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Home =09?=20 Search THE SITE BW Magazine Daily Briefing e.biz Small Business B-Schools=20 ---------------- Past Issues -< Advanced Search -<=20 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] ?=09?=09?=09?=09? =09[IMAGE]=09TUESDAY, NOV. 28, 2000=09=09?=20 CONTENTS Cover Stories Features Advice & Commentary Tools & Resources Recent Placements by LeadersOnline [IMAGE] [IMAGE] This mailing is best viewed through=20 Netscape Communicator =09[IMAGE]=09[IMAGE][IMAGE] =09=09 =09=09 Job Hunters' Mother Lode =09=09 =09=09Welcome to the inaugural issue of The Careers Insider, the bi-weekly= e-mail=20 newsletter of Business Week Online?s Careers Channel! =20 =09=09 =09=09If you?ve already signed up for this newsletter, this is what you?ve = been =20 waiting for.=20 =09=09 =09=09If you haven?t, here?s the explanation: Because you already subscribe= to one=20 or more free Business Week Online newsletters, we wanted to alert you to o= ur=20 newest one, which keeps you updated with our rapidly expanding Careers =20 channel. We thought it made sense to give you a sample of the newsletter = =20 itself, so that if you like what you see, you can register to keep receivi= ng=20 it. If you decide not to, don?t worry: We won?t bother you with this=20 suggestion again. Before you decide, however, you might want to read on.= =20 =09=09 =09=09Our Business Partner. The Careers channel is a collaboration of Busin= ess =20 Week Online, the Web site of the world's most widely-read business=20 publication, and LeadersOnline, the Web-based arm of top executive=20 recruiter Heidrick & Struggles. The site's filled with the information,=20 insights, resources, and advice you need to help plan your career. This=20 newsletter gives you a sampling of the channel's valuable offerings.=20 =09=09 =09=09Once you're armed with such insights, you can use LeadersOnline's=20 executive-search services by submitting your personal profile. A=20 LeadersOnline representative can even guide you through a resulting=20 interview process if that's appropriate. Perhaps at no other recruiting si= te=20 will you receive such individual attention.=20 =09=09 =09=09Thanks for visiting Business Week Online Careers. And please drop us = a line =20 anytime at careers@businessweek.com to let us how we?re doing!=20 =09=09 =09=09Bob Arnold, Editor =09=09Business Week Online=20 =09=09 =09=09 [IMAGE]FEATURES =09=09 =09=09 HIRING LINE =09=09 Recruiting Q?with Corning's Rich Kisiel=20 =09=09The staffing chief discusses how the optical-products giant ensures t= hat its=20 engineer-managers relate with people as well as with machines. Here's an=20 excerpt: =20 =09=09 =09=09Q: What will make a manager succeed at Corning? =09=09A: Let's say you know how to manage a [research and development] envi= ronment.=20 The first thing that always comes to mind is your ability to work with=20 people. Again, that goes back to the culture. We want people who are invest= ed=20 in people, who are sincere about diversity and developing their staffs. =20 =09=09 =09=09Q: How do you get at those skills when interviewing applicants? =09=09A: If I get a manager from another company, I might ask what their=20 involvement has been in diversity initiatives. I would ask them to outline= =20 their efforts around performance management. Time and again, you'll get=20 someone who has been extremely successful in managing a technical group, bu= t=20 you get the sense that they're going to do that at the cost of some=20 employees. That's not something Corning is supportive of....=20 =09=09 =09=09 FULL VERSION =20 =09=09 =09=09Other Recruiting Q&As: =20 =09=09=0F=07 American Express=20 =09=09=0F=07 Marriott=20 =09=09=0F=07 Nokia =09=09=0F=07 WellPoint Health Networks =09=09 =09=09 =09=09CAREER SWITCHES =09=09 From Super Bowl to Startups=20 =09=09St. Louis Rams' Dick Vermeil talks about his new career as a VC coach= ing=20 women and minority entrepreneurs. He discusses what he brings to his new=20 role: "My greatest strength has always been in the leadership role --=20 bringing people together, collecting their energy, stimulating that energy,= =20 and then focusing it in the direction that can best help us win." =09=09 =09=09 FULL VERSION =20 =09=09 =09=09Top =09=09 =09=09 [IMAGE]ADVICE & COMMENTARY =09=09 =09=09RECRUITING STRATEGIES =09=09 Unseasonable Demand for Wall Street's High Rollers =09=09 The rash of mergers is making bankers jumpy, and companies offering = to buy=20 out their yearend bonuses make the leap easy=20 =09=09 =09=09SPECIAL REPORT =09=09 As Leaders, Women Rule =09=09 New studies find that female managers outshine their male counterpar= ts in=20 almost every measure=20 =09=09 =09=09 LAW & THE WORKPLACE =09=09 A Landmark Case for Mandatory Arbitration =09=09 The Supreme Court will determine if employers can force workers to = sign=20 away their right to litigation =20 =09=09 =09=09Top =09=09 =09=09 [IMAGE]TOOLS & RESOURCES =09=09 =09=09 Company Research =09=09 Before you take that job at Big Happy Family Corp. or NoPayJustOpti= ons.com,=20 get a little more information. What do the employees really think of the= =20 place? Does it keep its promises? Get the story on more than 4,000 compani= es=20 here =20 =09=09 =09=09 Exec MBA Search =09=09 Not sure which school is right for you? Business Week Online provid= es the=20 answers with 100 profiles of top EMBA programs from around the world =20 =09=09 =09=09Compare Living Costs =09=09 Relocating? See what your salary is equivalent to in another U.S. l= ocation=20 =09=09 =09=09Ask Careers =09=09 Have a question about your career? E-mail us at askcareers@businessw= eek.com,=20 or write to Careers, BW Online, 6th Floor, 2 Penn Plaza, New York, NY=20 10121. Please include your real name and phone number in case we need more= =20 information (only your initials and city will be printed). Note: We won't = be=20 able to respond to all questions, and they may edited for length and=20 clarity. =20 =09=09 =09=09Compare Salaries =09=09 Does your pay match the market rate? How much should you ask your n= ew=20 employer for? Find out with this tool=20 =09=09 =09=09Careers Forums =09=09 Underpaid and overworked? Welcome to the club. Share your thoughts = on=20 landing the perfect job, negotiating raises, and other workplace-related= =20 topics Here are some samples of recent messages: =09=09 =09=09Stung by a Queen Bee? =09=09From: JENGILL =09=09To: ALL =09=09 =09=09Have you ever been stung by a Queen Bee -- a woman who has reached th= e=20 executive level in her company and then tries to thwart other women from= =20 invading her turf? How did you handle the situation? =09=09 =09=09[IMAGE] =09=09 =09=09From: SHIZ101 =09=09To: ALL =09=09 =09=09I was stung by the Queen Bee early in my career. I started with a For= tune =20 100 company in the HR department to get my foot in the door, but knew right= =20 away that I didn't like my position. A few of the alliances I built in the = =20 company said they would request a tranfer to their department on my behalf,= =20 but it had to be cleared with my supervisor first. =20 =09=09 =09=09Well, she told me that for the position I wanted I would have to go = through=20 move than five salary ranges (even though it would have been a lateral=20 transfer,) and she asked me "what rush was I in?" since it took her over 1= 2=20 years to move through the ranks. When I told her I was on a five-year plan= =20 and not a 12-year plan, she told me she simply would not approve my=20 transfer. =20 =09=09 =09=09Well, I was released from that company and it was the best thing that= ever=20 happened to me. That experience taught me ultimately I didn't want to be= =20 with a company where I would professionally stifled and personally =20 challenged for trying to better myself.=20 =09=09 =09=09*************************************** =09=09 =09=09MBAs and an International Career =09=09From: TINA1110 =09=09To: ALL =09=09 =09=09I am currently applying for enrollment in MBA programs for the fall o= f 2001.=20 I am trying to define my career goals: I'm interested in Finance and its= =20 role in investing in emerging markets, etc. Many graduate programs offer= =20 joint programs (MBA with Master in International Affairs, or with Masters = in=20 Foreign Service). I have read in some resources that the second degree isn= 't=20 always very beneficial. Any opinions on whether the second degree is=20 worthwhile in this situation? Thanks!=20 =09=09 =09=09[IMAGE] =09=09 =09=09From: IKABOGA =09=09To: TINA1110 =09=09 =09=09I think you are heading in a right direction.... For career advanceme= nt they=20 always look at your education. I have just graduated this past summer with= =20 MBA in Finance and MIS (E-commerce), but the jobs I have been interviewing = =20 are way beyond my expectation, i.e this past week, I interviewed with a=20 company in the Southwest for Chief Technology Officer/VP. I strongly =20 believe, because I had an MBA. =20 =09=09 =09=09The direction you are going you definitely need a postgraduate degree= . I=20 know foreign services and international agencies very well -- those are th= e=20 circles I grew in.... They normally pay you more for graduate degree in UN= =20 agencies, in the World Bank/IMF where I know many people.... They do not= =20 even look at your resume without a second degree or PHD. So I wonder why= =20 would someone tell you that it does not always help. Stick to your instinc= t,=20 you will do well. And good luck with your plans. Two years will just fly. =09=09 =09=09 =20 =09=09 =09=09Top =09=09 [IMAGE]RECENT PLACEMENTS BY LEADERSONLINE =09=09 =09=09 =0F=07 A director of customer service for a network-technology compa= ny in the=20 Silicon Valley area. Salary: $150K =09=09 =09=09=0F=07 A vice-president for sales for an entertainment corporation in= Stamford,=20 CT. Salary: $175K =09=09 =09=09=0F=07 A human resources manager for a integrated-banking-systems dev= eloper in the=20 Boston area. Salary: $115K =09=09 =09=09=0F=07 A vice-president for sales for an online-communications provid= er in the=20 Silicon Valley area. Salary: $175K=20 =09=09 =09=09LeadersOnline continues to place the next generation of premier execu= tives in=20 exclusive opportunities with exceptional companies. If you're looking to ta= ke=20 your career to the next level, or would like LeadersOnline to find the righ= t=20 candidate for your mission-critical positions, contact us today at=20 www.leadersonline.com.=20 =09=09 =09=09Top =09=09 =09=09[IMAGE] Remember, Business Week Online's Careers site is updated dai= ly, so=20 come by whenever you can. Meantime, look for the next issue of the Careers= =20 Insider in two weeks. =20 =09=09 =09=09=09[IMAGE]=09[IMAGE] =09=09=09=09 =09=09=09=09LeadersOnline's free and confidential web-based search matches= top=20 professionals with clients seeking premier executives =09=09=09=09 =09=09=09=09This Week =09=09=09=09 =09=09=09=09WELCOME TO CAREERS =20 =09=09=09=09 =09=09=09=09 Features=20 =09=09=09=09 =0F=07 Recruiting Q&A: Corning =09=09=09=09 =0F=07 From Super Bowl to Startups: St. Louis Rams' Dick Verme= il =09=09=09=09 =09=09=09=09 Advice ?& Commentary =20 =09=09=09=09 =0F=07 Unseasonable Demand for Wall Street's High Rollers =09=09=09=09 =0F=07 As Leaders, Women Rule =09=09=09=09 =0F=07 A Landmark Case for Mandatory Arbitration =09=09=09=09 =09=09=09=09 Tools ?&? Resources =20 =09=09=09=09 =0F=07 Company Research Tool =09=09=09=09 =0F=07 Exec MBA Search =09=09=09=09 =0F=07 Compare Living Costs =09=09=09=09 =0F=07 Ask Careers =09=09=09=09 =0F=07 Compare Salaries =09=09=09=09 =0F=07 Careers Forums =09=09=09=09 =09=09=09=09 Recent Placements by =09=09=09=09LeadersOnline=20 =09=09=09=09 =09=09=09=09This Week =09=09=09=09[IMAGE] =20 =09=09=09=09[IMAGE]Copyright 2000, by The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc. All ri= ghts reserved. =09=09=09=09Terms of Use | Privacy Policy Click here to change or remove your subscription.=20