Enron Mail

To:eric.boyt@enron.com, tricia.spence@enron.com, mary.cook@enron.com
Subject:RE: Star to KStar Syndication effective Production Date
Cc:joan.quick@enron.com, g..bushman@enron.com, brian.otis@enron.com,l..kelly@enron.com, sherry.anastas@enron.com, scott.palmer@enron.com, angelic.davis@enron.com, pam.becton@enron.com, chris.herron@enron.com, charles.weldon@enron.com
Bcc:joan.quick@enron.com, g..bushman@enron.com, brian.otis@enron.com,l..kelly@enron.com, sherry.anastas@enron.com, scott.palmer@enron.com, angelic.davis@enron.com, pam.becton@enron.com, chris.herron@enron.com, charles.weldon@enron.com
Date:Tue, 26 Jun 2001 11:44:30 -0700 (PDT)

Only correction is that Barclays will only be buying their appropriate share of the fiancial swaps. All Physical goes to CIBC.

-----Original Message-----
From: Boyt, Eric
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 1:41 PM
To: Spence, Tricia; Proffitt, Tim; Cook, Mary
Cc: Quick, Joan; Bushman, Teresa G.; Otis, Brian; Kelly, Katherine L.; Anastas, Sherry; Palmer, B. Scott; Davis, Angelic; Becton, Pam; Herron, Chris; Weldon, V. Charles
Subject: RE: Star to KStar Syndication effective Production Date

Yet another confusion. I just now (1:30 pm) got off the Tim and he said the following....

May Physical Production - Will be sold to KSTARR and Barclay
May Financial Swaps - nothing is being transfered/assigned
Pam Becton will ensure that STARR settles with KSTARR on both the physical and the financial swaps

June Physical Production - Will be sold to KSTARR and Barclay
June Financial Swaps - Will be transferred/assigned to KSTARR and Barclay as appropriate
Pam Bection will ensure that STARR settles with KSTARR on the physical only

July Forward - Both Physical Production and the Financial Swaps will be transferred/assigned to KSTARR and Barclay as appropriate.

Tim - Please respond to everyone and verify that this is correct.



-----Original Message-----
From: Spence, Tricia
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 1:29 PM
To: Proffitt, Tim; Cook, Mary
Cc: Boyt, Eric; Quick, Joan; Bushman, Teresa G.; Otis, Brian; Kelly, Katherine L.; Anastas, Sherry; Palmer, B. Scott; Davis, Angelic; Becton, Pam; Herron, Chris
Subject: Star to KStar Syndication effective Production Date

Eric Boyt informed me there has been a change in the effective date on the syndication documents.
As I understand it, the effective production date has been changed from May 1st to June 1st.
Could someone please confirm this so that I can inform the VPP accountants how they need to handle May and June production months.
