Enron Mail

To:greg.whalley@enron.com, gary.hickerson@enron.com
Subject:California Update p.3; 5/29/01
Cc:markus.fiala@enron.com, bryan.seyfried@enron.com, jeff.kinneman@enron.com,paul.pizzolato@enron.com, michael.bradley@enron.com, michelle.cisneros@enron.com, jaime.gualy@enron.com, danielle.romain@enron.com, scott.tholan@enron.com, robert.johnston@enr
Bcc:markus.fiala@enron.com, bryan.seyfried@enron.com, jeff.kinneman@enron.com,paul.pizzolato@enron.com, michael.bradley@enron.com, michelle.cisneros@enron.com, jaime.gualy@enron.com, danielle.romain@enron.com, scott.tholan@enron.com, robert.johnston@enr
Date:Tue, 29 May 2001 09:40:00 -0700 (PDT)

? Hertzberg and Keeley announced that they are filing a petition with FERC to
rehear the April 26th decision regarding price caps. After going to D.C. and
meeting with several FERC members, they decided to file for a rehearing.
Their filing asks that the order should be in affect around the clock instead
of just during Stage 1, that the actual costs be tied closer to the pricing
of the product, and anyone that exceeding the cost-based pricing system have
a 100% penalty.

? Hertzberg and Keeley had a press conference today at 1:30 PST. Questions
included the impact of today's ruling and how it would affect Plan B,
Hertzberg replied he was not sure. He also indicated that they support the
Feinstein bill and if the lawsuit or the rehearing efforts do not work,
legislation is the last chance for price caps. Hertzberg also indicated that
he was getting to the point where CA "may just say no to prices that are too
high" (via buyer cartel).