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Subject:GOPUSA Eagle - October 22, 2001
Date:Mon, 22 Oct 2001 04:10:51 -0700 (PDT)

Bringing the conservative message to the Internet

GOPUSA Eagle - October 22, 2001

Inside this issue...

* Dorothy Anne Seese... Peace at Any Price is Total Capitulation
* A Look at the Headlines
* State News Briefs
* Bush Update
* Alan Keyes... Controlling Our Fear
* Carol Devine-Molin... Smallpox As Bioterrorism: A Major Threat Looms
* Gregg Bish... ANTHRAX: Why Such a Panic?
* Doug Patton... Hijacking the Language of Terrorism
* SARTRE... The Harsh Economic Costs of 911
* GOPUSA Trivia... Coming Soon!
* Kevin Tuma Cartoon... Bleeding Heart

-- Don't just sit there mulling it over... subscribe to The Eagle today!


Peace at Any Price is Total Capitulation
By Dorothy Anne Seese

We're in a world at war and that isn't really news, nor has it been for
the last several thousand years of human history. It's just more global
in both impact and in news coverage.

For the United States and North America in general, war that affects
this nation's home soil is new because of the isolation we enjoyed in
the 20th century. It must be remembered that war on US soil was common
from the American Revolution through the War between the North and
South. It was conventional war, even primitive compared to today's
technological warfare, but death is death, whether by musket, by nuclear
weapons, or by bioterrorism.

What we must remember is that peace at any price isn't peace and will
never result in anything other than more bloodshed. "Cleansing"
practices, particularly of a vanquished enemy where there has been
long-standing hatred, is common practice and has been since the
beginning of recorded history. So-called "peaceniks" and the
mentally-manipulated students who generally fall for the socialist line
of drivel would do well to remember that the only reason they're free to
be peaceniks is that wars were fought to preserve their right to speak

Read more at http://gopusa.com/dorothyanneseese/das_102201.shtml

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A Look at the Headlines

The front page of the GOPUSA web site is constantly being updated to
provide you with the latest news and information.

Here are your Monday headlines:

GOPUSA Top Story -- More Anthrax Cases Adds to Public's Concern

The Washington Times
* APEC condemns terrorist attacks
* 'Bullets will fly' to take bin Laden
* House control tough goal for Democrats

* Jesse Jackson Accused of 'Racketeering' by Top Black Businessman
* US Faces Calls To End Afghan Conflict By Ramadan
* Will China Use War Against Terror As Pretext for Repression?

* Are Milk/Food Supplies Safe?
* Order to CIA: Kill bin Laden
* North Korea, Angry About Alert, Increasing Military Power

Fox News
* U.S. Warplanes Strike Moving Targets, Front Line Positions
* Bush, Putin Talk Missiles, but Find Common Ground Elsewhere
* Israel Lays Siege to Six West Bank Towns

USA Today
* GOP slows foreign aid bill to speed judicial choices
* Crews get ready for 'long battle' against terrorism
* APEC leaders unite, but grievances remain

These headlines and more can be found at http://gopusa.com


State News Briefs

In addition to national news, GOPUSA also brings you the latest news
from your state. Click on one of the links below to read the latest
state headlines. If your state is not listed, perhaps you'd like to help
GOPUSA by being a state editor. To find out more the role of a volunteer
state editor, please click here --< http://gopusa.com/editors.shtml

Arizona - A first? Anti-war rally in Phoenix advocates war

California - Taxpayer dollars help fund many environmental groups

Florida - Governor can't afford to further anger black voters

Georgia - OUR OPINION: McKinney befriending royal tyrants

Idaho - Otter voted with his conscience, but against tide

Illinois - Courageous widow flies

Michigan - Conservative State Senator may challenge Upton next year

New Mexico - U.S. Helicopter Fired Upon In Pakistan

New York - Rudy's 9-11 Minute by Minute

North Carolina - Vinroot prodded to step aside - GOP lining up behind Dole

Oklahoma - 2002: Three key (state) contests likely

Tennessee - Decision on special session expected soon

Texas - Texas Supreme Court rejects redistricting plan

Virginia - Latest Polls Show Dead Heat

Wisconsin - Supermax comes under scrutiny

And now... a word from our sponsor...

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Bush Update

Weekly Radio Address

THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. I'm speaking to you today from Shanghai,
China, at an international meeting of Pacific Rim nations where we are
continuing to enlist the resources of the civilized world in our war
against terrorism.

I am meeting with leaders from China and Mexico, Russia and Canada,
Australia and Japan, and many other friends, allies, and trading
partners. We're discussing ways to cooperate to improve intelligence,
freeze funding, and better track down terrorist groups. We're also
discussing ways to better protect all our citizens from a new threat,
the threat of bioterrorism.

America has now confirmed several different cases of anthrax exposure in
Florida, New York, New Jersey, and Washington, D.C. I commend the many
health and law enforcement officials who have worked quickly to identify
people who may have been exposed, and provide preventative antibiotic
treatment. Their quick work has no doubt saved lives.

Read more at http://gopusa.com/bush/radio39.shtml


Controlling Our Fear
By Alan Keyes

The nature, scope and source of the anthrax assault on the United States
may be much more evident by the time you read this. Already, it is
clear that the scattered, partially successful attempts to distribute
the deadly spores have had some success in frightening millions of
people who have no reasonable likelihood of being affected. Some are
calling for authorities to restrict or even suppress reporting of
additional cases, lest the fear spread, or become a panic. But this
kind of response to adversity is incompatible with the requirements of
liberty or self-government. The situation we must confront should make
us all ask ourselves who is finally responsible for controlling our
fear. It is a question with serious implications for a free people.

Bravery is the virtue of having the right amount of fear, and
confidence, in the face of real danger, and of acting accordingly. It
requires reason and disciplined passions. This is a combination we
should know something about in the land of the free and the home of the

Read more at http://gopusa.com/alankeyes/ak_102201.shtml


Smallpox As Bioterrorism: A Major Threat Looms
By Carol Devine-Molin

Although this nation is beset by anthrax anxiety, it's important to
place the current threat in perspective. To date, only the offices of a
few politicians and big media outlets appear to have been targeted by
anthrax mailings. And, despite the apoplectic reaction from many, the
anthrax assault has resulted in only one death, with a handful of
individuals manifesting the disease, and approximately forty others
tested and found to exhibit asymptomatic exposure to the substance.
Clearly this is a form of bioterrorism, with Islamic fanatics considered
the prime suspects by most, although some perpetrators of hoaxes and
copycat activities are under investigation as well.

Read more at http://gopusa.com/caroldevinemolin/cdm_102201.shtml


ANTHRAX: Why Such a Panic?
By Gregg Bish

The panic over anthrax is more a sign of the times than a sign of fear
at terrorist activity.

Listening to the news on Saturday morning TV, one could come away with
the notion that every other person in the US was infected with anthrax,
and those not infected were exposed. All of the major news outlets, CBS,
NBC, ABC, Fox and CNN carried at least one headline news article
regarding the anthrax scare.

It is a sign of the times that one death, less than a dozen infections,
and fewer than a hundred exposures would set the emotional and financial
well-being of the nation on its ear.

We have forgotten much.

Read more at http://gopusa.com/greggbish/gb_102201.shtml


Hijacking the Language of Terrorism
By Doug Patton

"War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength." -- From the
novel, 1984, by George Orwell

Some believe that the terror of Orwell's masterful 1949 vision - with
its two-way "telescreens" installed in every home, constantly reminding
citizens that "Big Brother is watching" - lay in its portrayal of the
absolute totalitarian control of every citizen's movements.

As one who deals in the nuance of language, I have always found the
prospect of "Newspeak" much more troubling. Newspeak was an entire
language Orwell created for the construction of the world of 1984.
Instead of evolving, as most language does, Newspeak devolved with each
passing year, until words once taken for granted no longer existed, had
been replaced by something entirely different (or completely opposite)
in meaning or had no meaning at all. Hence, the slogan, "War is
peace...freedom is slavery...ignorance is strength."

Over the last twenty years, political correctness has brought Newspeak
to our modern world. Many of us viewed it as mere silliness or a
passing fad. No more. Newspeak has come with a vengeance to America
and to its war on terror.

Read more at http://gopusa.com/dougpatton/dp_102201.shtml


The Harsh Economic Costs of 911

Now that the task of recovery has begun in earnest, we need to evaluate
the after effects of the earth shattering massacre. With estimates well
over 100 Billion Dollars for New York City alone, we are in store for
some major realignments in the national economy. The federal government
will subsidize and grant a large portion of these funds. Coming out of
our pockets is nothing new for most of us. But the underlying changes to
the functions of the Capitalistic order, may well be much more
significant in the long run.

First it needs to be noted that the economic system that now goes under
the 'so called' title of Capitalism, no longer conforms to even an
expanded definition of Free Enterprise. The reality of economic life in
the United States can best be understood as an alliance of the
Corporations/MoneyInterest/Government Axis. The central structures that
serve as the positional referent, is the nature of this axis. The
beneficiaries of this confederation are owners, managers, employees,
investment bankers, security brokers, speculators, investors,
politicians, bureaucrats, judges and lawyers. Their degrees of benefit
are not equal, but each has a vestige interest in protecting the
functions of the present 'status quo'. Resistance to meaningful reform
or fundamental realignment is at the core of most policy decisions.

Read more at http://gopusa.com/sartre/sartre_102201.shtml



Think you know politics?

Get ready to test your brain in the new GOPUSA Trivia Contest!
Sponsored by BushCountry.org, the contest will begin next week.

Stay tuned for details...


Bleeding Heart
By Kevin Tuma

The latest Kevin Tuma cartoon can be found on the GOPUSA web site by
clicking on the following link:

Archives of Kevin's cartoons can be found at http://gopusa.com/cartoons

We hope you enjoy the cartoon! Look for more in future issues of the



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