Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Request Submitted: Access Request for
Date:Thu, 25 Oct 2001 13:14:58 -0700 (PDT)

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I typically do not like to give access to m:\common\power\ directory as this is where all the DPR information is. A member of your fundamentals team, Maria Van Houton, would like access to the drive in order to access curve data that the risk group puts together. If this is o.k. with you I will approve, otherwise I will tell her to get the information from the curve directory m:\power2\region.


-----Original Message-----
From: Van houten, Maria
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 3:12 PM
To: White, Stacey W.
Subject: RE: Request Submitted: Access Request for maria.van.houten@enron.com

Hi Stacey,
The raw data is in M:\power2\region, but the files that I actually collect the data from and that are e-mailed to me, are located in the directory I requested access to (M:\common\power\position\dpr\2001\westpos\2001\).

-----Original Message-----
From: White, Stacey W.
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 1:06 PM
To: Van houten, Maria
Subject: RE: Request Submitted: Access Request for maria.van.houten@enron.com

The power curves are actually located in M:\power2\region If you want access to this drive please resubmit request and make sure it is Read Only.


-----Original Message-----
From: Van houten, Maria
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 11:53 AM
To: White, Stacey W.
Subject: RE: Request Submitted: Access Request for maria.van.houten@enron.com

Hi Stacey,
I work in the fundamentals group in Portland and receive the forward power curves daily via e-mail to import them into our database for our traders here. I have requested access to the m:\common\power directory because this is where the files are stored and it would be much more efficient and increase reliability tremendously by automating the collection of this data versus the current system of manually detaching the files through e-mail. Our traders have come to rely heavily on accessing this information in our database. However, when I'm out, the files don't get imported because I'm not here to detach them. Please let me know if you have any further questions.

-----Original Message-----
From: White, Stacey W.
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 9:00 AM
To: Van houten, Maria
Subject: RE: Request Submitted: Access Request for maria.van.houten@enron.com


What information are you trying to obtain through m:\common\power? Sorry for all the questions, but everyone requesting this directory gets them as this directory contains extremely sensitive information.


-----Original Message-----
From: ARSystem <ARSystem@mailman.enron.com<@ENRON
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 10:39 AM
To: White, Stacey W.
Subject: Request Submitted: Access Request for maria.van.houten@enron.com

You have received this email because you are listed as a data approver. Please click http://itcapps.corp.enron.com/srrs/auth/emailLink.asp?ID=000000000070996&;Page=Approval to review and act upon this request.

Request ID : 000000000070996
Request Create Date : 10/25/01 10:38:34 AM
Requested For : maria.van.houten@enron.com
Resource Name : \\nahoutrd\houston\pwr\common\common\Power - [Read]
Resource Type : Directory