Enron Mail

To:todd.hall@enron.com, kevin.sweeney@enron.com, diane.anderson@enron.com,c..gossett@enron.com, w..white@enron.com, melissa.murphy@enron.com
Subject:FW: Master Termination Log
Cc:evelyn.aucoin@enron.com, bryce.baxter@enron.com, rita.wynne@enron.com
Bcc:evelyn.aucoin@enron.com, bryce.baxter@enron.com, rita.wynne@enron.com
Date:Tue, 5 Feb 2002 15:06:25 -0800 (PST)

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Panus, Stephanie =20
Sent:=09Tuesday, February 05, 2002 4:59 PM
To:=09Adams, Laurel; Albrecht, Kristin; Alonso, Tom; Aronowitz, Alan; Baile=
y, Susan; Balfour-Flanagan, Cyndie; Baughman, Edward; Belden, Tim; Bishop, =
Serena; Boyd, Samantha; Brackett, Debbie R.; Bradford, William S.; Browning=
, Mary Nell; Bruce, James; Bruce, Michelle; Bruce, Robert; Buerkle, Jim; Ca=
lger, Christopher F.; Carrington, Clara; Chilkina, Elena; Considine, Keith;=
Cordova, Karen A.; Crandall, Sean; Cutsforth, Diane; Diamond, Russell; Dun=
ton, Heather; Edison, Susan; Elafandi, Mo; Fischer, Mark; Flores, Nony; Fon=
dren, Mark; Glover, Sheila; Gorny, Vladimir; Gorte, David; Gresham, Wayne; =
Hagelmann, Bjorn; Hall, Steve C. (Legal); Harkness, Cynthia; Hendry, Brent;=
Johnston, Greg; Keohane, Peter; Lindeman, Cheryl; Mallory, Chris; Mann, Ka=
y; Mcginnis, Stephanie; McGrory, Robert; McMichael Jr., Ed; Miller, Don (As=
set Mktg); Moore, Janet H.; Moran, Tom; Murphy, Harlan; Murray, Julia; Neme=
c, Gerald; Ogden, Mary; Page, Jonalan; Postlethwaite, John; Prejean, Frank;=
Presto, Kevin M.; Puchot, Paul; Rasmussen, Dale; Richardson, Stacey; Richt=
er, Brad; Richter, Jeff; Robison, Michael A.; Rohauer, Tanya; Rosman, Stewa=
rt; Sacks, Edward; Scholtes, Diana; Sevitz, Robert; Shackleton, Sara; Simon=
s, Paul; Swinney, John; Thapar, Raj; Theriot, Kim S.; Thomas, Jake; Thome, =
Stephen; Tricoli, Carl; Van Hooser, Steve; Wente, Laura; Wilson, Shona; Win=
free, O'Neal D.; Woodland, Andrea; Yoder, Christian
Subject:=09Master Termination Log

Attached is the Daily List for February 4 as well as the Master Termination=
Log, which incorporates all termination received through February 4 (with =
the exception of February 1, which is under legal review and contains all f=
inancial transactions).


Stephanie Panus
Enron Wholesale Services
ph: 713.345.3249
fax: 713.646.3490