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Subject:impervious: M-W's Word of the Day
Date:Sat, 20 Oct 2001 02:00:01 -0700 (PDT)

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The Word of the Day for October 21 is:

impervious \im-PER-vee-us\ (adjective)
1 *a : not allowing entrance or passage : impenetrable
b : not capable of being damaged or harmed
2 : not capable of being affected or disturbed

Example sentence:
"The church's thick stone walls seemed to be impervious to
noise. . . ." (_Pittsburgh Post-Gazette_, August 26, 2001)

Did you know?
The English language is far from impervious, and of course,
a great many Latinate terms have entered it throughout its
history. "Impervious" is one of the many that broke through in
the 17th century. It comes from the Latin "impervius," and it
has many relatives in English. "Impervius" adds the prefix "im-"
to "pervius," which means "passable" or "penetrable" (and is
the source of the relatively uncommon English word "pervious").
"Pervius" itself comes from two smaller Latin forms: "per-,"
meaning "through," and "via," meaning "way." Among the many
"per-" derivatives are "persevere," "pervade" and "percolate."
From "via," we have "trivial," "deviate," and many others.

*Indicates the sense illustrated in the example sentence.

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