Enron Mail

Subject:GOPUSA Eagle - February 7, 2002
Date:Thu, 7 Feb 2002 03:17:06 -0800 (PST)

Bringing the conservative message to America

GOPUSA Eagle - February 7, 2002

Inside this issue...

* Anonymous... A Perspective on Enron from the Inside
* Thomas D. Segel... Disabled Military Retirees... The Forgotten
* Linda Chavez... Diagramming Sentences and Other Lost Arts
* Austin Bay... Terrorism Lists: A Through E
* Marc Levin... Winning Drug War Requires Tough Love
* Mike Bayham... The Gipper Makes History Again
* Douglas J. Brown... The Israeli Spy Flap Will Fade Away, But At What
* Jim Huber Cartoon... On Democrats Desperation for a Bush Scandal
* Letters from the E-mail Bag


A Perspective on Enron from the Inside
By Anonymous

The nightmare known as Enron is almost over for me. The escape hatch
will finally open when six hundred or so of us are transferred to UBS
Warburg within the next week. Without a doubt, we are among the most
fortunate souls in this debacle. After all, we not only kept our jobs
but we also will transition seamlessly to a new entity with no
interruption in pay or benefits. Even still, the conclusion of our
being collectively held hostage to a paycheck or employment contract
comes none too soon. While no one does, nor should they, feel sorry for
us; this effective escape from Enron marks the end of what will now be,
at best, a rather embarrassing entry on our resumes.

Read more at http://gopusa.com/opinion/an_0207.shtml

And now... a word from our sponsor...

Be Still, America... I am God

Be Still, America is a collection of poignant, soul-healing stories told
in the aftermath of the horrific events of 9/11/01. Author Amy Bartlett,
who lives and works in New York City, shows how God was present in the
disaster -- even amid the ruin and the rubble.

Click here to find our more --< http://gopusa.com/ads/bartlett.html


Disabled Military Retirees... The Forgotten Americans
By Thomas D. Segel

It is well known we have more lobbyists in Washington than we have
elected officials. One could almost charge that if the lobbyists
marching on Capital Hill came to a quick halt, there would be a chain
reaction collision all the way to the Potomac River. Lobbying abounds
for almost every issue in this country.....except the disabled military
retiree forced to pay his or her own disability payments. Sadly, these
men and women who gave so completely of themselves to defend every
American are without a voice to really be heard by Congress. This is
wrong. The disabled military retirees should have the most powerful
lobby of all....every citizen of the United States of America.

Read more at http://gopusa.com/opinion/ts_0207.shtml


Diagramming Sentences and Other Lost Arts
By Linda Chavez

Maybe I was just an odd kid, but one of my favorite childhood pastimes
was diagramming sentences. I hadn't thought about diagramming in years,
until I read recently about a teacher in Gaithersburg, Md., who has
re-introduced the lost art into her Advanced Placement English classes
in the high school where she teaches.

Read more at http://gopusa.com/lindachavez/lc_0205.shtml


Terrorism Lists: A Through E
By Austin Bay

Let's start with anthrax, nerve gas and black-market nuclear devices.

Put those horrors on "List A."

Now, move to ballistic missiles and suicide terrorist strikes. Jot those
down on List B.

Name List A: "Sample Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)."

Dub List B: "Sample means for delivering WMD in order to kill human
beings by the tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands and thousands of

Read more at http://gopusa.com/austinbay/ab_0206.shtml

And now... a word from our sponsor...


This ad was just seen by over 18,000 people across the country!

If you want to reach conservative grass-roots activists, candidates, and
elected officials, advertise in the GOPUSA Eagle today!

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Winning Drug War Requires Tough Love
By Marc Levin

A controversial Super Bowl ad linking drug abuse and terrorism has
served as a reminder that approximately seven times as many Americans
die each year from illegal drugs as were murdered on September 11.
However, from Ralph Nader to William F. Buckley, many critics advocate
drug legalization. Their argument is that people have the right to
consume any substance so long as others are not directly harmed. Of
course, there is no such right in the U.S. Constitution.

Read more at http://gopusa.com/opinion/ml_0207.shtml


The Gipper Makes History Again
By Mike Bayham

One of the nation's most obscure holidays has to be President's Day.
The holiday was created by Congress in 1968 to consolidate Washington
and Lincoln's birthdays into one holiday and while paying homage the
great and the not so great occupants of the oval office. Because of
this streamlining historical giants like the aforementioned are now
"honored" on the same day as Taylor, Tyler, Hayes and William Henry
Harrison who lasted thirty days.

Read more at http://gopusa.com/mikebayham/mb_0207.shtml


The Israeli Spy Flap Will Fade Away, But At What Cost?
By Douglas J. Brown

Just as the discovery of 27 listening devices in President Jiang Zemin's
new Boeing plane is not likely to outwardly damage US-China ties,
reports of Israeli spy rings in the US are not likely to have a
noticeable effect on US-Israeli relations. At least, not outwardly.

Read more at http://gopusa.com/opinion/db_0207.shtml

And now... a word from our sponsor...

"We're a great nation. We're a nation of resolve. We're a nation that
can't be cowed by evildoers. I've never had more faith in America than
I have right now."
-- George W. Bush September 16, 2001

Vist BushCountry.org today!


On Democrats Desperation for a Bush Scandal
By Jim Huber

The latest Jim Huber cartoon can be found on the GOPUSA web site by
clicking on the following link:

Archives of Jim's cartoons can be found at

We hope you enjoy the cartoon! Look for more in future issues of the


Letters from the E-mail Bag

GOPUSA welcomes your opinions and feedback. We have received numerous
e-mails from folks who have commented on columns posted on the web site,
news articles, and their general perspectives.

Please continue to share your thoughts and commentary by sending us an
e-mail at eagle@gopusa.com. Please include your name and town on all

*** Re: Hey Media, Leave The Kids Alone (Mike Bayham)

This article is what I have been thinking all along. It is really a
shame that we can't just let people have a personal life anymore no
matter who they are.
-- Melinda Moore, Springfield, Missouri

The media has hated Bush from day one and will use anyone or anything to
get at him. Please tell me one news channel on ABC, CBS, NBC or CNN or
even C-Span that don't lean the democratic way! Maybe the republican
party can boycott watching these news outlets for awhile and see how
their ratings go down! I'd for one be happy to!
-- Sandy Hensley, Indiana

*** Re: When A Promise Is Not A Promise (Thomas Segel)

Thanks a million for getting Tom's Op/Ed published where it will finally
be seen by many. This message has got to come to the attention of those
who can right this wrong of many years. Thanks again.
-- Stacy L. Roberts, CAPT, CHC, USN (Ret.)

This says it all. Good article. We need to get this to the President and
every member of congress.
-- Robert Hattendorf, USAF Retired



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