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Sponsored by IBM. http://www.ibm.com/websphere/businessweek2=20 =09 Search THE SITE BW Magazine Daily Briefing e.biz Small Business B-Schools=20 ---------------- Past Issues -< Advanced Search -<=20 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09[IMAGE]=09FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 2001 =09 CONTENTS Cover Stories Daily Briefing Investing Global Business Technology Small Biz B-Schools Careers =20 [IMAGE] =09[IMAGE]=09=09 =09=09=09 =09=09=09 =09=09=09 =09=09=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09 =09=09=09 =09=09=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09This Week =09=09=09 [IMAGE] =09=09=09June 11 Table of Contents=20 =09=09=09 =09=09=09 =09=09=09COVER STORY =09=09=09 Hot Growth Companies** =09=09=09Innovative small-cap companies are turning creativity into profits= and=20 beating the pants off Corporate America, says Darnell Little in=20 BusinessWeek's 100 Hot Growth Companies Special Report. Plus: Only Some of= =20 the Hot Stay Hot. Louis Lavelle revisits the 1999 companies to see how =20 they're doing. =09=09=09 =09=09=09From Thursday night until midday Monday, June 4, for subscribers o= nly** =09=09=09 =09=09=09After midday Monday, June 4, for all readers: =09=09=09 =09=09=09Click Here =09=09=09 =09=09=09 =09=09=09 ASIAN COVER STORY =09=09=09 Taiwan & China** =09=09=09How can Taipei control its destiny as the two economies integrate= ? =09=09=09 =09=09=09From Thursday night until midday Monday, June 4, for subscribers o= nly** =09=09=09 =09=09=09After midday Monday, June 4, for all readers: =09=09=09 =09=09=09Click Here =09=09=09 =09=09=09 =09=09=09 SPECIAL REPORT =09=09=09 The Stars of Europe** =09=09=09In finance, politics, technology, and marketing, BusinessWeek iden= tifies 50=20 key players in a defining moment for Europe. =09=09=09 =09=09=09The complete Table of Contents for this week's issue can be found = at =09=09=09 http://www.businessweek.com/contents.htm=20 =09=09=09 =09=09=09 =09=09=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09BONUS: THE BW 50 =09=09=09The 50 best companies in the S=02?500. Plus: In-depth info on all = 500, extra=20 stories, interactive scoreboards, videos, tools, and more -- =09=09=09 =09=09=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09**Remember, only subscribers can see the entire issue. Selected st= ories are=20 available to nonsubscribers on Monday. Want to become a subscriber? It's so= =20 easy, all you have to do to get started is go to=20 http://www.businessweek.com/register.htm=20 =09=09=09 =09=09=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09SEARCH PAST ISSUES OF BW =09=09=09Free for subscribers only -- FIVE YEARS of Business Week magazine. =09=09=09 =09=09=09SEARCH BUSINESSWEEK.COM =09=09=09Search our ENTIRE SITE for all free content, including Daily Brief= ing, BW=20 e.biz, Small Business, and the Best B-Schools. You'll find our search=20 function in the light-blue bar at the top of nearly every screen on the sit= e =09=09=09 =09=09=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09Here are BW Online highlights from this week: =09=09=09 =09=09=09DAILY BRIEFING=20 =09=09=09 =09=09=095/30 -- WASHINGTON WATCH =09=09=09 Reforming Social Security Just Got a Lot Harder=20 =09=09=09Now that President Bush has his $1.35 trillion tax cut, how does h= e fund the=20 switch to privatized retirement accounts?=20 =09=09=09 =09=09=095/30 -- STREET WISE =09=09=09 It's Too Early to Forget About Rambus=20 =09=09=09The innovative memory-chip maker just lost a key court battle. St= ill, its=20 potential for strong future growth remains intact=20 =09=09=09 =09=09=095/29 -- INSIDE WALL STREET ONLINE =09=09=09 An Early Bet on a Chipmaking Turnaround=20 =09=09=09Some pros see Taiwan Semiconductor's depressed shares as a good pl= ay now,=20 even though the sector still faces tough days ahead=20 =09=09=09 =09=09=095/29 -- NEWS ANALYSIS =09=09=09 Who'll Run America's Nuke Plants?=20 =09=09=09Just as President Bush is trying to boost this energy source, the= industry=20 faces a critical shortage of qualified personnel=20 =09=09=09 =09=09=095/25 -- POWER LUNCH =09=09=09 The Glittering Prizes on Disney's Shopping List=20 =09=09=09He may have a hard time deciding, but there are probably too many = tempting=20 targets for Michael Eisner to restrain his acquisitive instincts=20 =09=09=09 =09=09=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09INVESTING=20 =09=09=09 =09=09=095/29 -- ECONOMIC INSIGHT ? From S=02? =09=09=09 A Jolt from the Jobs Report?=20 =09=09=09It's a short -- but potentially explosive -- week ahead for U.S. m= arkets. =20 The capper: Friday's release of the May employment report=20 =09=09=09 =09=09=095/29 -- TECHNICAL MARKET INSIGHT ? From S=02? =09=09=09 A Crucial Test=20 =09=09=09The major averages pulled back to or near their respective breakou= t points --=20 and that's a bullish sign=20 =09=09=09 =09=09=095/29 -- INVESTING Q? =09=09=09 "Technology, Industry, Cyclicals..."=20 =09=09=09Those are the sectors that Robert Natale, Bear Stearns' S=02?STARS= Portfolio =20 Manager, is looking at these days=20 =09=09=09 =09=09=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09GLOBAL BUSINESS=20 =09=09=09 =09=09=095/30 -- NEWS ANALYSIS =09=09=09 A Slick Move in Russia's Oil Patch?=20 =09=09=09Giant TNK is out to grab a controlling stake in one of Siberia's b= iggest=20 producers. BP Amoco could get in the way, though=20 =09=09=09 =09=09=095/30 --EYE ON JAPAN=20 =09=09=09 A Bank That's Living Up to Its Name=20 =09=09=09Shinsei, Japanese for rebirth, may prove the test case as to wheth= er the=20 country's banks can come back to life=20 =09=09=09 =09=09=095/29 -- AFFAIRS OF STATE =09=09=09 No Foreign Policy Issue Is Too Small to Botch=20 =09=09=09Team Bush is showing an uncanny knack for angering U.S. allies, e= ven over a=20 fairly simple takeover of an American company=20 =09=09=09 =09=09=09 =09=09=09 =09=09=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09 =09=09=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09TECHNOLOGY=20 =09=09=09 =09=09=095/30 -- NEWS ANALYSIS =09=09=09 Computing's Next Wave: The Light Fantastic?=20 =09=09=09Researchers are experimenting with superfast data searches that re= ly on=20 refractions of colored light instead of digital code =20 =09=09=09 =09=09=095/30 -- COMPANY CLOSEUP =09=09=09 Star-Spotting Goes Wireless=20 =09=09=09Startup Upoc thinks it can turn cell-phone services like its New Y= ork=20 Celebrity Sightings into a real business=20 =09=09=09 =09=09=095/24 -- MOVERS & SHAKERS =09=09=09 Two Teen Tech Titans Make the Grade=20 =09=09=09Jud Bowman and Taylor Brockman developed their Pinpoint search eng= ine in high=20 school. Verizon and Terra Lycos rate it an A+ tool for the wireless Web=20 =09=09=09 =09=09=09Plus, you'll find daily coverage of the rapidly changing world of = e-business=20 at http://www.ebiz.businessweek.comBW e.biz offers exclusive analysis,=20 commentary, and Web-site reviews every day. Visit often! =09=09=09 =09=09=09 =09=09=09 =09=09=09 =09=09=09 =09=09=09Breakthrough: Corporate Leadership Summit =09=09=09Presented by BusinessWeek and Jim Taylor, Ph.D., in partnership wi= th IBM =20 Corporation =09=09=09Sponsored by Audi of America, Inc. =09=09=09June 27-29, 2001, San Diego, California=20 =09=09=09 =09=09=09 =09=09=09 =09=09=09 =09=09=09? =09=09=09Deepak Chopra, M.D., =09=09=09? =09=09=09CEO and Founder=20 =09=09=09? =09=09=09The Chopra Center for Well Being=20 =09=09=09Gretchen Hayes=20 =09=09=09? =09=09=09President, AIG Global eBusiness Risk Solutions =09=09=09? =09=09=09Acting CEO Avantrust =09=09=09Dr. Ronald A. Heifetz =09=09=09? =09=09=09Codirector, The Center for Public Leadership =09=09=09? =09=09=09John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University =09=09=09Jeffrey Katz =09=09=09? =09=09=09Chairman, President, and CEO =09=09=09? =09=09=09Orbitz=20 =09=09=09Sandy Kemper =09=09=09? =09=09=09Founder and CEO =09=09=09? =09=09=09eScout=20 =09=09=09Susanne D. Lyons =09=09=09? =09=09=09Chief Marketing Officer =09=09=09? =09=09=09Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. =09=09=09Michael Mandel =09=09=09? =09=09=09Economics Editor =09=09=09? =09=09=09BusinessWeek =09=09=09Michel Mayer =09=09=09? =09=09=09General Manager =09=09=09? =09=09=09IBM Pervasive Computing =09=09=09Jonathan Nelson =09=09=09? =09=09=09Founder and Chairman =09=09=09? =09=09=09Organic, Inc.=20 =09=09=09Christopher Palmeri =09=09=09? =09=09=09Senior Correspondent, Los Angeles =09=09=09? =09=09=09BusinessWeek =09=09=09Margaret Popper =09=09=09? =09=09=09"Street Wise" Columnist =09=09=09? =09=09=09BusinessWeek Online =09=09=09Will Rodgers =09=09=09? =09=09=09Principal =09=09=09? =09=09=09SHR Perceptual Management =09=09=09 =09=09=09Guy S. Tallent =09=09=09? =09=09=09President and CEO =09=09=09? =09=09=09Identrus =09=09=09Jim Taylor, Ph.D. =09=09=09? =09=09=09Coauthor =09=09=09? =09=09=09The 500-Year Delta and The Visionary's Handbook =09=09=09J. Craig Venter, Ph.D. =09=09=09? =09=09=09President and Chief Scientific Officer =09=09=09? =09=09=09Celera Genomics =09=09=09Stephen G. Vetter =09=09=09? =09=09=09President =09=09=09? =09=09=09Eureka Communities =09=09=09Lee Walczak =09=09=09? =09=09=09Senior Editor and Washington Bureau Manager =09=09=09? =09=09=09BusinessWeek =09=09=09? =09=09=09? =09=09=09? =09=09=09? =09=09=09? =09=09=09 =09=09=09 =09=09=09 =09=09=09 =09=09=09For program details or to register, visit our website at =09=09=09http://conferences.businessweek.com/2001/breakthrough =09=09=09or call (212) 512-3113.=20 =09=09=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09SMALL BUSINESS ONLINE=20 =09=09=09 =09=09=095/30 -- WORK & FAMILY =09=09=09 Take a Break -- Please!=20 =09=09=09Employees who forego vacation time are cheating themselves and the= ir families=20 -- and they're not doing the boss any favors, either=20 =09=09=09 =09=09=095/29 -- MARKETING =09=09=09 Are You Serving Spam?=20 =09=09=09Small-business owners, especially, need to make sure their e-mail = marketing=20 isn't leaving a bad taste=20 =09=09=09 =09=09=095/29 -- SMART ANSWERS =09=09=09 When Good Workers Go Bad=20 =09=09=09The smart entrepreneur guards against the scams that tempt unscrup= ulous=20 employees, from petty theft to soliciting off-the-books jobs=20 =09=09=09 =09=09=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09B-SCHOOLS=20 =09=09=09 =09=09=09MBA JOURNALS =09=09=09 Internship Recruiting=20 =09=09=09In this new series, first-year students discuss the ins and outs o= f=20 navigating the internship interviewing process=20 =09=09=09 =09=09=09ROI CALCULATOR =09=09=09 Return on Investment Calculator=20 =09=09=09No doubt, you could do lots of things with 100 grand and two years= of your=20 life besides investing it all in B-school -- and some of them might pay=20 better. Or they might not. How could you know? This tool lets you find out= =20 what an MBA is really worth compared with other investments=20 =09=09=09 =09=09=09PART-TIME MBA COMPARATOR =09=09=09 Dig Into the Data=20 =09=09=09This tool lets you create your own side-by-side comparisons from a= database=20 of more than 200 programs worldwide=20 =09=09=09 =09=09=09CAREER MOVES =09=09=09 Who's Hiring=20 =09=09=09An MBA is a healthy boost to any career, but if you have your hear= t set on=20 working at a particular company, you want to make sure that it'll be=20 recruiting on campus when you graduate. This tool lets you do just that by= =20 enabling you to pick a company and find out which schools it hires MBAs fr= om=20 =09=09=09 =09=09=09FACTS & FIGS =09=09=09Who's Hiring=20 =09=09=09Create your own comparison tables using our newly redesigned inte= ractive=20 database packed with statistics on MBA programs worldwide=20 =09=09=09 =09=09=09BusinessWeek Online is now selling excerpts from its Best Busines= s School's=20 Guide in eBook format! Offering a wealth of information and a candid pictu= re=20 of the Top 10 programs in the U.S., these reviews include extended profile= s,=20 and related links to BusinessWeek Online B-school coverage. The entire eBo= ok=20 edition of BusinessWeek?s ?Guide To The Best Business Schools? will be=20 available online soon, with the print version available in bookstores in= =20 August. =09=09=09 =09=09=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09CAREERS=20 =09=09=09 =09=09=095/30 -- DIVERSITY =09=09=09 "They Go With John Jones, Caucasian Male"=20 =09=09=09Harvard Business School Professor David Thomas talks about race, c= orporate=20 culture, and the obstacles minority managers still face=20 =09=09=09 =09=09=095/24 -- EMPLOYMENT TRENDS =09=09=09 Pink-Slip Phobia Hasn't Set in Yet=20 =09=09=09Despite mass layoffs, most employees aren't concerned about being = fired --=20 but neither are they enamored of their jobs=20 =09=09=09 =09=09=09ASK CAREERS =09=09=09Have a question about your career or workplace issues? E-mail us = at:=20 askcareers@businessweek.com =09=09=09Please include your real name and phone number in case we need mor= e=20 information. If we answer your question, only your initials and city will = be=20 printed. =09=09=09 =09=09=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09SPECIAL OFFER =09=09=09 =09=09=09Subscribe to BusinessWeek, the world's most widely read business p= ublication.=20 Register for a dual, one-year subscription to BusinessWeek magazine and=20 BusinessWeek Online for only $39.95 (in the U.S. or Canada) and receive=20 immediate access to the ENTIRE site! Sign up today! =09=09=09 =09=09=09See you online, =09=09=09Katherine P. Dwyer =09=09=09BW Online =09=09=09 =09=09=09 =09=09=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09 =09=09=09 =09=09=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09InvestingGlobal businessTechnologySmall businessCareers =09=09=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09 =09=09=09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE]Copyright 2001, by The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc. All rights reserve= d. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy Click here to change or remove your subscription.=20