Enron Mail

Subject:Enron Guaranty Dated February 8, 2001
Date:Tue, 20 Feb 2001 01:32:00 -0800 (PST)

Clement -

I received the attached email from Dale Wilson,
---------------------- Forwarded by Jason R Williams/NA/Enron on 02/20/2001
09:32 AM ---------------------------

"Dale Wilson" <Dale.Wilson@dvn.com< on 02/19/2001 02:47:21 PM
To: <Jason.R.Williams@enron.com<
cc: "Blaine Wofford" <Blaine.Wofford@dvn.com<, "Jim Strawn"
<Jim.Strawn@dvn.com<, "John Munsch" <John.Munsch@dvn.com<, "Luis Balandran"

Subject: Enron Guaranty Dated February 8, 2001


Devon Energy also has appx. [$12MM to $15MM] of monthly exposure to EOTT
Energy Operating, LP.

We are requesting the ability to "carve out" $30MM (2 months sales) from the
existing Enron Guaranty to cover any exposure that we have with EOTT.

We could document this a letter agreement attached to the current guaranty.

Please advise
Dale Wilson
405 552-8192