Enron Mail

Subject:192 new treasures for Mom
Date:Sat, 5 May 2001 12:58:15 -0700 (PDT)

Diamond heart slide, $245.00 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] May's=
Birthstone [IMAGE] Introducing 192 new items! [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Treasu=
res unique as Mom herself [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] You know her better=
than anyone. Her tastes, her spirit, her style. [IMAGE] Pearl earrings,=
$45.00 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Etched glass bowl, $90.00 Etch=
ed glass vase, $125.00 [IMAGE] Glass vase, $85.00 [IMAGE] At G=
allery at the Creek?, you?ll find a Mother?s Day gift that?s =
truly one-of-a-kind. Just like her. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Touch=
your mother?s heart in the most meaningful way. Click the link bel=
ow. http://www.galleryatthecreek.com/jump.asp?linkid=3D1&;OfferCode=3DWH=
G0501 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Pearl/tanzanite ring, $135.00 Gallery at the Cree=
k [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Coldwater Creek. http://www.coldwatercreek.c=
om/jump.asp?linkid=3D1001&OfferCode=3DWHA0472 Distinctive fashions for wom=
en, unique accents for the home. click here Free gift boxing at Gallery at=
the Creek. http://www.galleryatthecreek.com/jump.asp?linkid=3D46&;OfferCode=
=3DWHG0501 Privacy, Security, Service. http://www.galleryatthecreek.com/ju=
mp.asp?linkid=3D44&OfferCode=3DWHG0501 Our guarantee to you click here =
[IMAGE] If you are unable to view the images in this e-mail, click t=
he link below. http://www.galleryatthecreek.com/jump.asp?linkid=3D70&;OfferC=
ode=3DWHG0501 This e-mail was sent to JWILLIA@ENRON.COM. If you would rat=
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