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Subject:GOPUSA Eagle - November 26, 2001
Date:Mon, 26 Nov 2001 03:56:09 -0800 (PST)

Bringing the conservative message to the Internet

GOPUSA Eagle - November 26, 2001

Inside this issue...

* GOPUSA Latest News
* A Look at the Headlines
* State News Briefs
* Bush Update
* Carol Devine-Molin... O'Reilly versus Limbaugh?
* Rick Erickson... Applaud Bush for Limiting The Media's Role in The
War on Terrorism
* Kerri Houston... The Best Defense
* Dorothy Anne Seese... Dealing with Realities: Economy, War, and the
* SARTRE... Where are the Clerics?
* Marc Levin... Expand RICO, Guilt By Association to Cover Terrorists
* Kevin Tuma Cartoon... Void

-- Don't just sit there mulling it over... subscribe to The Eagle today!


GOPUSA Latest News

Trivia Contest... The Home Stretch

The GOPUSA "a touch of trivia" contest is in its final days! This week
is your last chance to test your knowledge of politics and history.

So far, GOPUSA has received 23 entries in which all five questions were
answered correctly. Remember, a winner will be drawn from the correct
entries and receive a prize package from our sponsor -- BushCountry.org

If you have not yet played, now is your chance. Only those entries
received before December 1 will be eligible for the contest. For more
information and to play the game, please click on the following link:

a touch of trivia --< http://gopusa.com/trivia

New State Editors on the Way

GOPUSA will soon be welcoming state editors for Maryland and Colorado!

This means we will be delivering timely state news for over half the
states in the country! If you are interested in being a volunteer state
editor, please click here --< http://gopusa.com/editors.shtml

And now... a word from our sponsor...


A Houstonian since 1962, Houston City Council Member Orlando Sanchez has
a long track record of public service to Houston and his country.

Please support Orlando Sanchez in his runoff election against liberal
Democrat Lee Brown on December 1.

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A Look at the Headlines

The front page of the GOPUSA web site is constantly being updated to
provide you with the latest news and information.

Here are your Monday headlines:

GOPUSA Top Story -- U.S. Firm Clones First Human Embryo

The Washington Times
* Giuliani to remain in spotlight
* Amnesty unlikely for prisoners
* Gore loses loyalties from campaign team

* Controversial Anti-Terrorism Provisions Will Never Expire
* Senior US Envoys Arriving for Israeli-PA Ceasefire Talks
* African American Landmark Demolished at Clinton Library

* North Korea Steps Up Verbal Threats
* Israel: Iraq Backed Terrorist Group
* CIA: Not So Secret in Success

Fox News
* Marines Deployed Outside Kandahar
* Bush Meets Some War on Terror Goals
* Bloody Prison Uprising by Bin Laden Loyalists

USA Today
* Battle rages anew for fortress in Afghanistan
* Taliban's fall is almost complete
* U.N. delays its Afghan conference

Human Events Online
* Courts Threaten Anti-Terror Effort
* Preserving Clinton's Legacy at NLRB

These headlines and more can be found at http://gopusa.com


State News Briefs

In addition to national news, GOPUSA also brings you the latest news
from your state. Click on one of the links below to read the latest
state headlines. If your state is not listed, perhaps you'd like to help
GOPUSA by being a state editor. To find out more the role of a volunteer
state editor, please click here --< http://gopusa.com/editors.shtml

Alaska - Fleischer serves the people and the president

Arizona - Liberals fiscal policies based on twisted history

California - New Hope For Afghanistan's Women

Florida - It's Graham vs. Bush in battle over regents

Georgia - Shipp: How vulnerable is Gov. Barnes come election time?

Idaho - Legal basis for security measures questioned

Illinois - GOP struggles to unify party

Kansas - Dennis Moore and Sam Graves are political freaks.


North Carolina - Snyder enters on right of Dole

Oklahoma - State voters may see another lottery plan

Tennessee - State officials firm on driver's license law

Washington - After Theodore Roosevelt, they broke the mold

And now... a word from our sponsor...


From Barbara Olson's "The Final Days" to Bill O'Reilly's "No Spin Zone"
to Peter Bergen's "Holy War, Inc.", the Conservative Book Club works
tirelessly to find its members the right books at the right time. Unite
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4th for just $7.95!

Click here to find our more information. --<


Bush Update

Weekly Radio Address

THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Thanksgiving this year comes 72 days after
a terrible national shock, an act of evil that caused, and continues to
cause, so much suffering. Yet, the evil the terrorists intended has
resulted in good they never expected. And this holiday season,
Americans have much to be thankful for.

We're thankful for the character of our fellow citizens who are flying
flags and donating to charity and comforting those who grieve. Americans
have aided the families of victims, and the starving children of
Afghanistan, half a world away. This country has a good and generous

We're thankful for the decency of the American people who have stood for
the American tradition of tolerance and religious liberty -- a tradition
that has welcomed and protected generations of immigrants from every
faith and background.

We are thankful for new heroes -- police officers and firefighters and
emergency workers, who have renewed our respect for public service and
provided lasting lessons in courage.

Read more at http://gopusa.com/bush/radio44.shtml


O'Reilly versus Limbaugh?
By Carol Devine-Molin

In recent years, Cable's Fox News Channel has catapulted television
journalist Bill O'Reilly to the top of the ratings heap with "The
O'Reilly Factor", his widely lauded current affairs program. O'Reilly
promptly followed that up with a further wave of success as a best
selling author, his latest tome being "The No Spin Zone". Now, just this
past week Internet reporter and gadfly Matt Drudge made the claim that
O'Reilly was throwing down the gauntlet to Rush Limbaugh, determined to
challenge the well- established radio star on his own turf.

According to Drudge, O'Reilly's representatives were "actively pitching
a 2-hour daily radiocast, to air directly opposite RadioKing Rush
Limbaugh", with a network deal "said to be imminent". But, with all on
his career plate, why would O'Reilly seek an incursion into radio now?
That would be a natural query, given the circumstances. Indeed, Drudge
did broach O'Reilly's timing on the matter, noting that "It is not clear
if O'Reilly views the Limbaugh franchise as weakened and vulnerable
since Limbaugh announced earlier this season that he has lost his
hearing, or if the timing of the O'Reilly move is simply a natural
progression of his media success". Clearly, before resorting to this
type of explosive speculation, Drudge should have contacted O'Reilly for
clarification and input. A member of O'Reilly's staff would have surely
returned Matt Drudge's phone call.

Read more at http://gopusa.com/caroldevinemolin/cdm_112601.shtml


Applaud Bush for Limiting The Media's Role in The War on Terrorism
By Rick Erickson

General Tecumseh Sherman executed one of the most triumphant campaigns
in military history by ruthlessly trampling his enemy's symbols and by
methodically devastating their will to fight. If not for Sherman's
relentless warfare and President Lincoln's trust in General Grant's
choice of tacticians, the Civil War's objective was not achievable
because, prior to Sherman's March to The Sea, anything less than
vindictive war failed to carry the day.

Generals fighting our War on Terrorism have Sherman's tactics in mind.
From day one, a relentless strategy proved effective as Al Qaeda symbols
de-materialized and as the formerly defiant Taliban demonstrated zero
will to fight for Usama bin Laden. Yet, the media is in a frenzy to be
skeptical of the war's vindication and success.

Read more at http://gopusa.com/opinion/re_112601.shtml


The Best Defense
By Kerri Houston

As the airport security bill heads up Pennsylvania Avenue for a
presidential signature, it appears Congress may have missed the flight.
The focus of the debate should have been solely about security. And not
just security at the airports - but security on the airliners.
Unfortunately, they strayed.

Airborne safety includes reinforced doors, cabin cameras, air marshals
and armed pilots. Although both the Senate and House had already voted
in favor of arming pilots, several conferees including Arizona Sen. John
McCain tried and failed to strip this already approved language out of
the final bill.

It is important that Congress affirmed the right of pilots to carry
firearms before the FAA could follow through with plans for new
regulations to strip pilots of their ability to defend themselves and
their passengers through the prudent use of firearms.

Read more at http://gopusa.com/kerrihouston/kh_112201.shtml


Dealing with Realities: Economy, War, and the Unknown
By Dorothy Anne Seese

The radio is still a great device even in this age of sci-fi. Tuning
the dial during the night, the wee hours of the morning, can give a
glimpse of the various levels of reality with which Americans are now
trying to cope. It isn't all that pretty, but it's better to be aware
than asleep at the switch. As a nation, we spent too long in our
Emerald Kingdom of dreams and fantasies, false assurances by a negligent
government that handed out money like cotton candy, and a stock
market that seemingly defied gravity.

Taken in relatively small doses, talk radio can be a cross-section of
American public thinking, the Jane and Joe Average concerns.

There is, of course, the reality of a Thanksgiving where not all the
family was home for dinner, because some are in unknown places in or
around Central Asia or the Indian Ocean. That was layered over the
usual Thanksgiving for the homeless where various religious and
charitable organizations fed those who otherwise might have had to
settle for a can of cold beans or at best a baloney sandwich. It's good
to give thanks for what we have by sharing our time and
substance with those who do not. It's also very biblical.

Read more at http://gopusa.com/dorothyanneseese/das_112601.shtml


Where are the Clerics?

For more than thirty years, a consistent slide in religious leadership
has taken over the institutional Churches in America. Once upon a time
their mission was preaching the gospel. Today the assignment is to get
and keep tax-exempt status. The holy grail is an IRS 501 &copy; (3)
non-profit tax exempt corporation. Incorporation, of any kind, accepts
the rule of the State, over an organization. Why in the world (certainly
not a requirement of heaven) would an assembly of believers consider
themselves a 'trust' of the government?

The unfortunate answer is an acceptance that avoiding paying taxes is
more important than exhortation of the message. Some will say this kind
of filing is but a minor matter and does not diminish from the tasks of
a ministry. They are just being realistic to the organizational methods
of a modern society. Well, all the rationalization that one can muster,
will not change the reality that a church is NOT a corporation.

In a day when many charities have a suspect record, why are so many
'houses of worship' so eager to join the accounting rush to seek
deductions, exemptions and those blessed privileges of a special status.

Read more at http://gopusa.com/sartre/sartre_112601.shtml


Expand RICO, Guilt By Association to Cover Terrorists
By Marc Levin

In Vietnam, most historians agree that America fought with one hand tied
behind its back. In the current war against terrorism, we may be doing
the same, but not because of our lack of political will. Instead, we
are constrained by our commitment to individual liberty and due process.

One illustration of this is our lax criminal law that prevents us from
convicting terrorists based on guilt by association. The U.S. declined
an offer by Sudan to extradite Osama bin Laden in 1996 because it lacked
sufficient evidence to convict him in a U.S. court. While bin Laden had
not committed most of his terrorist acts at that point, we knew that he
was in the process of organizing a vast terrorist network.

Read more at http://gopusa.com/opinion/ml_112601.shtml


By Kevin Tuma

The latest Kevin Tuma cartoon can be found on the GOPUSA web site by
clicking on the following link:

Archives of Kevin's cartoons can be found at http://gopusa.com/cartoons

We hope you enjoy the cartoon! Look for more in future issues of the



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