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=09 =09 Dear Charlie, It's official: Sen. Jim Jeffords is leaving the = Republican Party and declares himself an Independent. This move is going t= o have repercussions touching aspects in every area of legislation, and wil= l undoubtedly affect the national energy policy. We'll continue to update = you on this situation from our Washington bureau. Republicans and Democ= rats are nearing an agreement on the Electricity Emergency Relief Act. Com= promise language is being discussed behind closed doors, and members hope t= o resolve their differences when the markup continues Friday morning. In = a continuing effort to promote the Bush administration's energy plan, the D= epartment of Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham is scheduled to travel to a n= uclear power plant in Maryland on Friday. Correspondent Peter Cook is sche= duled to be along for the ride. Tuesday, Peter brings us details of his tr= ip to Maryland. Also on Friday, I'm scheduled to speak with U.S. Chamber= of Commerce Vice President of Energy Policy William Kovacs. He'll join us = from Washington, D.C. to preview an energy meeting at the U.S. Chamber of C= ommerce where Vice President Dick Cheney will talk about the White House en= ergy plan. Catch my interview with Kovacs in the 11:00 a.m. ET newscast. = ENL's Gale Smith reports the Houston bureau is scheduled to give us an u= pdate from the ongoing story of 70,000 royalty owners who are filing a clas= s action lawsuit against ExxonMobil. The royalty owners allege Exxon unfai= rly determined the royalties they should receive from natural gas and natur= al gas liquids sales. On Wednesday, a San Antonio U.S. District Judge cert= ified the lawsuit filed by a Houston law firm. Gale says the Houston burea= u will bring you reactions from Exxon officials on Friday. Dorothea El = Mallakh, the Executive Director of the International Research Center for En= ergy and Economic Development is also scheduled to join us from our Houston= bureau. She says conservation is not synonymous with deprivation, and the= current energy issue is not a problem with a quick solution. We'll bring = you more from Mallakh in the 10:00 a.m. ET newscast on Friday. Keep in mi= nd things are subject to change at a moment's notice. Occasionally guests = cancel or change time slots. We'll continue to do our best to keep you upd= ated on future interviews and events. Keep it on energynewslive.com fo= r all your energy news. =09 =09=09=09=09 =09=09=09[IMAGE]=09=09=09 =09 =09 =09Jay Rickerts, EnergyNewsLive.com Anchor View today's Energy Wrap v= ideo: (Windows Media Player required) Broadband (100k) | Dial-up (56k)= Get Windows Media Player Experience all that Williams Energy News Liv= e has to offer! If you are receiving this letter for the first time and w= ish to continue, subscribe now To stop receiving this letter, unsubsc= ribe now If you are having trouble receiving this e-mail, please let us= know or call (800) WILLIAMS (800-945-5426) weekdays, 7am-7pm CST. Com= ments? Suggestions? Let us know or call (800) WILLIAMS (800-945-5426) we= ekdays, 7am-7pm CST. Copyright 2001 Williams Energy News Live, LLC. All = Rights Reserved. =09=09=09=09=09