Enron Mail

Subject:The Playoffs
Cc:bossbird@ev1.net, jason.r.williams@enron.com, phoenixmachining@pdq.net,scrower@networkoil.com, msuttle@wunderlichsecurities.com, mnssuttle@aol.com, bechtolb@epenergy.com, jcez@yahoo.com, jsuttle@enron.com, joe_yellig@fmc.com, yellig@yahoo.com, dporr
Bcc:bossbird@ev1.net, jason.r.williams@enron.com, phoenixmachining@pdq.net,scrower@networkoil.com, msuttle@wunderlichsecurities.com, mnssuttle@aol.com, bechtolb@epenergy.com, jcez@yahoo.com, jsuttle@enron.com, joe_yellig@fmc.com, yellig@yahoo.com, dporr
Date:Mon, 4 Dec 2000 00:42:00 -0800 (PST)

Gentlemen -

Well, even though we still have a Monday Night Football game yet to be
played, it's not too early to call the winners of Week 1 of the playoffs:

Megaboof XL beats Refugees
Memphis Blues beat Austin Powers

Once again, Ironballs makes an early exit from the playoffs. The more things
change, the more they stay the same. And Michael just unloaded on Yellig.
Talk about your running start, unlubricated backdoor violations. Brutal.

So here are the matchups for next week's contests:

Goodfellas vs. Megaboof XL
Postal Crampage vs. Memphis Blues

Good luck to all our remaining competitors.

Jay-san R. Williams
CEO and Chief Shogun, Shokohachi Football Club of Japan
Imperial Football Genius
The Greatest DeFacto Commissioner in FFL History