Enron Mail

To:kroum.kroumov@enron.com, d..hare@enron.com
Subject:RE: URGENT....EPMI Performance books - GCP Completed Response
Cc:duong.luu@enron.com, will.smith@enron.com, dave.nommensen@enron.com,william.crooks@enron.com, w..white@enron.com, john.postlethwaite@enron.com, casey.evans@enron.com
Bcc:duong.luu@enron.com, will.smith@enron.com, dave.nommensen@enron.com,william.crooks@enron.com, w..white@enron.com, john.postlethwaite@enron.com, casey.evans@enron.com
Date:Fri, 11 Jan 2002 11:16:57 -0800 (PST)

I have corrected the shortname on CP# 166985, from EPMIWESPER TO EPMI-WEST-PERF.

My apologies !


-----Original Message-----
From: Kroumov, Kroum
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 11:38 AM
To: Rodriguez, Bernice; Hare, Bill D.
Cc: Luu, Duong; Smith, Will; Nommensen, Dave; Crooks, William; White, Stacey W.; Postlethwaite, John; Evans, Casey
Subject: RE: URGENT....EPMI Performance books - GCP Completed Response

I can see them. Thanks.

It is just that the short names are EPMI-EAST-PERF and EPMIWESPER ( not EPMI-WEST-PERF )
That could bring later confusion

-----Original Message-----
From: Rodriguez, Bernice
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 11:17 AM
To: Hare, Bill D.
Cc: Luu, Duong; Smith, Will; Nommensen, Dave; Crooks, William; Kroumov, Kroum; White, Stacey W.; Postlethwaite, John; Evans, Casey
Subject: URGENT....EPMI Performance books - GCP Completed Response


The following have been setup in GCP:

CP# 166981 EPMI East Performance
CP# 166985 EPMI West Performance

I have confirmed with Casey that ALL traders (active or inactive in GCP) must be attached to these books. I am currently working with GCP IT to attach about 350 traders from the back end and will advise when this step is completed.


-----Original Message-----
From: Hare, Bill D.
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 11:08 AM
To: Rodriguez, Bernice
Cc: Luu, Duong; Smith, Will; Hare, Bill D.; Nommensen, Dave; Crooks, William; Kroumov, Kroum; White, Stacey W.; Postlethwaite, John
Subject: FW: URGENT....EPMI Performance books

Please inform Casey when complete


-----Original Message-----
From: Evans, Casey
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 11:06 AM
To: Luu, Duong; Smith, Will; Hare, Bill D.; Nommensen, Dave; Crooks, William; Kroumov, Kroum
Cc: White, Stacey W.; Postlethwaite, John
Subject: URGENT....EPMI Performance books

The request to have all currently performing deals moved to the East Performance and West Performance books has just been expressed as URGENT.

As soon as the East Performance and West Performance books are set up in Global, we will need Enpower refreshed ASAP.

Bill H. is coordinating the setup in global, Dave/Crooks are coordinating the script to be run to change the primary desk name.

If anyone has any questions at all, PLEASE let me know. Thanks to all and sorry for the fire drill!
