Enron Mail

Subject:20th Annual CERAWeek - "Shooting the Rapids: Strategies and Risks
Date:Fri, 17 Nov 2000 00:47:00 -0800 (PST)

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X-From: Daniel Yergin <DanielYergin@CERA.com<
X-To: "'Greg.Whalley@Enron.com'" <Greg.Whalley@Enron.com<
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X-Origin: Whalley-L
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Mr. Greg Whalley
President Enron NetWorks
Enron Corporation

Dear Mr. Whalley:

I am pleased to invite you to join my CERA colleagues and me at our 20th
annual Executive Conference, "Shooting the Rapids: Strategies and Risks for
the Energy Future" to be held February 12-16, 2001 in Houston, Texas.? This
is the premier international gathering offering senior executives new ideas,
insights and strategic thinking on the issues facing the global energy

I believe you will find the conference and related social events timely and
of considerable value.? Our focus will be on the critical implications of the
current market turmoil for energy strategies, investment, regulatory
backlash, competitive dynamics, and industry structure.? Presentations cover
all key regions and energy sectors -- oil, natural gas and power -- and their
interconnections.? The conference is the centerpiece of CERAWeek, a full week
of senior level meetings designed to foster exchange and learning, as well as
informal interaction and networking.? Last year's participants included some
1600 executives from over 57 countries.

Complete details on CERAWeek 2001 can be found at?
http://www.cera.com/cfm/track/mc.cfm?p=670&;c=52302? . To register, please go
directly to http://www.cera.com/cfm/track/mc.cfm?p=781&;c=52302? ; email
register@cera.com; or call us at 1 (800) 879-2372 ext. 800 (outside the U.S.
(617) 497-6446 ext. 800).? I hope you will join us!


Daniel Yergin
Chairman, Cambridge Energy Research Associates

Should you experience problems reaching the web site using the links above,
please go to http://www.cera.com/ceraweek/
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