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[IMAGE] GOPUSA.com Eagle - May 31, 2001 Inside this issue... Republican = Study Committee Update Linda Chavez... Reparations for Slavery are Not the = Answer Austin Bay... A New Hope for Sub-Saharan Africa Frank Williams... Le= adership Quotes Letters from the E-Mail Bag -- For conservative news, info= rmation, and commentary... subscribe to The Eagle today! [IMAGE] [IMAGE= ]REPUBLICAN STUDY COMMITTEE UPDATE Bush Tax Cut Details Want to know th= e details of the Bush Tax Cut as it came out of conference? The Republican= Study Committee has put together two documents which give you everything y= ou need to know. These reports can be found at the GOPUSA.com web site at t= he following links: Tax Relief Conference Report - Summary of Major Provi= sions --< http://gopusa.com/archives/taxbill_cr1.pdf Tax Relief Conferen= ce Report - Major Tax Code Changes --< http://gopusa.com/archives/taxbill_c= r2.pdf Conservative Activity in the House The following are just some = of the legislative efforts that RSC Members are making in the House: --R= ep. Patrick Toomey (R-PA), RSC Chairman John Shadegg (R-AZ), and Rep. Paul = Ryan (R-WI) sent a letter to President Bush outlining conservative prioriti= es for the tax-cut reconciliation conference report. To read the letter, cl= ick here: http://www.house.gov/burton/RSC/word/Toomey.doc --RSC Chairm= an John Shadegg gathered signatures for a joint letter to Chairman Ralph Re= gula of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, HHS, and Education, expre= ssing opposition to any increase in the appropriations for the Corporation = for Public Broadcasting (CPB). To read the letter, click here: http://www= .house.gov/burton/RSC/word/Shadegg.doc --Rep. Joseph Pitts (R-PA) introd= uced the "Dollars to the Classroom Act" to require that 95% of federal fund= s for 31 elementary and secondary education programs be used directly in cl= assrooms to improve learning. To read talking points about the legislation,= click here: http://www.house.gov/burton/RSC/word/Pitts.doc Read the c= omplete RSC Update at http://gopusa.com/rsc [IMAGE] [IMAGE]REPARATIONS = FOR SLAVERY ARE NOT THE ANSWER By Linda Chavez If it were possible to wi= pe out the legacy of slavery by writing a big, fat check, I'd be all for it= . Who wouldn't be in favor of a simple solution to the problems that plague= much of the African American community in America today -- especially sinc= e all of us are affected, not just blacks? Imagine, a one-time payment that= would solve family breakdown, poverty and homicide among young, black male= s. But there are no easy solutions, and the payment of reparations to the d= escendants of slaves certainly isn't the answer. It's just more of the same= liberal cure-all: Let government redistribute money from one group to try = to solve the problems of another. The reparations movement got a big boos= t this week when one of America's most distinguished newspapers, the Philad= elphia Inquirer, endorsed the concept in an editorial. But the real impetus= behind the reparations campaign is the grievance industry -- that group of= professional guilt-mongers who hope to enrich themselves by claiming to re= present the downtrodden. Read the complete article at http://gopusa.com/l= indachavez [IMAGE] [IMAGE]A NEW HOPE FOR SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA By Austin = Bay I plead guilty to harboring hope. I hope Secretary of State Colin P= owell's recent trip to sub-Saharan Africa marks the end of Washington's era= of "symbolic politics" in the troubled region. I hope for a new era of "= African realpolitik" that directs aid to developing the human resources, po= litical mechanisms and local infrastructure necessary to sustain long-term = economic growth and social stability. But awareness of sub-Saharan Africa= 's complex demography and extensive problems tempers hope with a strong dos= e of plain old doubt. Read the complete article at http://gopusa.com/aust= inbay [IMAGE] LEADERSHIP QUOTES By Frank Williams Editor-In-Chief, NC= Republicans.com Former Chairman, NC Young Republicans "Eternal vigilance= is the price of liberty." - Thomas Jefferson "Peace, above all things, = is to be desired, but blood must sometimes be spilled to obtain it on equab= le and lasting terms." - Andrew Jackson "I see that the old flagpole sti= ll stands. Have your troops hoist the colors to its peak, and let no enemy = every haul them down." - General Douglas MacArthur "Wars may be fought w= ith weapons, but they are won by men. It is the spirit of the men who follo= w and the man who leads that gains the victory." - General George Patton = "To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving p= eace." - George Washington ** If you would like to subscribe to the leade= rship quotes list, send an e-mail to: leadershipquotes-subscribe@yahoogroup= s.com [IMAGE] [IMAGE]LETTERS FROM THE E-MAIL BAG GOPUSA.com welcomes = your opinions and feedback. We have received numerous e-mails from folks w= ho have commented on columns posted on the web site, news articles, and the= ir general perspectives. Please continue to share your thoughts and comm= entary by posting a message on the new GOPUSA.com Forum or by sending us a= n e-mail at eagle@gopusa.com Re: Jim Jeffords There is no reason that Re= publicans in the Senate have to cede committee ratio to the Democrats -- th= ey do not have a "majority of the whole number of Senators." That accordin= g to Senate Resolution 8. Sen. Jeffords conversion to Independent does NOT = give a majority to the Democrats. -- Mike Laurance The departure of Jeff= ords is something we here in Vermont, that are in the Republican State Part= y (as I am) knew could happen. It is my personnel belief that Jeffords had = to jump ship because we revealed the true intent of the current administrat= ion to further the gay agenda here in Vermont. Mr. Jeffords had no other op= tion but to move to the side of the isle that has supported his office for = so long. I now know that here in Vermont we will be able to protect our chi= ldren from the perversion of the homosexual movement. We have started to pi= cket the presence of Out Right Vermont (which is a radical homosexual organ= ization) at youth rallies. We use their own documents to inform community m= embers (both parents and law enforcement) about their objectives and the re= sults have been glorious and to God Be The Glory. Thank you for all you do = in facilitating this occurrence. -- David Ayer When they write a book ab= out Republican statesmen, leave Jeffords out! That said, Pres. Bush and the= VP blew it by not inviting Jeffords to the Teacher of the Year ceremony. T= hey can say all they want to about how many members of congress they would = have had to invite, since all states had a teach, at the ceremony, but the= state congressional delegation from the state the Teach or the Year came f= rom should have been invited. -- Bob Gregory Fantastic: Jeffords Leaves= Republican Party -- Mike WagnerRe: Bush Administration I am very concerne= d over President Bush's education agenda and policy. Having served in the = U.S. Dept. of Education from 1981-1982 as a Sr. Policy Advisor in the Offic= e of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI) and as the author of a bes= t-selling book The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America... A Chronological Pa= per Trail, I would like to have input into your discussions on education. I= think it is important for Americans to support constitutional principles r= ather than particular persons, and for that reason I am very concerned abou= t President Bush's education agenda. The U.S. Department of Education is a= n unconstitutional entity, and if our nation is to retain its freedom (econ= omic and political) it must be abolished! Thank you for your time. -- Char= lotte Thomson Iserbyt[IMAGE] [IMAGE]SUBSCRIBE TODAY! LET THE EAGLE LAND O= N YOUR DESKTOP Was this e-mail forwarded to you? Would you like to subsc= ribe to it yourself or subscribe a friend? If so, click on the button to t= he right or fill out the form below. Name: E-mail: Note: If you do n= ot receive an e-mail confirmation of your subscription after you fill out t= his form, please click on the "Subscribe Today!" icon and subscribe at the = web site. If you would no longer like to receive the GOPUSA.com Eagle, si= mply reply to this e-mail and write "unsubscribe" in the body of the e-mail= message. [IMAGE] Copyright ? 2000-2001, GOPUSA.com, Inc. www.gop= usa.com eagle@gopusa.com =09