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[IMAGE] GOPUSA.com Eagle - May 24, 2001 Inside this issue... What Will J= effords Do? Republican Study Committee Update Austin Bay... Are Californian= s Stupid? Linda Chavez... Do You Speak Urdu? Doug Patton... The Emerging Bl= ack Conservative Letters from the E-Mail Bag -- For conservative news, inf= ormation, and commentary... subscribe to The Eagle today! [IMAGE] [IMAG= E]WHAT WILL JEFFORDS DO? As many of you know, Sen. James Jeffords (R-VT) = is scheduled to hold a press conference today to announce whether he will l= eave the Republican party. Current talk is that he will, indeed, leave the= Republican party and become an Independent, but for organizational purpose= s in the Senate, he will be a Democrat. Now, I, like many of you, cannot = stand RINOs (Republicans In Name Only). However, in this case, the name "R= epublican" carries much more significance. With a 50-50 Senate, the entire= leadership structure hangs in the balance. Imagine, for a moment... Major= ity Leader Tom Daschle... The thought is just plain scary. Please contact= Sen. Jeffords' office and let him know what you think. Perhaps a strong w= ave of feedback in the eleventh hour can make a difference. His contact in= formation is as follows: Sen. Jeffords' Washington, DC Office -- 202-224-= 5141 Sen. Jeffords' Vermont Office -- 803-223-5273 Sen. Jeffords' E-mail = Address -- vermont@jeffords.senate.gov For some of the latest news on the= possible Jeffords defection, please check out the GOPUSA.com web site at h= ttp://gopusa.com and also these stories: Washington Times -- Jeffords de= lays decision on party switch CNSNews.com -- Will Lott Hold On As Minorit= y Leader, and Other Questions Fox News -- Jeffords of Vermont Will Bolt G= OP, Dems to Control Senate NewsMax.com -- Jeffords Says He'll Leave GOP = [IMAGE] [IMAGE]REPUBLICAN STUDY COMMITTEE UPDATE Conservative Activity= in the House The following are just some of the legislative efforts that= RSC Members are making in the House: -- Rep. Peter Hoekstra (R-MI) will= be offering an amendment this week during the debate of H.R. 1, the educat= ion reauthorization bill, to strike the additional annual state assessment = mandated by H.R. 1 and retain current law regarding testing that was passed= in 1994. To read the amendment, click here: http://www.house.gov/burton/RS= C/word/Hoekstra2.PDF -- Rep. Jim DeMint (R-SC) will also be offering an = amendment to H.R. 1 this week to re-insert a "Straight A's" provision to al= low seven states some flexibility in how they use federal education dollars= . To read talking points on the amendment, click here: http://www.house.gov= /burton/RSC/word/DeMint2.doc -- Rep. Todd Akin (R-MO) will be offering a= n amendment to H.R. 1 to ensure that state assessments measure "objective" = knowledge and not subjective feelings and beliefs. To read the "Dear Collea= gue" letter promoting the amendment, click here: http://www.house.gov/burto= n/RSC/word/Akin.doc -- Rep. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Rep. Todd Tiahrt (= R-KS) will be offering a parental rights amendment to H.R. 1 that requires = parental consent prior to non-emergency, medical, mental health examination= , testing, or treatment on students and prior to any student being required= to take any survey, analysis, or evaluation that reveals personal informat= ion or seeks responses on material inappropriate for children (such as sex = behavior, political affiliation, and religious practices). The amendment al= so ensures that parents have the right to inspect and review instructional = materials and surveys. To read the text of the amendment, click here: http:= //www.house.gov/rules/tiahrt_003.pdf Read the complete RSC Update at htt= p://gopusa.com/rsc [IMAGE] [IMAGE]ARE CALIFORNIANS STUPID? By Austin B= ay Are Californian's Stupid? This Texan's reply is, "Nope, not at all." C= alifornia is home turf for a high-flying slice of America's most economical= ly and aesthetically creative people. I dig Hollywood, admire the Skunk Wor= ks and thoroughly respect Silicon Valley. But apparently California Gov. = Gray Davis has a low opinion of his constituents' mental acuity, or at leas= t their historical memory. He seems to think Golden State residents were ha= tched yesterday, producing a demographic ripe for a political con job reple= te with fear-inciting sound bites and calculated flim-flam. In ecology-co= nscious California, Davis has hired two acid-spewing generators of politica= l pollution and cultural degradation, Clinton hit men Chris Lehane and Mark= Fabiani. Expect scorched-earth press releases and sulfuric TV squawk show = performances reminiscent of the Clinton administration's smoggiest, most di= rt-bedeviled moments. Read the complete article at http://gopusa.com/aust= inbay [IMAGE] [IMAGE]DO YOU SPEAK URDU? By Linda Chavez How's your U= rdu? What about your Tagalog? No idea what I'm talking about? Well, if you = do business with the federal government, it's time you took a crash course = -- in languages, that is. If you don't, you may be in danger of violating f= ederal civil rights law. That's right. If you run a sandwich shop in a gove= rnment building, a newspaper stand in a hospital built, in part, with feder= al funds, or run a construction company that works on federal projects, you= 'd better employ a bevy of translators. Why? Because it's the law, thank= s to Bill Clinton. And if President Bush doesn't do something about it, we'= ll all be paying for it -- and not just in dollars. Read the complete art= icle at http://gopusa.com/lindachavez [IMAGE] [IMAGE]THE EMERGING BLACK= CONSERVATIVE By Doug Patton On Tuesday, May 15th, in Omaha, Nebraska, s= omething remarkable happened. A black man named Franklin Thompson was elect= ed to an open seat on the Omaha City Council. What makes this victory so si= gnificant is that an overwhelmingly white constituency chose him over an at= tractive, wealthy, white business owner who spent four times as much money,= only to receive two-thirds as many votes. How can this be? Those who hav= e made a career out of what is loosely called "civil rights" tell us consta= ntly that rampant racism in America would preclude such a thing from happen= ing. How can a black man be given such a mandate by an almost all-white con= stituency? Read the complete article at http://gopusa.com/dougpatton [= IMAGE] [IMAGE]LETTERS FROM THE E-MAIL BAG GOPUSA.com welcomes your opini= ons and feedback. We have received numerous e-mails from folks who have co= mmented on columns posted on the web site, news articles, and their general= perspectives. Please continue to share your thoughts and commentary by = posting a message on the new GOPUSA.com Forum or by sending us an e-mail a= t eagle@gopusa.com Re: Linda Chavez Column on John Ashcroft Regarding Ms= . Chavez article on John Ashcroft's faith: The article quoted one critic as= saying: "He would be charged with upholding and fully enforcing the consti= tutional rights and liberties of faith groups that he clearly judges to be = wrong and in need of correction." I suppose it would be alright for a heath= en to make those judgements? It is time conservatives (and Christians) tak= e the high ground in these debates. I am all for Mr. Ashcroft and only wis= h we could have had people of his caliber in office for the last twelve yea= rs. -- Martin Barker, Pensacola, FL It is about time that someone, like = Ashcroft, took this country back to the basics it was founded on... God. We= who still rely on God in our daily living have been forced to "accept" hom= osexuality and every other depraved activity while we are being denied the = right to pray in public. If we as a country would really "In God We Trust",= we would be invincible, indivisible, one country backed by God Himself. I = say hats off to someone who will FINALLY take a stand for good instead of e= vil... Ashcroft, keep your eyes on God and lead us back to where we belong.= -- Rebecca BarkerRe: Foot and Mouth Disease Regarding the column on "Foot= and Mouth" disease. People have "feet", cows, goats, pigs, and other rumin= ants have "hooves". So, the disease gripping England today is "Hoof and Mou= th" disease, even as British -- and American! -- politicians continually su= ffer the more dreaded, "Foot in Mouth" disease. Keep up the good work! Best= regards, -- Joe Ames Jr.Re: Bush Administration If W. doesn't go farther = to the right I will not vote for him again. His bipartisan, meet me in the= middle is not getting it done. Now with this turn coat from Vermont we wil= l lose the Senate. Way ta go... -- Ben Martin I am a registered Republic= an woman and have been very active in the party for 8 years. I am an ex-off= icer in our local Republican Women and a member of Tulare County Central Co= mmittee. I have e-mailed President Bush numerous times to let him know that= I and my family are not happy with some of the things he is doing. I know = now that the Republican party is so out of touch with the American citizen= s. Bush said he wanted to set a new tone in Washington and all I have seen = is more of Clinton's policies being put into place. Bush has done some good= on the abortion issues . I am ready to resign as he keeps putting homosexu= als in office and Clinton's environmental policies in place. Last year my h= usband lost his job due to the Sequoia National Monument. Enough is enough = and we need a man who will stand up for Common sense and not a Clinton Clon= e. I will no longer support a man who has no backbone. Thank you. -- Carol= KnoyRe: GOPUSA.com Thank you for sending me this newsletter. Of all the th= ings I get, this is one that I read. Thanks again. -- State Representative= Lynn Westmoreland, Georgia[IMAGE] [IMAGE]SUBSCRIBE TODAY! LET THE EAGLE = LAND ON YOUR DESKTOP Was this e-mail forwarded to you? Would you like to= subscribe to it yourself or subscribe a friend? If so, click on the butto= n to the right or fill out the form below. Name: E-mail: Note: If yo= u do not receive an e-mail confirmation of your subscription after you fill= out this form, please click on the "Subscribe Today!" icon and subscribe a= t the web site. If you would no longer like to receive the GOPUSA.com Eag= le, simply reply to this e-mail and write "unsubscribe" in the body of the = e-mail message. [IMAGE] Copyright ? 2000-2001, GOPUSA.com, Inc. w= ww.gopusa.com eagle@gopusa.com =09