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GOPUSA Bringing the conservative message to the Internet GOPUSA Eagle - October 18, 2001 ======================================================================== Inside this issue... * Inside this issue... GOPUSA Latest News * Austin Bay... The Non-Hollywood Version of Special Operations Forces * Bram Floria... Resolve * Linda Chavez... The TV News Addiction * Mike Bayham... Giving War A Chance * Scott Gillette... A Mission Fraught With Peril * Bonnie Chernin Rogoff... www.idespiseamerica.commie * Republican Study Committee Update * Craig Shirley... Outside View: Responsibility and Power * Letters from the E-mail Bag -- Don't just sit there mulling it over... subscribe to The Eagle today! http://gopusa.com/eagle/subscribe.shtml ======================================================================== GOPUSA Latest News New State Editor GOPUSA is proud to welcome our newest state editor to the team. Chad Bischof is coming on board as the State Editor for Kentucky. Chad Bischof serves Kentucky as the Executive Director of the Kentucky Young Republican Federation. He tours the state to increase awareness and membership of both the Young Republicans, and the Republican Party of Kentucky. Chad also works with Federal, State, and local campaigns within Kentucky. Professionally, Chad is currently an Outside Account Manager for a maintenance supply company in Lexington. Read more about Chad at http://gopusa.com/kentucky/editor.shtml Welcome New Subscribers GOPUSA would also like to take this opportunity to welcome our newest group of subscribers from Van Zandt County (TX). I had the opportunity to speak at the Van Zandt County Republican Club meeting on Monday evening. My new friend Jerry Barker ran a great meeting, and I wish him and his members all the best. A special thank you goes out to Dan Flynn for the invitation. ======================================================================== And now... a word from our sponsor... IN-HOUSE LOBBYIST Want to communicate effectively with elected officials? In-House Lobbyist software puts the power of a professional lobbyist in your computer. It will have you sending hundreds of personalized faxes, emails and letters to the most influential people in politics and the media... in seconds. With free updates, you will always be kept current. FREE GIFT PROMOTION IS ON NOW. Click here to find our more --< http://gopusa.com/ads/inhouse.html ======================================================================== The Non-Hollywood Version of Special Operations Forces By Austin Bay The inquiring TV talking head wanted me to walk him through a Special Forces operation. Well, not just any operation. He didn't use the terms "snatch" or "arrest," but that's the commando action he clearly had in mind. As for the target of this Army Green Beret or Navy SEAL bravado? "Bin Laden. My producer wants to know if Special Forces can get him?" No, the Hollywood script didn't follow, not immediately. Read more at http://gopusa.com/austinbay/ab_101701.shtml ======================================================================== Resolve A Poem by Bram Floria On bedrock of the Eastern Shore Stood gates of our prosperity Ambition's arms uplifted - One Outstretched to catch a rising sun The Apple of our Eye A lance of flaming fury thrown A fit of ancient jealousy To all the Earth thunder resounds An Eagle's wings were brought to ground We watched the silent skies Read more at http://gopusa.com/opinion/bf_101801.shtml ======================================================================== And now... a word from our sponsor... "We're a great nation. We're a nation of resolve. We're a nation that can't be cowed by evildoers. I've never had more faith in America than I have right now." -- George W. Bush September 16, 2001 Vist BushCountry.org today! http://www.bushcountry.org ======================================================================== The TV News Addiction By Linda Chavez The fine line between being cautious and becoming totally paranoid has all but disappeared for many Americans. How can we go about our daily lives, as the president rightly instructs us, when every hour seems to bring new stories of yet another possible exposure to anthrax or a government warning that further attacks on the United States or American interests abroad may be imminent? Worst of all, with 24-hour cable television, it is possible to spend virtually all our waking hours being bombarded with "breaking news," much of which later turns out not to be true, or at least not quite what it seemed at first. Is watching this stuff hour after hour any different than watching game shows or soap operas all day long? Sure, we like to tell ourselves it's more important, more intellectually stimulating, but that's not why we watch it. Watching non-stop news becomes a hard-to-break habit, or worse, a neurotic obsession. Read more at http://gopusa.com/lindachavez/lc_101601.shtml ======================================================================== Giving War A Chance By Mike Bayham The recent outbreaks of anthrax in Florida and New York has heightened concerns to a new level about American security since the attacks on September 11th. Some people see the anthrax attacks as a sign that we should be wary in engaging the terrorists and the nations that harbor them. Peaceniks who protested America's strikes against Taliban targets have been preaching that nothing good will come out of bombing Afghanistan. The President and other departments of the Federal government have already warned the nation that new attacks against American interests overseas are likely and that there is the strong possibility that American blood could be spilled again at home by those who were connected to the World Trade Center and Pentagon attack. Read more at http://gopusa.com/mikebayham/mb_101801.shtml ======================================================================== A Mission Fraught With Peril By Scott Gillette The recent and overwhelming chain of events that have changed the world forever began in the hearts of terrorists, and then moved to flight schools and nondescript motels in Florida. They climaxed in the wanton destruction of a major component of the financial capital of the world. Now this odyssey with an uncertain ending moves to one of the most forbidding places on the planet. The contrast between New York City and Afghanistan could not be starker. Downtown New York was and still is a brash, cosmopolitan celebration of humankind's achievements and our ability to be our masters of our own destiny, an Enlightenment idea if there ever was one. Moreover, the World Trade Center Towers represented the symbol and substance of commerce and world markets, and the idea that Joseph Schumpeter's creative destruction will provide a better life for future generations. Read more at http://gopusa.com/opinion/sg_101801.shtml ======================================================================== www.idespiseamerica.commie By Bonnie Chernin Rogoff A madman who thinks he's God creates a monster out of human body parts. Isn't that what Frankenstein was all about? This war on terror is beginning to look like a twisted version of the gothic novel. The evil Doctor Frankenstein attempted to redefine the creation of life, as we know it. He was trying to create life from death; a reverse abortion. In the aftermath of tragic death and destruction, war creates life too. War protects freedom and allows life to proceed with advantage, but only if the strategy is allowed to proceed without too much interference. The peaceniks are trying to intercept our course of action, and can destroy the three principles of war necessary to sustain the human right to life. Read more at http://gopusa.com/bonniecherninrogoff/bcr_101801.shtml ======================================================================== Republican Study Committee Update The following are some of the legislative activities of conservatives in the House: --Rep. John Shadegg (R-AZ) introduced legislation aimed at bolstering the travel and tourism industry. The "Travel America Now" Act (H.R. 3041) would provide a $500 tax credit per person ($1,000 for a couple filing jointly) for personal travel expenses for travel within the U.S. --Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC) introduced a resolution calling for school children to pray in the wake of the terrorist attacks. Read more at http://gopusa.com/rsc ======================================================================== Outside View: Responsibility and Power By Craig Shirley Special to United Press International The ancient Greek admonishment goes, "never give a child a sword." Beyond the obvious, the phrase also meant that one should never grant power to someone too immature to handle it. Irresponsible behavior has become the norm rather than the exception in our culture because it's so easy now to apologize for infractions or sins or omissions and be forgiven. A quick jet trip to the Betty Ford Center to be "rehabbed" in 12 easy steps and then celebrated and applauded for being weak or "just human." That is, until they trip themselves up again. Then we are forced to witness the whole sorry spectacle once more. Read more at http://gopusa.com/opinion/cs_101801.shtml ======================================================================== Letters from the E-mail Bag GOPUSA welcomes your opinions and feedback. We have received numerous e-mails from folks who have commented on columns posted on the web site, news articles, and their general perspectives. Please continue to share your thoughts and commentary by posting a message on the new GOPUSA Forum or by sending us an e-mail at eagle@gopusa.com. Please include your name and town on all correspondence. *** Re: The Sick Mind of Noam Chomsky: Part II Method and Madness (David Horowitz) I wish everyone in America would read this article. Afterwards they would surely condemn MIT for providing a salary to such an obtuse anti-American as Noam Chomsky. If the American people are lucky, Noam Chomsky will go live in one of the Communist countries he so adores, then we will never hear from him again. -- Richard Littiken Bravo Horowitz! Noam Chomsky has been a left wing "know it all" for many years. As a young student many years ago, I remember reading his silly socialist leanings and hearing the professors rave about Chomsky's analysis. What is clear is that the world has once again tried to paint the USA as the evil doers and the international business community as some kind of demon hell bent on beating up "little people". Horowitz nails the issues and brightens the day for reasonable truth about U.S. foreign policy and, most importantly, the context for the policies during the last century. As we all know, context drives foreign policy. -- M. Gene Aldridge, New Mexico Good writing by David. As my favorite journalist says of the peaceniks -- "Get a Life." David may be helping in keeping the them at bay while our President gets on with the protection of the Freedom of the world -- John F. Manning *** Re: Alan Keyes Columns Mr. Keyes article is to the point and very motivational as always. I always have the feeling I'm getting ready to go on the field for the championship game. He is such a patriot. It's too bad President Bush can't find some place fore him. He would be an asset. -- Wayne Kellar, Versailles, Kentucky We need more writers like Alan Keyes. He is truly an American, an example for all to follow. -- Paul Emilius ======================================================================== SUBSCRIBE TODAY! LET THE EAGLE LAND ON YOUR DESKTOP Was this e-mail forwarded to you? Would you like to subscribe to it yourself or subscribe a friend? If so, simply and fill out the simple form at http://gopusa.com/eagle/subscribe.shtml ======================================================================== Copyright 2000-2001, GOPUSA.com, Inc. http://gopusa.com eagle@gopusa.com