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Your guide to what's going on at http://www.businessweek.com Nov. 17, 2000 ***************ADVERTISEMENT***************** ******************************************** The New President's Economy...Slave Labor...Nano, Nano...These are some of the ...HIGHLIGHTS FROM THE NOVEMBER 27, 2000, ISSUE OF BUSINESS WEEK* Cover Story: PASSING A DIMMER TORCH Slower growth ahead. Weaker profits. Possibility of recession. Welcome to the White House, Mr. President, whoever you are. From Thursday night until midday Monday, for subscribers only** http://www.businessweek.com/premium/00_48/b3709001.htm After midday Monday, for all readers: http://www.businessweek.com/2000/00_48/b3709001.htm European Cover Story: WORKERS IN BONDAGE Europeans are only now learning the horror of widespread sweatshops that use forced immigrant labor. From Thursday night until midday Monday, for subscribers only** http://www.businessweek.com/premium/00_48/b3709036.htm After midday Monday, for all readers: http://www.businessweek.com/2000/00_48/b3709036.htm Science & Technology: IT'S A NANO WORLD Manipulating molecules can create tomorrow's miracles materials. Imagine getting all the data from the Library of Congress on a postage stamp! That would lick the storage problem. From Thursday night until midday Monday, for subscribers only** http://www.businessweek.com/premium/00_48/b3709110.htm After midday Monday, for all readers: http://www.businessweek.com/2000/00_48/b3709110.htm *The complete Table of Contents for this week's issue can be found at... http://www.businessweek.com/contents.htm **Remember, only subscribers can see the entire issue. Selected stories are available to nonsubscribers on Monday. Isn't it time you became a subscriber? __________________________________________________________________ SEARCH PAST ISSUES OF BW. Free for subscribers only -- FIVE YEARS of Business Week magazine. For more information, go to http://www.businessweek.com/search.htm ______________________________________________________________________ SEARCH BUSINESSWEEK.COM -- Search our ENTIRE SITE for all free content, including Daily Briefing, BW e.biz, frontier, and Best B-Schools. You'll find our search function in the light-blue bar at the top of nearly every screen on the site ______________________________________________________________________ DAILY BRIEFING [http://www.businessweek.com/today.htm] For BW's Election 2000 coverage visit http://www.businessweek.com/election2000.htm 11/16 -- Coverage for Convalescing Many companies provide short-term disability benefits, but a long-term supplemental policy can be a necessity -- especially for single wage earners http://www.businessweek.com/bwdaily/dnflash/nov2000/nf20001116_794.htm 11/15 -- These Days, Bonds Don't Look So Stodgy Until recently, they were like driving a Yugo in the Indy 500. But they're outpacing stocks this year -- and investors are taking note http://www.businessweek.com/bwdaily/dnflash/nov2000/nf20001115_317.htm 11/14 -- Will Picasso Collectors Be Blue? Not yet. But the $55 million paid for one of his weakest works could come back to haunt the investor if taste-makers turn away from the artist http://www.businessweek.com/bwdaily/dnflash/nov2000/nf20001114_536.htm 11/13 -- AOL and Time Warner: A Long, Slow Trip to the Altar Despite the FTC's concerns, both companies swear they'll soon tie the knot. And that would be just the beginning of a new set of headaches http://www.businessweek.com/bwdaily/dnflash/nov2000/nf20001113_395.htm 11/10 -- Gridlock Is Good? Not for Tech Stocks Gridlock Is Good? Not for Tech Stocks http://www.businessweek.com/bwdaily/dnflash/nov2000/nf20001110_551.htm ______________________________________________________________________________ ____ e.biz [http://ebiz.businessweek.com] CHECK OUT STORIES FROM Le Monde Interactif 11/16 -- Too Soon for a Ringing Endorsement? So far Net2Phone's slew of big partnerships haven't quelled all the doubts about its losses and the Net telephony business potential http://www.businessweek.com/ebiz/0011/es1116.htm 11/15 -- Can Michael Rubin Take Global Sports across the Goal Line? As dot-coms get clobbered, the high-energy serial entrepreneur swears he has the formula for online profits with his cyber service for sporting-goods sellers http://www.businessweek.com/ebiz/0011/em1115.htm 11/14 -- Dr. Soros Gives Bluefly a Shot in the Arm Designer-duds e-tailer Bluefly was fading fast when hedge-fund king George Soros played Santa with a $5 million cash infusion. Now everything depends on Christmas http://www.businessweek.com/ebiz/0011/ec1114.htm 11/13 -- Replacing the Dot-Com Spin-Off Strategy Separate online units may no longer make sense for traditional retailers. Now the aim should be to make the whole company Web-smart http://www.businessweek.com/ebiz/0011/ep1113.htm 11/10 -- The Skinny on a Site for Women Who Live Large For plus-size shoppers in quest of an online boutique, Alight.com provides a clothes encounter that's hard to beat http://www.businessweek.com/ebiz/0011/el1110.htm Business Week presents: The Fifth Annual Digital Economy Conference, Getting Down to Business: The B2B Boom, December 5-6, 2000 at The Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco, California. For a complete listing of speakers, full program details or to register go to: http://www.conferences.businessweek.com/2000/digital or e-mail: digital_economy@businessweek.com Event topics include Exchanges: What do they mean for collaboration, prices and profitability; Mobile Net: How far, how fast?; Technology on Tap: How will it transform your business?; Supply Chain Management: How integrated must the digital corporation be?; Policy: Was the Microsoft case just the beginning? Special dinner entertainment by Jay Leno, Host of The Tonight Show ________________________________________________________________________ FRONTIER ONLINE [http://frontier.businessweek.com] 11/16 -- A Fruitful Relationship Tiny Plumbtree was tapped by giant P&G to supply software -- and both parties are benefiting http://www.businessweek.com/smallbiz/content/nov2000/sb20001116_743.htm 11/15 -- The Delicate Art of Price Hikes Entrepreneurs are finding they can charge more -- without driving away customers http://www.businessweek.com/smallbiz/content/nov2000/sb20001115_950.htm 11/10 -- A Half-Full Electoral Glass After pouring a record $8 million into 30 House and Senate races, the National Federation of Independent Business is batting .500 http://www.businessweek.com/smallbiz/content/nov2000/sb20001110_568.htm 11/10 -- Playing Through Pain What doesn't kill you makes you stronger -- and maybe gets you some press http://www.businessweek.com/smallbiz/content/nov2000/sb20001110_782.htm ALSO, SIGN UP today to receive frontier's new e-mail newsletter for entrepreneurs. It's free. We'll keep you posted on the latest news and information for managers of small companies, plus updates on new features at frontier online and added tips to help you build your company. http://www.businessweek.com/smallbiz/sbreg.htm _____________________________________________________________________ B-SCHOOLS [http://mba.businessweek.com] The World's Leading Resource for the MBA Community **NEW** 2000 PART-TIME MBA PROFILES Business Week Online has expanded its coverage by launching a new area focusing on part-time and distance-learning programs. You'll find profiles of 250 programs in the U.S. and around the world, filled with the information you need to make the smartest choice. DIG IN! http://www.businessweek.com/bschools/00pt/ NEWS FULL-TIME ATTENTION FOR PART-TIME STUDENTS Enrollment is at record highs. And since part-timers are so profitable, schools are going out of their way to attract and keep them http://www.businessweek.com/bschools/originals/bs01106.htm NO DIMINISHING OF THE DIVERSITY DEFICIT With flexible schedules and accent on innovation, part-time MBA courses should be a magnet for women and minorities. Not so http://www.businessweek.com/bschools/originals/bs01106b.htm **NEW** MBA JOURNALS -- PREPARING FOR B-SCHOOL In this latest series, 10 first-year writers report on preterm and orientation http://www.businessweek.com/bschools/mbajournal/ WHAT'S IT WORTH TO YOU? No doubt, you could do lots of things with $100,000 and two years of your life besides investing it all on business school - and some of them might pay better. Or they might not. How could you know? Our ROI CALCULATOR helps you figure out how wise an investment an MBA is for you GO TO: http://bwnt.businessweek.com/roi/enter.asp THINKING OF RELOCATING? Check out our Cost of Living Search powered by Virtual Relocation at: http://www.businessweek.com/common_frames/bs.htm?/bschools/virtrelo/index.htm _____________________________________________________________________ NOTE: BusinessWeek Online (http://www.businessweek.com) and LeadersOnline (http://www.leadersonline.com), the Web unit of executive recruiter Heidrick and Struggles, have published the premiere issue of LeadersOnline, the companion magazine to their joint Web site (www.businessweek.com/careers/). The October/November issue provides original career information and commentary, plus content from BusinessWeek Online. The joint BusinessWeek Online-LeadersOnline Web site provides a meeting place for middle and upper managers worldwide. The LeadersOnline cover story looks at how an executive recruiter might go about choosing the next President. Other features: Co-CEOs: Does it Work?; Ready to Switch Career Gears and Become a "Techie"?, and a retrospective from flex-time pioneers. For more information about the BusinessWeek Online/LeadersOnline magazine or Web site contact Andrew Palladino: 212 512-2680. CAREERS [http://www.businessweek.com/careers/index.html] 11/15 -- Super Bowl to Startups St. Louis Rams' Dick Vermeil talks about his new career as a VC coaching women and minority entrepreneurs http://www.businessweek.com/careers/content/nov2000/ca20001115_651.htm 11/10 -- Unseasonable Demand The rash of mergers is making Wall Street's high rollers jumpy, and companies offering to buy out their yearend bonuses make the leap easy http://www.businessweek.com/careers/content/nov2000/ca20001110_359.htm _____________________________________________________________________ See you online, Patricia O'Connell insider@businessweek.com BW Online The Business Week Online Insider Newsletter is a FREE service provided to Business Week Online readers. If you need to update your e-mail address -- or remove it from our mailing list -- please go to http://www.businessweek.com/listserve/newsletter/insider.htm and fill in the simple form. 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