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GOPUSA Bringing the conservative message to America GOPUSA Eagle - January 31, 2002 ======================================================================== Inside this issue... * GOPUSA Latest News * David Horowitz... A Brilliant Performance by a Great Leader * Linda Chavez... Should Israel Take the Gloves Off? * Frederick Meekins... A Terrorist by Any Other Name * Austin Bay... Wearing the 'Uniform' of War * Mike Bayham... Hey Media, Leave The Kids Alone * Thomas D. Segel... When A Promise Is Not A Promise * Jim Huber Cartoon... On GOP Increasing Popularity * Letters from the E-mail Bag ======================================================================== GOPUSA Latest News 2001: A Year in Review Once again, we'd like to thank all of you who sent e-mails regarding your impressions of our Year in Review presentation. We're glad you enjoyed it. We have received a number of e-mails from folks who wish to show the presentation at their upcoming meetings and events. So, we've created a zip file which you can download on your computer. To download the files, click on the following link: Download of "2001: A Year in Review" (2.7 Mb) --< http://gopusa.com/yearinreview/yearinreview.zip Geneva Convention Much is being made of the "status" of the terrorist prisoners currently being held in Cuba. There have been multiple references to the status of prisoners of war as outlined by the Geneva Convention. To help folks learn more about these discussions, GOPUSA now has the Geneva III document available for viewing. This document pertains specifically to the treatment of prisoners of war. We hope you find it educational. Geneva Convention Document --< http://gopusa.com/documents ======================================================================== And now... a word from our sponsor... Be Still, America... I am God Be Still, America is a collection of poignant, soul-healing stories told in the aftermath of the horrific events of 9/11/01. Author Amy Bartlett, who lives and works in New York City, shows how God was present in the disaster -- even amid the ruin and the rubble. Click here to find our more --< http://gopusa.com/ads/bartlett.html ======================================================================== A Brilliant Performance by a Great Leader By David Horowitz President Bush gave two speeches in his State of the Union address last night, which I had the once in a lifetime privilege of viewing from the gallery. The first was a war speech, the second a campaign speech. Both were home runs. The war speech was designed to firm America's resolve. It began with one of the most powerful opening lines ever delivered on these occasions: "As we gather tonight, our Nation is at war, our economy is in recession, and the civilized world faces unprecedented dangers. Yet the state of our Union has never been stronger." These were true words, a tribute to the resilience and character of the American people, which had been adrift during the last decade of misleadership by Bush's predecessor. Read more at http://gopusa.com/davidhorowitz/dh_0131.shtml ======================================================================== Should Israel Take the Gloves Off? By Linda Chavez Lightning isn't supposed to strike twice in the same place, but tell that to Mark Sokolow. Mr. Sokolow survived the attack on the World Trade Center in September, barely escaping from his 38th floor office when the second plane hit and the building collapsed. Then on Sunday, Sokolow and his family were shopping in Jerusalem, where they had gone to visit a daughter studying there, when a suicide bomber, a Palestinian female, detonated a device that killed her and one other, and injured scores, including Sokolow, his wife and two remaining daughters. Read more at http://gopusa.com/lindachavez/lc_0129.shtml ======================================================================== A Terrorist by Any Other Name By Frederick Meekins In response to the September 11th Attack upon America, the U.S. government has vowed to wipe terrorism from the face of the earth. To some officials, this noble struggle might become nothing more than a word game of shuffled papers and fluctuating definitions. Read more at http://gopusa.com/frederickmeekins/fm_0131.shtml ======================================================================== And now... a word from our sponsor... ADVERTISE IN THE GOPUSA EAGLE! This ad was just seen by over 18,000 people across the country! If you want to reach conservative grass-roots activists, candidates, and elected officials, advertise in the GOPUSA Eagle today! Click here for demographic and rate information --< http://gopusa.com/contact.shtml ======================================================================== Wearing the 'Uniform' of War By Austin Bay Every Monday night, I put on my uniform and head for reserve drill. However, it's not the uniform per se that makes me a "part time" American soldier. Still, for folks with a knack for the obvious, when essaying the applicability of Third Geneva Convention standards to a particular prisoner, a uniform (or lack thereof) is a pretty darn good place to start. Read more at http://gopusa.com/austinbay/ab_0130.shtml ======================================================================== Hey Media, Leave The Kids Alone By Mike Bayham In 1964, Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart was asked to define obscenity. Justice Stewart then replied, "I know it when I see it." The same broad guidelines are used to determine what is newsworthy. Many people during the late nineties began to ask the question of the true newsworthiness of the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal. Because Bill Clinton's activities were central to a Federal investigation, the location of the affair and that both participants were in their political positions by their own choosing the national media felt justified in relaying to the public the most precise details of the affair. Read more at http://gopusa.com/mikebayham/mb_0131.shtml ======================================================================== When A Promise Is Not A Promise By Thomas D. Segel A promise is not a promise when it is given to members of the United States Armed Forces by their leadership. A promise is not a promise when the United States Congress can change its pledges into a different message having no meaning. A promise is not a promise when less is given than originally guaranteed. Read more at http://gopusa.com/opinion/ts_0131.shtml ======================================================================== And now... a word from our sponsor... "We're a great nation. We're a nation of resolve. We're a nation that can't be cowed by evildoers. I've never had more faith in America than I have right now." -- George W. Bush September 16, 2001 Vist BushCountry.org today! http://www.bushcountry.org ======================================================================== On GOP Increasing Popularity By Jim Huber The latest Jim Huber cartoon can be found on the GOPUSA web site by clicking on the following link: http://gopusa.com/cartoons/huber/huber_0127.shtml Archives of Jim's cartoons can be found at http://gopusa.com/cartoons/huber We hope you enjoy the cartoon! Look for more in future issues of the GOPUSA Eagle. ======================================================================== Letters from the E-mail Bag GOPUSA welcomes your opinions and feedback. We have received numerous e-mails from folks who have commented on columns posted on the web site, news articles, and their general perspectives. Please continue to share your thoughts and commentary by sending us an e-mail at eagle@gopusa.com. Please include your name and town on all correspondence. *** Re: The GOP Abandons Its Pro-Life Platform (Bonnie Chernin Rogoff) Thank you Bonnie Rogoff for speaking out on truths. We all need to raise the volume, for we are all that is left to be heard. We must re-take the principals of the Republican Party, and un-merge the right from the left. Your article is a beginning step in the 'right' direction. -- Judith Pratt, OK I have to say that I agree that abortion is wrong, and anyone who does so is a murderer. However, I believe that President Bush is doing the best he can, and his ability is a great one. I think he is just waiting for the right time to pick up the pro-life issue again. He doesn't want to endanger re-election, and playing nice to the "moderates" and liberals will help him get re-elected, and then he can start really putting the pro-life message out. -- Tony Lemaster Hats off to Bonnie for having the courage to say we should cut off "W" for his shameful pandering to the leftist media by shunning the Republican pro-life platform. In the time since thousands were killed by the terrorists on 9/11, how many thousands of unborns have been killed with the passive blessing of the establishment GOP - with Bush and Ashcroft not lifting a finger to protect them? -- Don Zimmerman It's about time that Abortion is removed from the political process. While I am not an advocate of abortion, I do not believe that it is a Political concern. Antiabortionists within the Republican Party do not represent me - and I AM A REPUBLICAN. I demonstrate that with my time, my talents, my service and my money. -- Dorothy Danfelser, Elephant Butte, NM Thank you for the wonderful article about the GOP abandoning the Pro-Life Platform. I've been very disappointed in the "straddling the fence posture" that President George W. Bush has taken. I do not doubt his beliefs for the unborn and the value of their life... I do doubt his wisdom in ignoring and brushing aside the pro-life conservatives who made his election to the Presidency possible. -- Cheryl Williams, Edmond, OK If the Republican Party does not recognize that there are thousands of us, Pro-Choice Republicans, it will risk losing it's ability to win. There are too many other issues that need Republican principles that dividing the party is a disservice to the nation. -- Rep. Harry Tipton, WY *** Re: Congress Fails Military Retirees... Again (Dorothy Anne Seese) This was excellent!! Thank you. -- Kathi Palmer Praise God!! I thoroughly enjoyed your column with the above title. You have hit the proverbial nail on the head. Keep up the good work! -- Michael Thompson, Republican for Congress Ms. Seese misses the point with her moral fantasies about sex. It is suffering, human death, and other war-related activities that are immoral, particularly when the victims are women and children. War is probably a non-natural activity, since primitive hunter-gatherers did not engage in warfare with organized armies. Sex and sexual pleasures and their pursuit are entirely normal. -- Don Laird, Austin, TX ======================================================================== SUBSCRIBE TODAY! LET THE EAGLE LAND ON YOUR DESKTOP Was this e-mail forwarded to you? Would you like to subscribe to it yourself or subscribe a friend? If so, simply and fill out the simple form at http://gopusa.com/eagle/subscribe.shtml ======================================================================== Copyright 2000-2002, GOPUSA.com, Inc. http://gopusa.com eagle@gopusa.com