Enron Mail

To:norman.lee@enron.com, zhiyun.yang@enron.com
Subject:RE: information for the creditors committee
Date:Thu, 17 Jan 2002 13:35:12 -0800 (PST)

Here are the original 11/30 post ids....

14826 thru 14833

-----Original Message-----
From: Evans, Casey
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 3:32 PM
To: Lee, Norman; Yang, Zhiyun
Cc: White, Stacey W.
Subject: FW: information for the creditors committee

From the same list of original 11/30 East and West post ids, can you obtain the total number of deals in all of the calcs?! (i.e. one grand total of transactions for the East and West)

-----Original Message-----
From: Pearce, Barry
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 3:23 PM
To: Abel, Chris; Evans, Casey
Cc: Albrecht, Kristin
Subject: RE: information for the creditors committee

What we want is active transactions, hence, how many deals do we have in the book as of 11/30?
-----Original Message-----
From: Abel, Chris
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 1:44 PM
To: Pearce, Barry
Subject: FW: information for the creditors committee

I thought I could answer this question. Can you provide more clarity?


-----Original Message-----
From: Evans, Casey
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 12:06 PM
To: Abel, Chris
Subject: RE: information for the creditors committee

no, that can't be right, hence "clear as mud". we can have an "open" position overall with a counterparty or overall with a region, but there is no such thing as an "open" transaction?!

-----Original Message-----
From: Abel, Chris
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 11:32 AM
To: Evans, Casey
Subject: RE: information for the creditors committee

define it as open positions. if you have a long and a short offsetting with a counterparty, then there is not an open transaction.

clear as mud?

-----Original Message-----
From: Evans, Casey
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 11:28 AM
To: Abel, Chris
Subject: RE: information for the creditors committee

how have we decided to define "open" transactions?!

-----Original Message-----
From: Abel, Chris
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 11:03 AM
To: Wilson, Shona; Albrecht, Kristin; Mills, Scott; Gossett, Jeffrey C.; White, Stacey W.; Keiser, Kam; Evans, Casey; Vinson, Donald Wayne; Stevens, Martha; Glover, Sheila; Carrington, Clara; Horn, Cindy; Oliver, David; Sweeney, Kevin; Hall, D. Todd; Prejean, Frank; Swinney, John; Best, John; Thomas, Sheri; Moscoso, Michael E.; Hanson, Kristen J.; Mao, Shari; Miralles, Albert; Loibl, Kori; Reeves, Kathy; Gillis, Brian; Thurbin, Simon
Cc: Thapar, Raj; Pearce, Barry; Hall, Bob M; Beck, Sally; Ayala, Susie; Trevino, Susan
Subject: RE: information for the creditors committee

FYI- The request in the attachment for "Number of Active Transactions as of 11/30" should actually read, "Number of Active Counterparties as of 11/30". I hope this helps clarify the request.


<< File: booket info needed.xls <<

-----Original Message-----
From: Wilson, Shona
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2002 1:49 PM
To: Albrecht, Kristin; Mills, Scott; Gossett, Jeffrey C.; White, Stacey W.; Keiser, Kam; Evans, Casey; Vinson, Donald Wayne; Stevens, Martha; Glover, Sheila; Carrington, Clara; Horn, Cindy; Oliver, David; Sweeney, Kevin; Hall, D. Todd; Prejean, Frank; Swinney, John; Best, John; Thomas, Sheri; Moscoso, Michael E.; Hanson, Kristen J.; Mao, Shari; Miralles, Albert; Loibl, Kori; Reeves, Kathy; Gillis, Brian; Thurbin, Simon
Cc: Thapar, Raj; Pearce, Barry; Hall, Bob M; Beck, Sally; Abel, Chris; Ayala, Susie; Trevino, Susan
Subject: information for the creditors committee

As we discussed yesterday, here is the list of information that we need to gather to put into the booklets. Please give us information (Chris, Keith, Susie, Susan and me) information as you get it. The first priority is the rolls supporting the DPR information. Also, please remember that all information needs to be reconciled to DPR information. Please let Chris, Keith & myself know of your time frame to get us this info. Currently, expectations are that we should have at least the rolls by the end of the week this week.

<< File: booket info needed.xls <<


Shona Wilson
Director, Global Risk Operations