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Just make sure this is OK.
Stacey -----Original Message----- From: Trevino, Susan Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2002 11:52 AM To: Evans, Casey; White, Stacey W.; Dunton, Heather; Chang, Fran Cc: Wilson, Shona; Abel, Chris; Ayala, Susie Subject: The following books will be inactivated today due to the fact that there are no 3rd party nor intercompany positions. Please advise if otherwise. Thank you, Susan x3-1462 PWR-NG-WEST-GD-GDL PWR-NG-LTCA-BAS PWR-NG-LTCA-PRC PWR-NG-LTSW-BAS PWR-NG-LTSW-PRC PWR-NG-ST-WEST-BAS PWR-NG-ST-WEST-PRC PWR-NG-STNW-BAS PWR-NG-STNW-PRC PWR-NG-WEST-BAS PWR-NG-WEST-PRC PWR-NG-WST-BAS PWR-NG-WST-PRC PWR-PRICE-PRC-MIDC PWR-PRICE-PRC-PWRC PWR-PRICE-PRC-PWRP