Enron Mail

Subject:RE: "Best Practices" Meeting - Tuesday, Feb. 5
Date:Fri, 1 Feb 2002 12:42:01 -0800 (PST)

I will attend.

Also, is there someone who objects to sending invitations through the calendar tool? It is a much more efficient method of getting meetings on the calendar.


-----Original Message-----
From: Valdez, Christina
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 2:01 PM
To: Reeves, Leslie; Gossett, Jeffrey C.; Keiser, Kam; Valdes, John; Evans, Casey; White, Stacey W.; Theriot, Kim S.; Hanson, Kristen J.; Baxter, Bryce; Aucoin, Evelyn; Allen, Thresa A.; Gilbert, Scotty; Postlethwaite, John; Hedstrom, Peggy; Lamadrid, Victor; Kinsey, Lisa; Sullivan, Patti; Superty, Robert
Cc: Beck, Sally
Subject: "Best Practices" Meeting - Tuesday, Feb. 5
Importance: High

Please plan on attending a "Best Practices" meeting coordinated by Sally Beck on:

Date: Tuesday, Feb. 5
Time: 11:30am - 1:30pm (lunch included)
Location: ECS 4075

Scotty Gilbert/John Postathwaite/Peggy Hedstrom - we would like to video conference you in to this meeting. Let me know if your office has the capability; if so, please provide:

1) name of video specialist in your office
2) video specialist phone number
3) conference room number and phone number

All - Please confirm your attendance by e-mail.

Thank you very much,

Christina Valdez Epperson
Enron Net Works LLC
Phone - 713.853-9106
Fax - 713.345.8100