of the
media and Party leadership. The webcast will last 5 minutes, and can be
viewed by going to http://www.votegraves.com a few minutes before 8:45.

John is a 5th generation East Texan, a Longview attorney and church
leader. He and his wife Nicole attended Kilgore College and the
University of Texas at Tyler. John received his law degree from Texas
Tech University.

For more information, please visit the John Graves web site at


Looking to 2002
By Linda Chavez

Remember when practically everybody -- even some people who voted for
him -- thought maybe George W. Bush wasn't smart enough to be president?
"He looked like some bozo at a church bazaar who sticks his head in a
cutout hole while you get three shots at hitting him with a fastball,"
columnist Pete Hamill wrote back on August 13, a few days after the
president gave a prime-time speech on stem cell research. "He paused
after every sixth or seventh word, as if afraid of skipping the next
line in his script," Hamill sneered. Well, nobody's sneering now.

I'm putting "Why George W. Bush is too Dumb to Be President" at the top
of my list of stories you won't read in 2002. Here are some others:

Read more at http://gopusa.com/lindachavez/lc_123101.shtml

And now... a word from our sponsor...

"We're a great nation. We're a nation of resolve. We're a nation that
can't be cowed by evildoers. I've never had more faith in America than
I have right now."
-- George W. Bush September 16, 2001

Vist BushCountry.org today!


The Conflict Epidemic
By Austin Bay

It was February 1990, three months after the Berlin Wall cracked and the
Cold War began to melt. Following my lecture, she approached me in the
school hallway. Despite the crowsfeet around her eyes, a tattling detail
that pegged her on the high side of 40, she had decked herself in the
perennially adolescent costume of a 1960s hippie: bandanna in the
frizzed hair, faded blue jeans, and a pearl-button shirt best described
as vaguely Navaho and LSD.

She smiled self-consciously, then raised a scold's finger: "You write
books about war, right? With the end of the Cold War and so many people
waging peace, I guess you'll have to find another subject, eh?"

Read more at http://gopusa.com/austinbay/ab_010202.shtml


Post-Christmas Wrap-Up
By Frederick Meekins

Each year I write at least one column detailing the ongoing assault
against Christmas throughout Western society. Usually this affront is
led by a gaggle of secularists, liberals, and multiculturalists.
However, this year there seems to be a festering opposition led by
certain Christians to the yuletide season. Even though these criticisms
have not yet risen to the level of disruptive street theater engaged in
by their unbelieving counterparts, they nevertheless reveal a somewhat
dubious ecclesio-social philosophy.

The basic Christian anti-Christmas argument runs something like this:
since the commemoration of Christmas is not explicitly commanded by
Scripture, its celebration is therefore forbidden. Furthermore, since
certain aspects of the holiday might be traceable to pagan origins, the
committed Christian is obligated to have no parts of them.

Read more at http://gopusa.com/opinion/fm_010302.shtml



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