Enron Mail |
Attached is the October 16th South American DPR.
Attached is theDaily P/L Summary of $ 39,000 South America Trading $ 39,000 Argentina Power Total: $ 29,000 Power Trading Rho & Drift $ 0 Price Actuals $ 12,000 ------------------ $ 12,000 Modesto Maranzana Plant Rho & Drift ($ 2,000) Price Actuals ($ 22,000) Forced Generation $ 32,000 Spot Generation $ 9,000 ------------------- $ 17,000 Brazil Power Total: $ 7,000 Rho & Drift $ 7,000 ------------------- Total $ 7,000 Argentina Gas Total: $ 2,000 Intramonth Book: Vol Updates $ 2,000 ------------------- Total $ 2,000 Modesto Maranzana Plant: $ 0 Regards, Patricia Rivera