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[IMAGE] GOPUSA.com Eagle - June 4, 2001 Inside this issue... GOPUSA.com = Latest News A Look at the Headlines State News Briefs Bush Update Doug Patt= on... Is "The Contender" How Hollywood Really Sees Conservatives? Dorothy A= nne Seese... Counterfeit America, An Imitation of Freedom Bonnie Chernin Ro= goff... In Israel, Hawks and Doves Nest Together -- For conservative news,= information, and commentary... subscribe to The Eagle today! [IMAGE] = [IMAGE] When you're at your desk -- away from a TV or newspaper -- how c= an you instantly access the DAY'S TOP NEWS? Log on to www.CNSNews.com . B= ookmark the news wire and use it throughout the day. It's how many of the = nation's radio talk show hosts update their listeners, and it's how you can= get top news without the liberal spin. www.CNSNews.com -- The Right News= . Right Now. [IMAGE] [IMAGE]GOPUSA.com LATEST NEWS GOPUSA.com is proud = to welcome two new state editors to the team. First, Thomas Cox has come on= board to cover New Mexico. Thomas Cox was born a buckeye in Toledo, Ohio, = 1941. He was a Pearl Harbor year baby and was a product of the Toledo, Ohio= public school system, graduating from DeVilbiss High School with emphasis = on college prep foci of English, science, and math. At Bowling Green S.U., = Thomas originally was pre-med, but changed to education, focusing on health= and physical education with biological sciences as his minor. After gradua= ting with a B.S. Ed. in 1963, he began clergy studies at Grand Rapids Theol= ogical Seminary with an emphasis in the Biblical Languages of Greek and Heb= rew. You can read more about Thomas at http://gopusa.com/newmexico/nm_edi= tor.html In addition to Thomas, Sean Moronski will be covering the state= of New Jersey for GOPUSA.com. Sean graduated from Tulane University in 199= 1 with a Bachelor of Science in Management and New York University with a M= aster of Urban Planning Degree in 1995. He is a licensed professional plann= er in the State of New Jersey and a member of the American Institute of Cer= tified Planners. You can read more about Sean at http://gopusa.com/newjer= sey/nj_editor.html PS - For all those who say my head is in the clouds, = now it's official. On Saturday, I passed my flight test and received my ins= trument rating! Now, I'm looking forward to flying my head and all other im= portant body parts into the clouds. [IMAGE] [IMAGE]A LOOK AT THE HEADLIN= ES The front page of the GOPUSA.com web site is constantly being updated = to provide you with the latest news and information. Here are your Monda= y morning headlines: GOPUSA.com Top Story -- Will McCain be the Next to L= eave? The Washington Times GOP threatens filibuster to get votes on nom= inees Key Davis adviser opposed price caps Bush can push on with agenda CN= SNews.com No Hand-Wringing, House Leader Tells Fellow Republicans Uncerta= inty Clouds Senate in Wake of Power Shift Cuba Making Bid For 2012 Olympics= NewsMax.com Today Palestinians Vow More Bloodshed GOP Prepares to Cede = Control of Senate Pentagon Limiting Contact with China Fox News Rumsfeld= Opening European Tour Debate Rages Over Whether California Ban on Affirmat= ive Action Works Virginia Attorney General Nominated Republican Gubernatori= al Candidate USA Today Ex-Clinton staffers on vandalism: Got proof? Trea= sury secretary anticipates economic turnaround Senate shift will alter curr= ent of energy legislation These headlines and more can be found at http://= gopusa.com [IMAGE] [IMAGE]STATE NEWS BRIEFS In addition to national n= ews, GOPUSA.com also brings you the latest news from your state. Click on= one of the links below to read the latest state headlines. If your state i= s not listed, perhaps you'd like to help GOPUSA.com by being a state editor= . To find out more the role of a volunteer state editor, please go to http:= //gopusa.com/editors.html California - State bond plan for power may fal= l short Steve Miller, GOPUSA.com California Editor Florida - Bush plans= Glades park visit. President hoping to ease concerns over environment. B= ill Dillon, GOPUSA.com Florida Editor Georgia - Who is running for what? = Bill Garlen, GOPUSA.com Georgia Editor Illinois - GOP principles can be= popular, too Dave Diersen, GOPUSA.com Illinois Editor New Jersey - Leg= islators haggle over budget shortfall in N.J. Sean Moronski, GOPUSA.com N= ew Jersey Editor New Mexico - Baseball, Stadium Back Thomas Cox, GOPUSA= .com New Mexico Editor Texas - That empty feeling -- Residents enjoy some= extra space Christopher Telschow, GOPUSA.com Texas Editor [IMAGE] [IM= AGE]BUSH UPDATE Weekly Radio Address THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Over = the last few months I have often used this radio time to advocate major tax= relief. Today I'm pleased to report success. Soon Congress will send me a = bill reducing federal income taxes by $1.35 trillion over the next 11 years= , and I will proudly sign it. Under the new law, more than 98 million Am= ericans who pay income taxes will be owed a refund. This year, most single = taxpayers will receive checks for $300; single-parent taxpayers will receiv= e up to $500; and married couples will receive a check for up to $600. Over= the next 10 years, the per-child tax credit will double, from $500 to $1,0= 00; the marriage penalty will be reduced; and the death tax will be complet= ely abolished. Some other provisions of the tax bill haven't received qu= ite as much attention. But they will make a great difference in the lives o= f many Americans. For low-income families, the child tax credit will now by= partially refundable. Right now, many poor families don't qualify for the = credit because they don't pay income taxes at all. Soon, they will receive = a tax credit to help meet the cost of raising their children. Read and li= sten to the complete radio address at http://gopusa.com/bush/radio19.html = [IMAGE] [IMAGE]IS "THE CONTENDER" HOW HOLLYWOOD REALLY SEES CONSERVATIVE= S? By Doug Patton I always assume a liberal bias in movies; it's just a = given. However, political junkie that I am, I defied my better judgment rec= ently by renting a video entitled "The Contender" and settling in with my p= opcorn and a guardedly open mind for a Friday evening of Washington intrigu= e. What I saw can only be described as "The American President" meets "The = West Wing" on steroids. Virtually every silly clich? Hollywood could conj= ure about "The Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy" was thrown into this plot. Upo= n the untimely death of the vice president of the United States, the dashin= g, handsome, liberal Democrat president nominates an equally liberal female= U.S. Senator to fill out the term. This is considered a bold move, since t= he pundits believe that the president's choice will be the moderate governo= r of Virginia. But the moderate governor of Virginia has recently tried uns= uccessfully to rescue a drowning woman whose car just happened to crash off= a bridge right next to where he (the governor) was fishing. This is though= t to be too reminiscent of Chappaquidick, and the moderate governor of Virg= inia is passed over in favor of the liberal female senator. Read the comp= lete article at http://gopusa.com/dougpatton [IMAGE] [IMAGE]COUNTERFEIT= AMERICA, AN IMITATION OF FREEDOM By Dorothy Anne Seese The Democrats mu= st have been smoking parts from the new hemp car if they think America can = continue to grow without increasing energy resources. "Conservation" sounds= nice to the liberal Left, but conservation will only work with static grow= th. Otherwise, conservation merely goes to the point of deprivation for all= , and eventually ... at least theoretically ... to none for all. This is= not the America of growth and liberty, it is a liberal counterfeit, a $35 = bill being cashed by people who don't understand the truth. Perhaps the rea= son they don't understand it is that there hasn't been enough genuine freed= om in practice for so long that the true cannot be compared to the counterf= eit by younger Americans. Read the complete article at http://gopusa.com/= dorothyanneseese [IMAGE] IN ISRAEL, HAWKS AND DOVES NEST TOGETHER By B= onnie Chernin Rogoff Founder, Jews For Life When doves cry, war is immin= ent. Yasser Arafat probably committed his most egregious political error = in years. The latest suicide bombing, killing at least 18 Israeli citizen= s, most of them teens, was planned with calculated precision to force an ex= cessive Israeli defensive counterattack. The strategy of the Palestinian au= thority since the Holy War began has been die, and let die. They know that = after the bloodshed becomes a memory, any defensive maneuvers by Israelis w= ill be met with condemnation from the rest of the world. The terrorists h= ave accelerated their suicide bombing missions knowing full well that their= cowardly and despicable acts will be met with less hostility than will the= Israeli governments' retributions. While the Israelis are desperate and kn= ow they must protect their embattled tiny little country, the PLO knows we = are in the midst of an energy crisis. In this game of who's got the oil, th= e Arabs are holding the ball. Read the complete article at http://gopusa.= com/opinion/bcr_060201.html [IMAGE] [IMAGE] SUBSCRIBE TODAY! LET THE E= AGLE LAND ON YOUR DESKTOP Was this e-mail forwarded to you? Would you li= ke to subscribe to it yourself or subscribe a friend? If so, click on the = button to the right or fill out the form below. Name: E-mail: Note: = If you do not receive an e-mail confirmation of your subscription after you= fill out this form, please click on the "Subscribe Today!" icon or go to h= ttp://gopusa.com/eagle/subscribe.html and subscribe at the web site. If = you would no longer like to receive the GOPUSA.com Eagle, simply reply to t= his e-mail and write "unsubscribe" in the subject of the e-mail message. = [IMAGE] Copyright ? 2000-2001, GOPUSA.com, Inc. www.gopusa.com ea= gle@gopusa.com =09