Enron Mail

Subject:Fwd: Halloween warning
Date:Thu, 11 Oct 2001 06:24:38 -0700 (PDT)

Be careful on Halloween!!!
----- Forwarded by Chris Albrecht/Oldcastle Glass Group on 10/11/01 07:58
AM -----

Evelyn Grimes
To: Stacey Tumlison/Oldcastle Glass
10/11/01 Group@DAL, Linda Tuttle/Oldcastle Glass
08:17 AM Group@DAL, Lisa Gonzalez/Oldcastle Glass
Group@DAL, Jenny Bekker/Oldcastle Glass
Group@DAL, Diane Zilliken/Oldcastle Glass
Group@DAL, Barbara Ivey/Oldcastle Glass
Group@DAL, Chris Albrecht/Oldcastle Glass
Subject: Fwd: Halloween warning

I don't know about this, buttttttt you never know. The women who wrote the
original email did leave her name and telephone. I tried to call this
morning just to see who would answer the phone but I have been getting a
fast busy signal--which could be from our weather???? Anyway, I guess
better safe than sorry.

Evelyn J. Grimes
Oldcastle Glass Group

----- Forwarded by Evelyn Grimes/Oldcastle Glass Group on 10/11/01 08:11 AM

Liss" To: "Colleen O'Toole" <cot63@aol.com<, "Vicky
<michsl@earth McKernan" <VLMcKernan@aol.com<, "Sherry Strelow"
link.net< <Nekkolvr87@aol.com<, "Rod Faulk"
<rod@faulk-net.com<, "Rachell Skerlec"
10/10/01 <HolyQuest@aol.com<, "Mom" <wwishez@aol.com<,
06:06 PM "Mary Chin" <lanoi@yahoo.com<, "Lori Kalen"
Please <IwasaKalen@aol.com<, "Karen Brito-Rafferty
respond to \(E-mail\)" <krafferty@claritas.com<, "Ginny
"Michele Marino" <Ginmarino@aol.com<, "Gail Hammerman"
Liss" <mamagsh@aol.com<, "Fran Grande Kitchell"
<FGK1120@aol.com<, "Evelyn Grimes"
<EGrimes@OldcastleGlass.com<, "Doody"
<dhammerm@liu.edu<, "Dino" <DMRorig@aol.com<,
"Diane Hammerman" <DIANE7130@aol.com<, "Cindy
How" <CHow@PIRNIE.COM<, "Camala Lindner"
<camalal@yahoo.com<, <BarbWLC@aol.com<
Subject: Fwd: Halloween warning

I hope this is just a hoax, but you never know . .

------------- Begin Forwarded Message -------------
Subject: stay out of the Malls on 10/31

< <FYI - I was very skeptical of this e-mail so I
< called the telephone
< <number
< <and it really was Laura Katsis at work. She said
< that she did write and
< <send the e-mail in reaction to what her girlfriend
< told her. This could
< <still be a hoax, but I am taking it a little more
< seriously knowing that
< <Laura is a real person who admits writing the
< e-mail and who stands
< <behind
< <what she wrote.
< <
< <----- Forwarded by Lisa Kent/US/Fabtech on
< 10/05/2001 12:25 PM -----
< <
< <
< <-----Original Message-----
< <From: Behrens, Chris [mailto:CBehrens@Volt.com]
< <Sent: Friday, October 05, 2001 12:09 PM
< <To: Behrens, Chris
< <Subject: FW: Malls on 10/31
< <
< <
< < < Hi All -
< < <
< < < I think you all know that I don't send out
< hoaxes and don't do the
< < < reactionary thing and send out anything that
< crosses my path. This
< <one,
< < < however, is a friend of a friend and I've given
< it enough credibility
< <in
< < < my mind that I'm writing it up and sending it
< out to all of you.
< < <
< < < My friend's friend was dating a guy from
< Afghanistan up until a month
< <ago.
< < < She had a date with him around 9/6 and was stood

< up. She was
< < < understandably upset and went to his home to
< find it completely
< <emptied.
< < < On 9/10, she received a letter from her
< boyfriend explaining that he
< < < wished he could tell her why he had left and
< that he was sorry it had
< <to
< < < be like that. The part worth mentioning is that

< he BEGGED her not to
< <get
< < < on any commercial airlines on 9/11 and to not to

< go any malls on
< < < Halloween. As soon as everything happened on
< the 11th, she called the
< <FBI
< < < and has since turned over the letter.
< < <
< < < This is not an email that I've received and
< decided to pass on. This
< <came
< < < from a phone conversation with a long-time
< friend of mine last night.
< < <
< < < I may be wrong, and I hope I am. However, with
< one of his warnings
< <being
< < < correct and devastating, I'm not willing to take

< the chance on the
< <second
< < < and wanted to make sure that people I cared
< about had the same
< <information
< < < that I did.
< < <
< < < Laura Katsis
< < < Implementation Specialist
< < < 714/921-5424
< < < lkatsis@volt.com
< < < OpsVolt_Track@volt.com