Enron Mail

To:mark.frevert@enron.com, greg.whalley@enron.com
Subject:FW: PTN Statement
Date:Fri, 18 May 2001 06:43:00 -0700 (PDT)

-----Original Message-----
From: Rogers, Rex
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2001 12:48 PM
To: Walls Jr., Rob
Subject: FW: PTN Statement

Rob: Nothing new here, but I am passing this along to you in case you did
not see it (this is the draft IR and PR piece). Rusty

-----Original Message-----
From: Galvan, Carla On Behalf Of Ambler, John
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2001 8:54 AM
To: Kean, Steven; Koenig, Mark; Rieker, Paula; Rogers, Rex; Palmer, Mark;
Denne, Karen; Vonderheide, Scott; Gentle, Jackie
Cc: Zaayman, Johan; Derecskey, Cindy; Ralston, Tracy
Subject: PTN Statement

As previously indicated, we expect to secure permission from the lenders to
submit our preliminary termination notice PTN to MSEB. It appears that this
may occur today, but that the strongest likelihood is that we would have the
submission going out on either Saturday morning or even stretching into
Monday or Tuesday of next week.

Attached is the statement we planned to use with the media. We will keep you
apprised of further developments.

Please let me know if you require additional information.
