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The votes have been counted. We won. Thank you for your support. The 2000
election should be over. But because the Democrats are trying to rewrite the rules, the fight continues. Governor Bush and Secretary Cheney urgently need your help. To contribute immediately, see form below. The situation in Florida is unprecedented and the dispute may still spread to other closely contested states. We are confident of victory, but we need your help. George W. Bush and Dick Cheney clearly won the majority of legitimately cast ballots in Florida and, with Florida's 25 electors, a majority of the Electoral College. All the Democrat maneuvering -- in the courts, in the streets, on television -- is designed to confuse the public about that simple fact while throwing the election into a rigged process in which partisan Democrat officials can count thousands of improper ballots. We MUST NOT let the Democrats steal this election. The RNC has sent staff to Florida and other battleground states such as Iowa, New Mexico, Oregon and Wisconsin as well. We are fighting a multi-front war, and it is expensive. These costs are unexpected and unbudgeted -- and they come at a time when the RNC's resources have been depleted by the election. That's why I'm asking for your help again today. I've included two articles - Charles Krauthammer's November 17 column, and excerpts from a Los Angeles Times report -- that describe how the Democrats are waging this battle. I hope you'll take time to read them -- they are revealing, and they emphasize how high the stakes are in this contest. Again, I would ask you to read the articles below - and then do four important things for our country: 1) send this e-mail on to your own e-mail list - to all of your friends and neighbors who care about this country and want the truth to come out in Florida 2) Call, e-mail and write your local elected officials, Democrats and Republicans. You can get the addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses of your elected Congress people and Senators at http://www.visi.com/juan/congress/ 3) call your local talk radio show or TV news show and let them know your strong views on this issue 4) write a letter to the editor of your local, regional or national newspapers on this important subject Al Gore lost on November 7. He is now seeking to reverse the results of the election in court. This is an outrage -- and it is a sad day for our country. We will fight this battle with all the available means at our disposal. Please help as generously as you can. See below how to contribute online, or send your contribution to: Republican National Committee 310 First Street S.E. Washington, D.C. 20003 Thank you. Sincerely, Jim Nicholson Chairman Republican National Committee Washington Post Friday , November 17, 2000 ; Page A45 Not by Hand By Charles Krauthammer There is a reason that machines have been chosen by Florida and so many other states to count ballots. The reason is not only speed and efficiency but fairness. Of course machines make mistakes, but the mistakes are distributed randomly. There is no premeditation, no search for advantage. Undoubtedly there were many presidential ballots that were double-punched, under-punched or otherwise spoiled in Florida. But machines read such errors with scrupulous impartiality. The same cannot be said of hand counting. Hand counting is arbitrary, open to manipulation and abuse. Mechanical ballots are designed to be read by machines, not humans. When humans try, the results, as we have seen in Palm Beach, range from the arbitrary to the bizarre. Hence the comic contortions of the ballot examiners holding up cards to the light, trying to divine the intent of voters. Hence the spectacle of Gore supporters going to court to get a judge to declare that "dimpled chads"--a slight indentation in the piece of paper one is supposed to punch through, even slighter than the now legendary "pregnant chad"--must be counted as a vote. Second, a manual recount subjects computer cards, literally, to manipulation. Under this method, the presidency of the United States hangs by a thread, the thread holding the dangling chad. Any waving, shuffling, rubbing or other movement can easily cut the thread, dislodge the chad, and produce a "vote." This would be true even if those judging the ballots were perfectly neutral. They are not. The counting by hand is in fact counting by Democrats: The counties now seeking to conduct these recounts--Palm Beach and Broward--are controlled by Democrats. The decision regarding the legality of every newfound Gore vote is made by a committee that is either entirely or majority Democratic. These counties, moreover, are two of the most heavily Democratic in the state. They went for Gore with majorities larger than that by which Lyndon Johnson won over Barry Goldwater in 1964--and that was the biggest landslide of our time. Broward Democrats chose three sample precincts to decide whether to recount the entire county: Two of the test districts voted 20 to 1 for Gore, the third 50 to 1. Brezhnev never did that well. In such heavily Democratic districts, there is no way a recount will not produce more net votes for Gore. You simply expand or narrow your criteria for voter "intent"--and produce whatever number you need to win. What is the fairest way to determine the winner in a state such as Florida? The fairest is a statewide machine count--and recount. Why? Because the errors balance out. What about a statewide manual recount, an option offered by Gore in his televised Nov. 15 gambit? It has two disabling liabilities. First, it vastly multiplies the opportunity for fraud and bias. Thousands of people in thousands of precincts handling millions of cards--cards that can be manipulated and altered with ridiculous ease. There just aren't enough watchdogs to watch all the partisans. See the full article at http://www.washingtonpost.com/ SEASONED DEMOCRATIC ARMY HITS THE SHORES OF FLORIDA Excerpts from The Los Angeles Times: "To scrounge for every last vote, Gore has flooded Fort Lauderdale with tough, seasoned Democrats, the sort who are used to keeping wafflers in line and to count and recount votes until they know exactly what it will take to outdo their opponents. Many of the hired hands speak with a Boston brogue... "Not far away, in an abandoned Payless shoe store, vanloads of AFL-CIO staffers and Gore loyalists from New York, Chicago, Nashville, Philadelphia, San Francisco and elsewhere had disembarked to learn how to observe the ballot count. "'Our goal,' said one lawyer as he patiently lectured his new charges, 'is to preserve the Al Gore vote.' The volunteers nodded. 'It's very, very important that if you see any kind of mark--a scratch, a dent, a pinprick in Al Gore's column--that you challenge.' When someone then asked what they should do if they found a Bush ballot with an indent, the lawyer said: 'Keep your lips sealed.' It was hardball that the Bostonians and other importe! d pros understood well." Full Article: http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/decision2000/lat_dems001117.htm Dear Jim, Yes, I'll help! I know Governor Bush and Secretary Cheney won on Election Day. It's time for Al Gore to accept the results of the election and stop trying to reverse the outcome by rewriting the rules after the fact. To help the RNC fight and win this battle, I'm sending a contribution of: $25 $50 $100 $250 ____ Other Please make check payable to: RNC Contributions to the Republican National Committee are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Paid for by the Republican National Committee. Funds received in response to this solicitation will be deposited in the RNC's federal account unless otherwise prohibited. Federal election law requires us to report the following information*: Occupation*: ______________________________________________ Employer*: ________________________________________________ o Please check if self-employed*. Telephone number: (___)____________________________________ e-mail address: (H) ________________________________________ (W) ________________________________________ Contributions from foreign nationals are prohibited. You may make your presidential election year contribution to the RNC by credit card if you choose by completing the information below: Type of Credit Card: Personal Corporate Visa MasterCard American Express Discover Credit Card Number: _______________________________________ Expiration Date: __________________________________________ Name as it Appears on Card: _______________________________ Signature: ________________________________________________ Amount of Gift: $__________________________________________ To have an immediate impact you may contribute to the RNC online at www.rnc.org. 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