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Subject:GOPUSA Eagle - January 7, 2002
Date:Mon, 7 Jan 2002 03:50:01 -0800 (PST)

Bringing the conservative message to America

GOPUSA Eagle - January 7, 2002

Inside this issue...

* GOPUSA Latest News
* A Look at the Headlines
* State News Briefs
* Bush Update
* Alan Keyes... Choosing the Path Home
* Carol Devine-Molin... The Rumsfeld Mystique: Understanding His
* SARTRE... The Euro Makes All Things Possible
* Dorothy Anne Seese... A Good Villain is Hard to Find
* Kevin Tuma Cartoon... Thank Heaven


GOPUSA Latest News

** David Horowitz Booklets

GOPUSA is proud to offer David Horowitz booklets on the GOPUSA web site.
Choose between "The Art of Political War" and "How to Beat the
Democrats." Both offer the straight talk you've come to expect from
David Horowitz!

To order these booklets please click on the following link:

David Horowitz Booklets --<

** GOPUSA Forum

Finally, finally, finally. With our transition to a new web host
company several months ago, one of the items which still needed to be
updated was the GOPUSA Forum. The updates are now complete and the
forum is ready for postings.

We hope you enjoy the GOPUSA Forum. Please feel free to send us an
e-mail with comments and suggestions on how to make it better.

GOPUSA Forum --< http://gopusa.com/forum

** 2001: A Year in Review

GOPUSA would like to say thank you for all the great feedback on our
"year in review" animation. This arrangement of music and pictures not
only reviews the major events of 2001, but also include a special
section focusing on the events of September 11.

2001: A Year in Review --< http://gopusa.com/yearinreview

And now... a word from our sponsor...


Get Your Tickets TODAY!
It's what everyone's been waiting for! Announcing the MRC's 2002
Roasting the Most Outrageously Biased Liberal Reporters of The Year!
January 17, 2002 at the Ronald Reagan International Trade Center.
The MRC's events always sell out in a matter of weeks. Order your
tickets today to make sure your spot is saved!!!!!!

Click here to find our more information. --<


A Look at the Headlines

The front page of the GOPUSA web site is constantly being updated to
provide you with the latest news and information.

Here are your Monday headlines:

GOPUSA Top Story -- Teenage Suicide Pilot Sympathetic to Bin Laden

The Washington Times
* O'Neill: Delay not an option
* GIs off to guard prisoners in Cuba
* Bush to sign education reform bill

* Allegations Mounting Against Civil Rights Commission Chairwoman
* Tiger Woods To Play in Golf Event Despite Threat
* Arkansas 'Tax Me More Fund' Swells to More Than $1,000

* Bush: New Taxes 'Over My Dead Body'
* TV Demand In Moussaoui Trial Riles Old Issue
* Bush Hopes Dems End Obstructionism

Fox News
* Democrats Deny Report of Impending Culture War
* Reagan Papers Released to Public
* Faster Home Computers a Target of Hackers

USA Today
* U.S. to remain on high alert till March 11
* American Airlines pilot says agent was abusive
* Daschle anti-recession plan challenges GOP's

Human Events Online
* Leahy's Limbo: Where Good Judges Go
* Iraqis, Libyans Still Get U.S. Visas
* Border Violators Routinely Freed to Roam Country

These headlines and more can be found at http://gopusa.com


State News Briefs

In addition to national news, GOPUSA also brings you the latest news
from your state. Click on one of the links below to read the latest
state headlines. If your state is not listed, perhaps you'd like to help
GOPUSA by being a state editor. To find out more the role of a volunteer
state editor, please click here --< http://gopusa.com/editors.shtml

Alaska - Still Uncrowded, But Growing Fast

Arizona - Arizona ties to terrorists is state's top 2001 news story

California - Riding the fiscal roller coaster

Florida - Skyscraper Hit

Georgia - Ruling means redistricting battles all but over

Idaho - Who's most influential in Idaho? Check this year's list

Illinois - Wood's war chest getting pretty bare

New Jersey - Collins has last word on 'farewell'

New York - Emma Bloomberg wants a job at City Hall

North Carolina - Election filing won't start Monday; it could be delayed

Oklahoma - State employee group recommends pay raises

Texas - Morales launches bid for governor

Washington - Slain soldier remembered for laughter, dedication

Wisconsin - Wisconsin keeping fewer inmates in out-of-state prisons

And now... a word from our sponsor...

"We're a great nation. We're a nation of resolve. We're a nation that
can't be cowed by evildoers. I've never had more faith in America than
I have right now."
-- George W. Bush September 16, 2001

Vist BushCountry.org today!


Bush Update

Weekly Radio Address

THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. The events of September the 11th left
America sadder and stronger, and they clarified some important goals for
our country. We have a war to wage and a recession to fight. Defending
our country and strengthening our economy are great priorities for 2002.
We must be determined and we must keep our focus.

This Saturday, I'm traveling in Oregon and California, talking with
people who have been hit hard by the economic downturn. When I return
to Washington on Monday, I will be meeting with my economic advisors and
other officials to discuss the latest economic data and work for a quick
recovery for our economy.

Read more at http://gopusa.com/bush/radio_0105.shtml


Choosing the Path Home
By Alan Keyes

The afterglow of the Christmas season is a good occasion to recall that
the American family, like the Holy Family leaving Bethlehem, has a long
journey ahead of it. And there are other reminders for us in the
Christmas story -- some cheerful, and others less so. Among these are
the families that remained in Bethlehem, grieving over the sacrifice of
innocent children, killed at Herod's command.

This Christmas has been indelibly marked by the events of Sept. 11, and
the ongoing struggle against terrorism. Yet it is not these evils which
the slaughter of innocents at the first Christmas should most bring to
mind. A greater grief than international terror afflicts us, because
our children, who are the future of America, remain under savage assault
both within the womb and during their most vulnerable early years.

Read more at http://gopusa.com/alankeyes/ak_0107.shtml


The Rumsfeld Mystique: Understanding His Popularity
By Carol Devine-Molin

I noticed that the ground was beginning to shift last summer with the
re-emergence of machismo males, or truly masculine men if you will,
embracing their testosterone-driven behaviors, and coming back into
style. In a scene reminiscent of the movie "Jaws", eight- year old
Jessie Arbogast lost his arm stemming from an attack by a 7-foot bull
shark on July 6th of last year in Florida. The young victim's uncle,
Vance Flosenzier, was there to intervene in a spectacular manner at the
onset. In an amazing accomplishment, Flosenzier proceeded to drag that
dastardly shark, that carnivorous sea beast, to the shore with only his
bare hands and brute force, for the purpose of extracting the boy's arm
from the shark's gut. In our collective memory, none of us had ever
heard of such a thing being done before. And everyone loved it!

And the "Day of Infamy" only generated more respect for the intrepid
"manly men" of the working class, the firefighters, policemen and
emergency workers who braved life and limb to rescue those at the World
Trade Center. As President Bush has indicated, the tragic circumstances
of 9/11 have caused us to re-evaluate our priorities, and to sort out
that which is truly important in life. And, clearly, a dauntless spirit
and selflessness are not only salient human attributes, but deeply
attractive ones as well.

Read more at http://gopusa.com/caroldevinemolin/cdm_0107.shtml


The Euro Makes All Things Possible

Euro, Euro, Euro all around, but not a pence of 'real money', to spend.
With these euro notes of this common currency, the wire services heap
praise on its successful launch. The wheels of business and the
mechanism of finance are all in gear to usher in this brave new world of
commerce. For years we have heard the benefits of the first united
coinage since the Roman Empire and the elimination of the chaos of
individual currencies. So what will this conversion mean for Europe and
the rest of the world?

The conclusion largely depends on what you consume from the political
plate and whether you wish to place your thumb on the scale that weighs
the beef. The traditions of Europe are quite different from those of the
original colonies when it comes to a monetary perspective. With the
founding of our Nation, constitutional powers were enumerated regarding
the nature and coinage of money. Individual States were restricted from
their own coinage, while punishment for counterfeiting was established.
Standard weights and measures of gold and silver were defined as legal
tender. So what does this have to do with the modern world and the
financial developments on the continent?

Read more at http://gopusa.com/sartre/sartre_0107.shtml


A Good Villain is Hard to Find
By Dorothy Anne Seese

It's just not easy to find a good sustainable villain in our modern

Hitler and Stalin enjoyed a fairly long run on the world's Bijou stage,
but after their days came to an end, Hitler in 1945 and Stalin in 1953,
we really haven't had anyone of their evil ilk in the real world. To be
sure, Mao Tse Tung got his share of publicity and may have done in more
folks than either Hitler or Stalin, but he had no real persona in the
west. Fidel Castro has been little more than a familiar name for a
perpetual nuisance who always looks like he needs a bath, de-lousing and
some deodorant.

Read more at http://gopusa.com/dorothyanneseese/das_0107.shtml


Thank Heaven
By Kevin Tuma

The latest Kevin Tuma cartoon can be found on the GOPUSA web site by
clicking on the following link:

Archives of Kevin's cartoons can be found at http://gopusa.com/cartoons

We hope you enjoy the cartoon! Look for more in future issues of the



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