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Subject:GOPUSA.com Eagle - June 7, 2001
Date:Thu, 7 Jun 2001 08:14:16 -0700 (PDT)

[IMAGE] GOPUSA.com Eagle - June 7, 2001 Inside this issue... GOPUSA.com =
Latest News David Horowitz... How To Beat The Democrats On Energy Linda Cha=
vez... Rest in Peace, Anthony Quinn Austin Bay... Superior Technology Does =
Not Always Win the War Inside the DOME Bonnie Chernin Rogoff... The Indivis=
ible Man Returns! Letters from the E-mail Bag -- Don't just sit there mull=
ing it over... subscribe to The Eagle today! [IMAGE] [IMAGE] When y=
ou're at your desk -- away from a TV or newspaper -- how can you instantly =
access the DAY'S TOP NEWS? Log on to www.CNSNews.com . Bookmark the news =
wire and use it throughout the day. It's how many of the nation's radio ta=
lk show hosts update their listeners, and it's how you can get top news wit=
hout the liberal spin. www.CNSNews.com -- The Right News. Right Now. [IM=
AGE] [IMAGE]GOPUSA.com LATEST NEWS GOPUSA.com is proud to introduce our =
newest columnist to the line-up. He is a person you are sure to recognize. =
Cutting-edge and sometimes controversial (just like we like it at GOPUSA.co=
m), he is a master of cutting through the layers of political correctness t=
o get to the heart of the matter. Please welcome... David Horowitz. David=
Horowitz is the President of the Center for the Study of Popular Culture. =
A best-selling author and editor, Horowitz may be best known for his lifelo=
ng intellectual and political journey from a radical activist in the '60s t=
o a crusader against the corrosive effects of '60s leftism on modern Americ=
an culture. To learn more about David Horowitz, please go to http://gopus=
a.com/davidhorowitz/bio.html [IMAGE] [IMAGE]HOW TO BEAT THE DEMOCRATS O=
N ENERGY By David Horowitz Sponsored by ARMPAC and GOPToday.com We are =
losing the war over energy and the environment. Every poll shows it. The Ca=
lifornia public -- where most of the political battle to date has been foug=
ht -- thinks energy companies are responsible for the crisis and favors pri=
ce controls -- the Democrats' socialist solution -- by a whopping 70%. We a=
re losing because the Democrats are attacking us with images ("price gougin=
g energy companies") but we are opposing them with arguments ("it's about s=
upply and demand") that are over many voters' heads. If you don't think so,=
consider that 57% of California Republicans also support price controls. W=
e are losing because we haven't told the public that the Democrats and envi=
ronmental extremists are waging a war against them -- against their prosper=
ity and freedom. In politics the weapons of battle are sound-bites and im=
ages. Images are created by a story. The Democrat story is this: Republican=
s are in the pockets of greedy oilmen who are gouging the public; Democrats=
are the friends of the people. Democrats will use government to save consu=
mers from the clutches of greedy oilmen and their politician cronies. Fear =
is a powerful emotion. If Democrats are allowed to plant these fears in the=
hearts of the voting public, we will lose the 2002 elections. Read the c=
omplete article at http://gopusa.com/davidhorowitz [IMAGE] [IMAGE]REST =
IN PEACE, ANTHONY QUINN By Linda Chavez Anthony Quinn is dead at 86, the=
evening news announced on Sunday, and I felt as if I had lost a family mem=
ber. Quinn was much more than an actor to me as I was growing up. The first=
film I ever remember seeing was Elia Kazan's "Viva Zapata," in which Quinn=
played the brother of Emiliano Zapata, the peasant leader of the Mexican R=
evolution. Five years old and sitting in the ornate Kimo Theater in Albuque=
rque, N.M., with my parents, I remember crying out loud in the auditorium Q=
uinn's line as he rode across the screen after Zapata was killed: "No, no, =
he's not dead. He's in the mountains with his people." The movie, whose scr=
eenplay was written by John Steinbeck, can be seen on classic movie station=
s on cable sometimes and still brings tears to my eyes. Mexican and other=
Latin actors were relatively common in the '40s and early '50s. Gilbert Ro=
land, Cesar Romero, Desi Arnaz, Ricardo Montalban, Carmen Miranda, Dolores =
Del Rio and Linda Darnell were romantic leads in many a Hollywood movie. Bu=
t Quinn stood apart from the others. As he once observed, he rarely got the=
girl in any of his movies because his looks weren't the classic, fine-feat=
ured variety favored for those parts. Read the complete article at http:/=
AYS WIN THE WAR By Austin Bay No observer describes Macedonia's current =
conflict as high-tech war. The combat pits motley Macedonian government for=
ces -- equipped with mid-20th century military hardware -- against National=
Liberation Army (NLA) ethnic Albanian guerrillas armed with assault rifles=
and mortars. If they're lucky, Macedonian troops and security police rid=
e to the battlefields in trucks. Men move on foot through forests and villa=
ges, trying to avoid ambush. In these circumstances, foot soldiers in the 2=
1st century don't move any faster than soldiers in the 17th century. At t=
imes, the weapons employed are genuinely 17th century. On June 4, NLA guerr=
illas attacked Macedonian positions with explosives loaded on a horse-drawn=
cart. Read the complete article at http://gopusa.com/austinbay [IMAGE=
] [IMAGE]INSIDE THE DOME By Pete Jeffries Communications Director, U.S. =
House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL) Tax Relief -- FINALLY While many in=
the national media elite are mesmerized by the unfolding events in the U.S=
. Senate and love to speculate about what's to come, we should never lose s=
ight of what's already been accomplished under a Republican Congress and Pr=
esident Bush. For instance, Thursday will be an historic and important day =
for American taxpayers from coast-to-coast. It's a day when the federal gov=
ernment finally will be required to give you some of your money back. -- on=
average $1,600 per year per family. Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL), other=
Congressional leaders, and hard-working taxpaying families will join Presi=
dent Bush at the White House for the official signing of the much-touted ta=
x relief package. Read the complete update at http://gopusa.com/dome [=
IMAGE] THE INDIVISBLE MAN RETURNS! By Bonnie Chernin Rogoff In the long=
-awaited sequel to the original horror classic "The Invisible Man," the mer=
curial Senator John McCain, promoter of the soft money ban with benefits no=
one could see or understand, returns to his Senate Body. He claims he is n=
o longer masquerading as a Democrat, but has changed back to his original f=
orm, as a Republican. Having recently returned from his weekend jaunt wit=
h Senator Tom Daschle (D-S Dak.) Senator McCain has assumed his former iden=
tity. As the Beatles once sang, John McCain is "Back In The USSR" (United S=
tates Senate Republicans). But not for long, dear friends, not for long?!=
Read the complete article at http://gopusa.com/opinion/bcr_060701.html =
inions and feedback. We have received numerous e-mails from folks who have=
commented on columns posted on the web site, news articles, and their gene=
ral perspectives. Please continue to share your thoughts and commentary =
by posting a message on the new GOPUSA.com Forum or by sending us an e-mai=
l at eagle@gopusa.com . Please include your name and town on all correspond=
ence. Re: Reparations Not the Answer Ms Chavez article re: reparations no=
t the answer. How true. By my calculations we have been paying reparations =
for years. Affirmative action. Welfare. Taxing many and giving to others. I=
f I took money from someone to give to another I would be in jail. Rewardin=
g failure and penalizing success. Blackmail, bribes, extortion etc. carried=
on by some to get something in return. And none has resolved problem discu=
ssed by Ms Chavez. -- Bob VeigelRe: Jeffords and Vermont I winced when I h=
eard about the extent to which the State of Vermont has become a haven for =
the counter-culture. The people there can no longer be laid back. You must =
move to take full control of your legislature as you've already begun to do=
. Or at least rid the chamber of those seeking to erode the basic principle=
s of God, family and love of country, irrespective of party affiliation. -=
- M. Gordon I think Jeffords was never a conservative much less a Republi=
can and he was just looking for an excuse to jump ship -- if it hadn't been=
that it would have been something else -- good riddance. But we need to ge=
t more Republicans elected in 2002. -- Frances Shannon, Spring Branch, TXR=
e: Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt's Comments on Education ABSOLUTELY CORRECT. Pr=
es. Bush is being led down the "Primrose path", that road paved with good i=
ntentions, on education (where he is expanding the role of the federal gove=
rnment). My guess is that he is inclined to agree with Charlotte Iserbyt, a=
nd if so, he should go with his inclinations, not the popular prevailing vi=
ews in Washington, DC. -- Brian Lynch, Austin, TXRe: Is "The Contender" Ho=
w Hollywood Really Sees Conservatives? The answer is "No. This is how they =
portray conservatives to the public, for the purpose of undermining belief =
in conservative principles. McCarthy was right, the public was naive, and w=
e are beginning to see more clearly that Hollywood is little more than a "v=
ast propaganda machine" for the political ideology of the left. This is a "=
causation, not a correlation", to borrow a term from the statisticians from=
the election mess. Contrary to their self-serving press, Hollywood no long=
er writes what the public wants to see. They write what they want the publi=
c to believe. Take your pick of platforms, comedy, satire, drama or action =
/ adventure, offerings over recent years have been little more than outrigh=
t advocacy for world government, leftist ideology, glamorization of the bad=
behavior of Democratic politicians, and attacks on the constitution and th=
e rights contained therein. If conservatives are going to put this to right=
s, we need to be less naive about the venom housed in the snakepit of Holly=
wood. We also need to fund some movies that portray things more accurately.=
-- Gregg Bish, Fremont, MichiganRe: Counterfeit America I loved it. Every=
freedom loving American should be shouting this from the roof tops. I have=
been telling young people for years that they have lost their freedoms. Mo=
st respond with blank stares, a few have told me "You're Nuts". -- Willar=
d F. Schmehl, Cool, CA Great column. I look forward to all Dorothy's colu=
mns. This one was especially good. -- Katherine Krehbiel Counterfeit Ame=
rica, An Imitation of Freedom is a very good article. Everything written in=
the article is true. What was omitted was the founders of such policies. T=
HE UNITED NATIONS! Of all the primary concerns we citizens each have, pleas=
e move "getting the US out of the UN", then "getting the UN out of the US" =
to the #1 position. This will do more for correcting our national concerns =
than any other single item. As long as the GOP continues to slowly allow ou=
r sovereignty to be given away I will not support the GOP. -- D. Burch W=
ay to go Dorothy! MAN it's great to see that there actually IS someone else=
alive on this planet who has their head screwed on straight! -- Earl Cart=
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