Enron Mail

Subject:FairAir in the News
Date:Thu, 24 May 2001 10:20:00 -0700 (PDT)

< Dear investor, partner, or friend of FairAir,
< As many of you know, we officially launched our service on May 22 and are
< excited to report that the press coverage has been comprehensive,
< including print, TV, and radio.
< The following media organizations have covered us (attached is a sampling
< in Adobe Acrobat format):
< Newsweek
< US News and World Report
< Newsday
< Fortune Small Business
< Boston Globe
< Industry Standard
< Travel Weekly
< CBS MarketWatch
< Atlanta Journal and Constitution
< Eye for Travel
< DestinationCRM.com
< USA Today
< San Jose Mercury News
< Bloomberg
< Dallas Morning News
< Cleveland Plain Dealer
< National Public Radio
Local news in key markets (including New York and Seattle).

All this press is helping our business development momentum tremendously --
hopefully we'll have more great news to report soon.

In the mean time... B U Y T I C K E T S !!!

If you've got any thought of flying anywhere on our network anytime this
year, now would be the time to buy. The more traffic the better as we try
to expand our airline and web-portal relationships.

< You can visit http://www.fairair.com/about/press.jsp for a continually
< updated list of coverage.
< Sincerely,

<<pressclippings 5-24-01.pdf<<

Frank Levy
CEO, FairAir
415-378-4942 cell
FairAir is the world's only airline ticket exchange - buy a
ticket at FairAir and sell it or change the passenger name
if your plans change.
Visit us today at <http://www.fairair.com/<;

- pressclippings 5-24-01.pdf