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Subject:GOPUSA Eagle - January 10, 2002
Date:Wed, 9 Jan 2002 20:46:01 -0800 (PST)

Bringing the conservative message to America

GOPUSA Eagle - January 10, 2002

Inside this issue...

* New Poll shows the Existence of Political Bias on Ivy League
* Austin Bay... A Closer Look at Somalia
* Linda Chavez... The Ugly Business of Profiling
* Mike Bayham... Breaux Let The Dogs Out
* Terror War: Phase 2
* Letters from the E-mail Bag


New Poll shows the Existence of Political Bias on Ivy League Faculties

David Horowitz, President of the Center for the Study of Popular Culture
today released a poll taken on the beliefs and attitudes of Ivy League

The survey, conducted by the Luntz Research Companies, reveals a
disturbing lack of intellectual diversity among the Ivy League
professors polled, and raises questions about political bias in the
hiring of faculty at schools training America's future elites. The
survey was conducted among professors on the social science and liberal
arts faculties at the schools.

David Horowitz said, ''This survey confirms what I have been saying for
years -- that our universities are less intellectually free than they
were even in the McCarthy era, when I was an Ivy League undergraduate

Read more at http://gopusa.com/news/0110_horowitz.shtml

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A Closer Look at Somalia
By Austin Bay

It would be rhetorically elegant -- and a profoundly simpler diplomatic
issue -- if Somalia mimicked Julius Caesar's assessment of Gaul and
merely split into three parts.

It doesn't. Anarchic Somalia is arguably the planet's foremost "failed
state," with Afghanistan and the Congo as basket-case competitors. Find
a sub-clan with a savvy leader, or a gang on a street corner, and you
have what passes for governing structure in much of Mogadishu and its

As Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz noted, Somalia attracts Al
Qaeda "precisely because the government is weak or nonexistent."
American counter-terror "options" there are limited, Wolfowitz added,
since "by definition you don't have a government you can work with."

Read more at http://gopusa.com/austinbay/ab_0109.shtml


The Ugly Business of Profiling
By Linda Chavez

Racial profiling is an ugly business -- and I have been on record
opposing it for years. But I'm not opposed to allowing -- no, requiring
-- airlines to pay closer attention to passengers that fit a terrorist
profile, which includes national origin. The problem is distinguishing
between what is permissible, indeed prudent, behavior and what is merely
bigotry. As the Christmas day incident involving an Arab American Secret
Service agent who was denied passage on an American Airlines makes
clear, it's not always easy to tell the difference.

Racial profiling entails picking someone out for special scrutiny simply
because of his race. It happens when highway patrolmen pull over blacks
who've committed no traffic violations for spot checks but ignore other
drivers who share similar characteristics, say out-of-state plates or
expensive cars. It happens when security guards at a mall tail black
customers in stores or insist on inspecting only their bags, ignoring
whites. The underlying presumption in these cases is that blacks are
more likely to be involved in criminal acts because of the color of
their skin.

Read more at http://gopusa.com/lindachavez/lc_0108.shtml

And now... a word from our sponsor...

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Breaux Let The Dogs Out
By Mike Bayham

Last Thursday, gubernatorial front-runner and current US Senator John
Breaux announced that he would not be a candidate in the 2003 Louisiana
governor's race. Breaux had previously been heralded as an unstoppable
candidate by political pundits and at varying times appeared to be a
likely contender.

Evidence of his early support could be found in the parking lot of the
hotel where he held his press conference in which there were several
cars sporting bumper stickers that read "Breaux for Governor." However,
the best hope for the Democrats to take back the governor's office opted
out of the race stating that he can better serve Louisiana by remaining
in the US Senate.

Read more at http://gopusa.com/mikebayham/mb_0110.shtml


Terror War: Phase 2
By Nicholas M. Horrock and Dennis Lewis

WASHINGTON, Jan. 9 (UPI) -- While U.S. forces continue to search for
Osama bin Laden and al Qaida members, the Bush administration has
quietly shifted its priority to attacking terrorism in Somalia, Yemen,
Indonesia and the Philippines, sources say.

The United States currently has intelligence operations in those four
nations, selected because they expressed willingness to cooperate. Their
countries also have vast lawless areas where al Qaida and other
terrorist cells are known to have operated, well-placed administration
and congressional sources tell United Press International.

Read more at http://gopusa.com/news/0110_war.shtml


Letters from the E-mail Bag

GOPUSA welcomes your opinions and feedback. We have received numerous e-mails from folks who have commented on columns posted on the web site, news articles, and their general perspectives.

Please continue to share your thoughts and commentary by sending us an e-mail at eagle@gopusa.com. Please include your name and town on all correspondence.

*** Re: 2001: A Year in Review (GOPUSA)

Loved the year in review! It was beautiful, horrifying, and beautiful
-- Inga Barks

I really enjoyed "Year in Review". I have forwarded it around to my
friends. Thanks for the memories....
-- Shirley Henderson

I loved it.. Thanks for your dedication...
-- Joyce Krawiec

Thank you! It was wonderful, sad and beautiful at the same time. Each
time 9-11 scenes are displayed tears still come and one wonders if they
will ever stop.
-- Arlene A. DiRocco

*** Re: The Rumsfeld Mystique: Understanding His Popularity (Carol

A well written article, and so timely. I've been a Rumsfeld groupie,
since 9/11 when he didn't run from the disaster at the Pentagon, but
plunged into the wreckage to save people. Also, he sent his 2nd in
charge to the bomb shelter, because he was too old to be that valuable.
My husband, brother and I have enjoyed the ex-mil men, Vietnam, "
retrain me, send me, leave my kids who are fathers at home, keep the
adolescents and post-adol's at home." These men were in physical shape,
and morally ready to take on the enemy. Their righteous anger, and love
of country, create that great interior smile.
-- Johanna Connors

Terrific column!
-- Mrs. Web

*** Re: The Euro Makes All Things Possible (SARTRE)

Bravo! I do hope there is an element of tongue-in-cheek, but
regardless, please continue. I find the good Sir to be quite thought
-- Mitchell T. Broaddus



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