Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Final Review
Date:Fri, 26 Oct 2001 13:28:45 -0700 (PDT)

All your suggestions sound good. Thanks for being on top of the personnel =

Thanks again,

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Postlethwaite, John =20
Sent:=09Friday, October 26, 2001 1:51 PM
To:=09White, Stacey W.
Subject:=09Final Review

I just wanted to give you an up date on the review with Heather. My primary=
focus with her was taking on to much responsibility and not focusing enoug=
h on the end results of her project such as Renewables. She just needs to s=
pend more time ensuring that the numbers being reported are correct and acc=
urate the first time, not after it goes into production. There had also bee=
n a complaint from Fran that Heather is not involved enough with the daily =
routines and may be taking the group for granted when it comes to the day t=
o day work. Heather agreed with that but the problem that she faces is that=
Nick, Fran and Sam use that inter messaging system to communicate instead =
of verbally and as a result Heather is left out. I was thinking of telling =
everyone that there should be no use of the messaging system for business r=
elated issues within our group and also implementing the assigning of respo=
nsibilities to people for a couple of weeks then rotating it around. That w=
ay nobody can say somebody else is not helping enough. All in all it went w=
ell otherwise. She is was very receptive to my concerns and readily admitte=
d to areas of improvement.

Couple of other things that I got from the meetings that might help the gro=
up. The first is an informational meeting with settlements and maybe accoun=
ting to understand what they do with the reports that we send each month an=
d secondly, another meeting (hopefully better) regarding VaR and how the re=
ports that we produce are used.

John Postlethwaite
EPMI-West Power Risk Management