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Subject:GOPUSA.com Eagle - May 28, 2001
Date:Mon, 28 May 2001 08:53:53 -0700 (PDT)

[IMAGE] GOPUSA.com Eagle - May 28, 2001 Inside this issue... A Look at t=
he Headlines State News Briefs Bush Update Star Parker... The Real Threat o=
f the Faith-Based Initiative Doug Patton... Jeffords Was Never a Republican=
Dorothy Anne Seese... Political Problem or Moral Problem? Rick Erickson...=
Bruckheimer's Pearl Harbor is an Example of Failed Readiness -- For conse=
rvative news, information, and commentary... subscribe to The Eagle today!=
om web site is constantly being updated to provide you with the latest news=
and information. Here are your Monday morning headlines: The Washing=
ton Times Hagel criticizes Republicans Virginia town comes to grips with =
devastating D-Day loss Reno candidacy has Florida abuzz CNSNews.com Coal=
ition Seeks Memorial Day Moment of Remembrance Bill Would Declare English O=
fficial Language Florida Republican to Resign House Seat NewsMax.com Today=
'A Sense of Awe for the Sacrifice He Made' Senate's New Democrat Leaders=
Have Sordid Pasts Feds Fuel Anti-Christian Bigotry in Schoolchildren Fox =
News Bush Administration Pressing Ahead With Agenda Despite Losing Senate=
Bush's First Return to California Involves Some Risk Treasury Department M=
akes Ready to Send Out Rebates USA Today Card: Staff should have served =
Bush better Former Cabinet members seek governorships Mo. governor says he =
overspent on inauguration These headlines and more can be found at http://=
gopusa.com [IMAGE] [IMAGE]STATE NEWS BRIEFS California - Memorial Day=
Clebration - or is it? Steve Miller, GOPUSA.com California Editor Flor=
ida - RENO-BUSH RACE WOULD BE TIGHT Bill Dillon, GOPUSA.com Florida Edito=
r Georgia - IN WASHINGTON: Extreme partisanship baffles Georgia's Miller =
Bill Garlen, GOPUSA.com Georgia Editor Illinois - State Senate approves=
new congressional districts Dave Diersen, GOPUSA.com Illinois Editor N=
ew York - Gov Urges Badillo to Quit Race Matt Sciarrino, GOPUSA.com New Y=
ork Editor Pennsylvania - Talk of reparations Tom Diffendal, GOPUSA.com=
Pennsylvania Editor Texas - Redistricting remains a draw Christopher T=
elschow, GOPUSA.com Texas Editor [IMAGE] [IMAGE]BUSH UPDATE Weekly Rad=
io Address THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Most Americans are enjoying a t=
hree day weekend this Saturday, and I hope you are enjoying yours. I also =
hope you'll find the time to share in our nation's observance of Memorial D=
ay, when we pause to reflect on the cost of the free lives we live today. =
I will be marking the day with military veterans gathering at the White Ho=
use, who knew and remember the people who never came back from our nation's=
wars. I will then go to Arlington National Cemetery, to lay a wreath at t=
he Tomb of the Unknowns. It will be a high honor and I will be there on be=
half of all the people of the United States. Later that day, I will join =
with veterans in Arizona for a commemoration and national moment of remembr=
ance. Most of us know war veterans; I had the privilege of being raised by=
one. Usually, they are reticent about their experiences. It is often dif=
ficult for them to think back on those names and faces, on the ones who nev=
er lived to be called veterans. Read and listen to the complete radio add=
ress at http://gopusa.com/bush/radio18.html [IMAGE] [IMAGE]THE REAL THR=
EAT OF THE FAITH-BASED INITIATIVE By Star Parker The faith-based initiat=
ive is our latest proof that politicians are great entrepreneurs in finding=
ways to expand the scope of government, their own power and control over o=
ur lives. This particular initiative should be of concern to all because, i=
n the best scenario, it will only waste money. In the worst case, however, =
it will be destructive to our nation. Although for President Bush this in=
itiative is a crusade to reach minorities, welfare programs have already do=
ne enough damage in black America. Government dependency has created an env=
ironment in which black illegitimacy rates have soared seventy percent. Thi=
s time the victim of government intervention will be the black church. Ho=
wever, there is an even deeper concern facing us than this. Read the comp=
lete article at http://gopusa.com/starparker [IMAGE] [IMAGE]JEFFORDS WA=
S NEVER A REPUBLICAN By Doug Patton U.S. Sen. James Jeffords of the Peop=
les' Republic of Vermont has officially changed his party label and gone ho=
me pouting, as the catchy question is thrown around Washington, "Who lost J=
effords?" Who cares? Good riddance. I know. Jeffords' announcement las=
t week that he would switch his party affiliation from Republican to Indepe=
ndent (read "Socialist"), has sent the Republican leadership into apoplecti=
c fits -- and rightfully so. After all, we're talking about a gigantic shif=
t in control of the United States Senate. The count will now be 50-49-1, th=
ereby putting the Democrats back in the driver's seat for the first time in=
six years. Control of the Foreign Relations Committee will go from Jesse H=
elms to Joe Biden. The Judiciary Committee chairmanship will pass from Orri=
n Hatch to Patrick Leahy (another Vermont lefty). And the thought of Ted Ke=
nnedy chairing anything makes my skin crawl as much as the next patriotic A=
merican. Read the complete article at http://gopusa.com/dougpatton [IM=
et me begin this with a quote that is attributed to John Adams, the second =
president of the United States: "Statesmen, my dear Sir, may plan and specu=
late for liberty, but it is Religion and Morality alone, which can establis=
h the Principles upon which Freedom can securely stand. The only foundation=
of a free Constitution is pure Virtue, and if this cannot be inspired into=
our People in a greater Measure, than they have it now, they may change th=
eir Rulers and the forms of Government, but they will not obtain a lasting =
liberty."Maybe that explains why this nation has more laws and less liberty=
, more crime than virtue, more government and less respect for the nation. =
We the American people are losing our liberties daily. Our constitution=
al guarantees are being judicially overruled and legislated out of existenc=
e, all for our own good (so they tell us) or in the alternative, it's "for =
the children." Read the complete article at http://gopusa.com/dorothyann=
D READINESS By Rick Erickson On Memorial Day, when Touchstone Pictures i=
ntroduces Jerry Bruckheimer's Pearl Harbor, viewers who remember the shock =
of Japan's raid on Hawaii will undoubtedly leave the theater unsatisfied wi=
th Hollywood's glamorization of an American catastrophe, and the members of=
Americans for Military Readiness want to set the record straight as to wha=
t was left out of the movie -- the glaring example of our unreadiness for w=
ar. As early as February 15, 1941, Admiral Husband Kimmel, Commander of t=
he Pacific Fleet, scoffed at suggestions that Japan would ever provoke a wa=
r with the U.S. by executing a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. Such a scen=
ario was to the U.S. Command what Gordon Grange described in his, At Dawn W=
e Slept, as "a mouse kicking a cat." According to Grange, U.S. Naval Comman=
d at Pearl Harbor focused less on prevention of such an attack and, instead=
, was blindly steadfast that, should Japan actually carry out such an unlik=
ely invasion, the cat that was the United States would pounce mercilessly u=
pon the mouse regarded as Imperial Japan. Read the complete article at ht=
tp://gopusa.com/opinion/re_052501.html [IMAGE] [IMAGE] SUBSCRIBE TODAY!=
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