Enron Mail

Subject:GOPUSA Eagle - January 17, 2002
Date:Wed, 16 Jan 2002 21:37:19 -0800 (PST)

Bringing the conservative message to America

GOPUSA Eagle - January 17, 2002

Inside this issue...

* Marc Levin... Enron's Political Contributions: Another Bad
* Linda Chavez... Democrats on a Partisan Fishing Trip
* Austin Bay... What Keeps Rumsfeld up at Night?
* Heather Wayman... Congress Fails Military Retirees... Again
* Rick Erickson... 'Black Hawk Down' Brilliantly Depicts The Peril of
Entrusting Our Military to Liberal Statesmen
* Fred Wszolek... The Tax Fight: It's Fun Having the White House
* Letters from the E-mail Bag


Enron's Political Contributions: Another Bad Investment
By Marc Levin

Recent revelations about Enron's extensive political contributions have
been portrayed as impugning the integrity of the Bush administration and
bolstering the case for campaign finance reform. However, upon closer
scrutiny, it is apparent that Enron's bevy of political contributions
provided the company little political power when it most needed it.

Thus, far from proving the need for campaign finance reform, the Enron
debacle illustrates that political contributions may be one of the worst
investments a business can make. The real lesson from this fiasco may be
that company shareholder representatives and boards of directors should
be more skeptical of the utility of corporate political expenditures.

Read more at http://gopusa.com/opinion/ml_0114.shtml

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Democrats on a Partisan Fishing Trip
By Linda Chavez

Sometimes you're damned if you do and damned if you don't -- especially
if there's partisan advantage in it. That seems to be the case with the
recent controversy involving the Enron Corporation and the Bush
administration. It seems Enron executives, hoping for some help, called
folks in the Bush administration last fall when signs of the company's
financial crisis were becoming clearer to insiders. The Bush appointees
listened, checked with their lawyers and did nothing -- which is
exactly what they should have done. Now some Democrats want to turn the
administration's inaction into a federal case.

Read more at http://gopusa.com/lindachavez/lc_0115.shtml


What Keeps Rumsfeld up at Night?
By Austin Bay

Does a year make a difference?

When the issue is the efficiency, competence and foresight of U.S.
intelligence agencies, one hopes the passage of 365 days is more than a
calendric event.

Of course, Sept. 11, 2001, is the critical mark on that time line. Its
tragic spike moved "the intelligence issue" from the theoretical and
obscure to the immediate and focused.

Read more at http://gopusa.com/austinbay/ab_0116.shtml

And now... a word from our sponsor...

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can't be cowed by evildoers. I've never had more faith in America than
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Congress Fails Military Retirees... Again
By Heather Wayman

Well, it's official! Congress has succeeded in telling the military
retirees of this country that their 20+ years of service in defense of
this nation don't mean diddly squat. They have told veterans in no
uncertain terms that it doesn't matter that they gave the best years of
their working lives to defend the freedoms of those in Congress, the
White House and even the folks down on Main Street, Anytown, USA.
Congress had the power to right a wrong directed at only one group of
persons in this country, the military retiree. They failed miserably and
delivered only lip service.

Read more at http://gopusa.com/opinion/hw_0117.shtml


'Black Hawk Down' Brilliantly Depicts The Peril of Entrusting Our
Military to Liberal Statesmen
By Rick Erickson

Do not miss Director Ridley Scott's Black Hawk Down. Like the tribute
in classic Saving Private Ryan, Black Hawk Down is a motion picture
memorial. Lest we forget, Black Hawk Down reminds us of our
servicepeople's willingness to enter the fray, regardless of the
political, tactical and numerical odds like the ones our soldiers faced
in Mogadishu, Somalia on October 3, 1993.

The movie, based upon Mark Bowden's Nobel worthy chronicle, honors the
dead and wounded soldiers played by actors who rehearsed their military
roles at Special Operations Command, Fort Bragg, North Carolina - the
proving grounds for most of the soldiers who fought and died at the
Battle of Mogadishu. The movie achieves realism by simulating the fear,
rage and exhilaration experienced by the soldiers themselves.

Read more at http://gopusa.com/opinion/re_0117.shtml


The Tax Fight: It's Fun Having the White House
By Fred Wszolek

These last few days have been a truly fun time to be a Republican.

Poor Tom Daschle popped off on how he thought the Bush tax cuts were a
mistake, and soon the White House dropped a political "Daisy Cutter" on
him. Daschle was forced to come out and explain how he really wasn't
advocating a tax increase, as a dozen Democratic Senators took turns
running away from their own leader.

Go back a couple of years, substitute Newt Gingrich, and it's an odd
kind of deja vu.

Read more at http://gopusa.com/opinion/fw_0117.shtml


Letters from the E-mail Bag

GOPUSA welcomes your opinions and feedback. We have received numerous
e-mails from folks who have commented on columns posted on the web site,
news articles, and their general perspectives.

Please continue to share your thoughts and commentary by sending us an
e-mail at eagle@gopusa.com. Please include your name and town on all

*** Re: New Poll shows the Existence of Political Bias on Ivy League
Faculties (GOPUSA News)

Finally, a report has come out that reflects what we have known for a
long time. Even in non Ivy league schools of learning, conservative
views are not allowed. Students are rebuked and admonished for even
bringing up such things as anti-abortion or conservatively responsible
points of views. Students are ridiculed in class.
-- Lloyd J Morgan, WA

Hurrah for Horowitz' report on Jan 10 GOPUSA Eagle!
-- Anita Hale, Coos Bay, OR

How much time, money and effort was wasted on this? Will the next poll
be "New Poll shows Existence of Oxygen in Air"?
-- Greg Lamatrice, Las Vegas, NV

*** Re: Final Attack on America: The Assault on Her Christian Heritage
and Values (Dorothy Anne Seese)

She is competely on track here. America will not be destroyed from
without, as the events subsequent to Pearl Harbor, the Sputnik launch,
and September 11, 2001 all demonstrate. There is however much more to
fear from those whom Ronald Reagan (correctly) characterized as "the
blame America First crowd". These include the public school personnel
who trash America's past leaders and heritage; those who demand that
clearly failed and destructive cultures be used as role models; people
who see no difference between Al Quaeda and the men who led the America
Revolution; many in the media who have been recently "outed" as biased
or dishonest by their peers, and several other people right inside this
nation. They are undermining the core values and fundamental truths
that have served to make America the great nation that it is.
-- Bryan Lynch, Austin, TX



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