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Subject:GOPUSA Eagle - January 24, 2002
Date:Wed, 23 Jan 2002 21:07:09 -0800 (PST)

Bringing the conservative message to America

GOPUSA Eagle - January 24, 2002

Inside this issue...

* Mike Bayham... RNC Shakeup: Swapping a General for a Colonel
* GOPUSA News... New Government Report Raises Concerns in Light of
Terrorist Threat
* GOPUSA News... Non-Partisan CBO Confirms Recession and War Caused
Surplus Decline -- Not Tax Relief
* Austin Bay... Fighting Terror in the Philippines will be Different
* Linda Chavez... Don't Believe Everything You Read
* Bonnie Chernin Rogoff... The GOP Abandons Its Pro-Life Platform
* Jim Huber Cartoon... on criticism of treatment of detainees
* Letters from the E-mail Bag


RNC Shakeup: Swapping a General for a Colonel
By Mike Bayham

This past weekend the "leadership" of the national Republican Party
converged on Austin, Texas to ratify the second RNC head in as many
years. The vote to elect former Montana Governor Marc Racicot was a
mere formality with President George W. Bush's post-election/debacle
decree that Racicot should be running the RNC going into the mid-term
Congressional races.

It is tradition, and good policy, that the occupant of the White House,
or his advisers, select the chairman of the national party so that the
strategies and messages coming out of both camps are coordinated.
Because the now immediate past RNC Chairman did not fully understand
this tradition and reality, he is now out of a job.

Read more at http://gopusa.com/mikebayham/mb_0124.shtml

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New Government Report Raises Concerns in Light of Terrorist Threat
GOPUSA News Wire

In a newly released report, the Census Bureau estimated that perhaps
115,000 people from Middle Eastern countries live in the United States
illegally. The estimates are based on the Bureau's preliminary analysis
of the 2000 census. The findings are especially troubling given the role
failures in immigration control played in September 's terrorist
attacks. Not only were at least three of the September 11th hijackers
illegal aliens, a number of past terrorists have also been illegal
aliens from the Middle East, including Gazi Ibrahim Abu Mezer, who tried
to bomb the New York subway system in 1997, and Mohammed Salameh, who
took part in the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993.

Read more at http://gopusa.com/news/0124_immigration.shtml


Non-Partisan CBO Confirms Recession and War Caused Surplus Decline --
Not Tax Relief
GOPUSA News Wire

CBO confirms recession and war caused surplus decline: CBO Director Dan
Crippen said &quot;over 70% of (FY2002 surplus reduction) results from
the weak economy and related technical factors&quot; (source: CBO
testimony 1/23/02). CBO said bipartisan tax relief resulted in less
than 12% of the surplus decline in FY 2002.

Read more at http://gopusa.com/news/0124_cbo.shtml

And now... a word from our sponsor...


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Fighting Terror in the Philippines will be Different
By Austin Bay

Defeating Al Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan has given the United
States tremendous political momentum, which bodes well for upcoming
military and diplomatic operations in The War on Terror.

However, an American public now familiar with "the Afghan example" of
warfare should not expect that model to apply too rigorously in the

Read more at http://gopusa.com/austinbay/ab_0123.shtml


Don't Believe Everything You Read
By Linda Chavez

The coincidence was almost too good to be true. "An old news video of
Lt. Col. Oliver North testifying at the Iran-Contra hearings during the
Reagan Administration," the e-mail from a friend began, "what he said
was stunning!" I remember the event well.

I worked with Ollie North in the Reagan White House from 1985 until
early in 1986, when I was director of public liaison. He was a
charismatic speaker, one I frequently enlisted for briefings on the
situation in Nicaragua, where the United States was trying to help a
group of guerrillas known as the Contras, who were trying to overthrow
the communist Sandinista government there. When Congress cut off funds
to the Contras, Ollie helped set up a clandestine operation to raise
private money for the group. In November 1986, the operation was
discovered, leading to the worst crisis of the Reagan administration and
to criminal indictments against North (whose conviction was later
overturned) and others involved. The Congress also held hearings in
which North and others testified.

Read more at http://gopusa.com/lindachavez/lc_0122.shtml


The GOP Abandons Its Pro-Life Platform
By Bonnie Chernin Rogoff

It is the 29th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Usually an anniversary
symbolizes a happy occasion, such as a wedding or a graduation or the
birth of a son or a daughter.

It is only since 1973, on that ominous day 29 years ago, that America
celebrates the deaths of her sons and daughters. Nearly 50 million sons
and daughters to be precise.

Read more at http://gopusa.com/bonniecherninrogoff/bcr_0124.shtml

And now... a word from our sponsor...

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on criticism of treatment of detainees
By Jim Huber

Note: GOPUSA is proud to present Jim Huber cartoons in the GOPUSA Eagle
and on our web site. We hope you enjoy them. You can visit his web site
directly at http://www.jimhuber.com

The latest Jim Huber cartoon can be found on the GOPUSA web site by
clicking on the following link:

Archives of Jim's cartoons can be found at

We hope you enjoy the cartoon! Look for more in future issues of the


Letters from the E-mail Bag

GOPUSA welcomes your opinions and feedback. We have received numerous
e-mails from folks who have commented on columns posted on the web site,
news articles, and their general perspectives.

Please continue to share your thoughts and commentary by sending us an
e-mail at eagle@gopusa.com. Please include your name and town on all

*** Re: Dear Mr. President, There are Still Right-Wing Republicans Out
Here (Dorothy Anne Seese)

This is the best article, and I feel much more comfortable to know that
people like Dorothy exist. I think we Republicans should support this
kind of attitudes and urge the president to take it into consideration.
I am proud of her and whish her the best. God Bless America and bless
people like Dorothy. Thank you
-- Lucia Nazarian

Thank you, Dorothy Anne, for writing so clearly what so many of us are
-- Darlene Hagen, Plano, TX

I so much appreciate the article by Dorothy Seese. I have been very
frustated with our party on many issues including the ones in the
article. The writer could have also pointed out the sins of the party
regarding recent legislation such as the "Patriot Act" or "Antiterrorism
Bill". This legislation destroyed the Fourth Amendment and has many
other flaws. Thank you Dorothy for speaking out.
-- Stan Jaggars, Agency, MO

*** Re: Congress Fails Military Retirees... Again (Heather Wayman)

You have done something most of the press absolutely refuses to do...
you have allowed Heather Wayman to publish her factual articles in an
up & coming internet periodical which simply shows the betrayal most
veterans are facing from the government they swore to defend. Again,
thank you for the fairness you have shown.
-- Roy Alba, USAF, Retired

Great, well written article. I know President Bush will do the right
thing. We need to do all we can for our Veterans. I'd rather pay them
than non-deserving welfare recipients.
Barbara Edgerton, Houston, TX

HIP HIP HOORAY! To Heather Wayman! You said it and wrote it correctly.
I'm still baffled by Congress. I wish they would've gotten out there and
spent at least 20 years of military service. But they didn't! Why?
'Cause it's tough duty! I just don't understand them, but I do
understand their pay raises which should be going to disabled veterans!
-- Alma R. Farrar, SFC(Ret.) U.S. Army

Sir, I would like to take the opportunity to thank Heather Wayman and
GOPUSA for the article outlining the injustices pertaining to military
retirees and concurrent receipt of VA disability compensation. SHe did
a wonderful job, and clearly outlined the injustice to all disabled
military retirees. I am a retiree of the U.S. Navy (20 years), and a
disabled Vietnam Veteran. I have been paying for my own VA compensation
for almost 30 years!! I should have been a Congressman!! Thanks again,
-- Frank Ray, Middletown, RI

*** Re: 'Black Hawk Down' Brilliantly Depicts The Peril of Entrusting
Our Military to Liberal Statesmen (Rick Erickson)

The events of Mogadishu, as depicted in Black Hawk Down, brings
compelling clarity to the reality that when our sons, our daughters and
our fathers who serve in the US military are commanded to put their
lives on the line; that they are allowed to quickly and decisively
effect defeat of their opponent without the restrictions imposed by
political considerations. The US military forces are an awesome power
that should only be unleashed when we mean business, never as bluffing
tool. Hoo-ah!
-- Steve Findley, TX

Thanks to Rick Erickson for telling the truth. As a former US Navy
member serving during that time and wanting to be there, most of my
shipmates were outraged at what Clinton and Aspen did. I would hope that
this information would hit the mainstream press, but I am not holding my
breath. I wonder what the public would say if they knew the real facts
about what really happened. I will go and see this movie and know that I
will shed a tear for my brothers. Thanks again Mr. Erickson, shipmate.
-- A. Shon Nixon, Charlotte, NC



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