Enron Mail

To:shona.wilson@enron.com, casey.evans@enron.com
Subject:RE: information for the creditors committee
Cc:w..white@enron.com, kristin.albrecht@enron.com, susie.ayala@enron.com,susan.trevino@enron.com
Bcc:w..white@enron.com, kristin.albrecht@enron.com, susie.ayala@enron.com,susan.trevino@enron.com
Date:Fri, 18 Jan 2002 08:15:58 -0800 (PST)

1. My understanding from Barry yesterday is that we do want printouts of each of the rolls that support the DPR.

3. Active Counterparties and Open Transactions. As discussed yesterday, an open transaction is being defined as "how many deals on the book at 11/30."


-----Original Message-----
From: Wilson, Shona
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 9:18 AM
To: Evans, Casey
Cc: White, Stacey W.; Albrecht, Kristin; Abel, Chris; Ayala, Susie; Trevino, Susan
Subject: RE: information for the creditors committee

Dea Casey,

Do you still have a qu or did someone address these yesterday?


-----Original Message-----
From: Evans, Casey
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 9:21 AM
To: Wilson, Shona
Cc: White, Stacey W.
Subject: RE: information for the creditors committee

Shona -

A few points/questions on the request:

1. How detailed do you want the "rolls supporting DPR information".....I ask because we have about 40 individual rolls which constitute our DPR info. Do they just want a print-out from Excel of each of these rolls?!

2. All PRMA info needs to come from Accounting (Tracy Greene)

3. What are they classifying as an "open" transaction?! If you let me know how they are differentiating between an "open" and an "active" transaction, I can possibly have our IT guys run a script to get a number in an efficient manner.

4. We can get you the number of books and commercial support people

5. Average number of transactions per day can possibly be obtained from someone in the EOL group (and then simply extrapolated to obtain a number representing our complete population of deals) as EOL constitutes approximately 75% of the power trading activity

Please let me know your thoughts.


-----Original Message-----
From: Wilson, Shona
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2002 1:49 PM
To: Albrecht, Kristin; Mills, Scott; Gossett, Jeffrey C.; White, Stacey W.; Keiser, Kam; Evans, Casey; Vinson, Donald Wayne; Stevens, Martha; Glover, Sheila; Carrington, Clara; Horn, Cindy; Oliver, David; Sweeney, Kevin; Hall, D. Todd; Prejean, Frank; Swinney, John; Best, John; Thomas, Sheri; Moscoso, Michael E.; Hanson, Kristen J.; Mao, Shari; Miralles, Albert; Loibl, Kori; Reeves, Kathy; Gillis, Brian; Thurbin, Simon
Cc: Thapar, Raj; Pearce, Barry; Hall, Bob M; Beck, Sally; Abel, Chris; Ayala, Susie; Trevino, Susan
Subject: information for the creditors committee

As we discussed yesterday, here is the list of information that we need to gather to put into the booklets. Please give us information (Chris, Keith, Susie, Susan and me) information as you get it. The first priority is the rolls supporting the DPR information. Also, please remember that all information needs to be reconciled to DPR information. Please let Chris, Keith & myself know of your time frame to get us this info. Currently, expectations are that we should have at least the rolls by the end of the week this week.

<< File: booket info needed.xls <<


Shona Wilson
Director, Global Risk Operations