Enron Mail

Date:Sun, 20 May 2001 13:40:31 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Friend:

Would you like to find solutions to all your daily problems and life's challenges at the click of a mouse button? Who wouldn't? We have the answers you're looking for. "The Word" CD-ROM complete Bible is one of the most powerful, life-changing tools available today and it's easy to use.

Your relationship with God is the foundation of your life -- on earth and for eternity. It's the most important relationship you'll ever enjoy. We'd like to help you build your relationship with God so you can reap the life-changing benefits only He can provide: unconditional love; eternal life; financial and emotional strength; health; and solutions to every problem or challenge you'll ever face.

"The Word" CD ROM complete Bible is simply amazing:

? 14 English Bible Versions
? Over 40 Foreign Translations
? Homeschool Resource Index
? 17 Lexicons & Commentaries
? Colorful Maps, Illustrations, & Graphs
? Step-by-Step Tutorial
? Fast & Powerful Word/Phrase Search
? Complete Manual With Index Included.


? Build a strong foundation for dynamic Bible Study,
? Make personal notes directly into your computer,
? Create links to favorite scriptures and books.

Try it. No Risk. 30-day money-back guarantee
[excluding shipping & handling]

If you are interested in complete information on "The Word" CD, please visit our
Web site: http://nieyongxin2.www73.cn4e.com/bible_redirect/

International orders accepted.

If your browser won't load the Web site please click here to send us an e-mail and we will e-mail you more information.

Incredible Value Bonus:

? Also contained on the CD are more than 100 books valued at over $1,500.00

You can use "The Word" CD to study the Bible and seek God's answers for every situation in your life simply, easily, at home, right from your computer. And, by using The Word CD you and your family will receive His blessings and love in abundance.

"The Word" CD is software for people who are interested in the Bible and who want to unlock the door to a better life through God. Whether a theologian or church goer, this incredible teaching tool will light up your life.

"The Word" CD contains a gold mine of Bibles (over 60), commentaries, Greek and Hebrew word studies, Bible dictionaries, Bible atlases and other reference works. The works of histories finest Christian thinkers are also included on this CD-ROM -- so you may better understand the Bible to build your faith.

The collection of printed Bibles and books on "The Word" CD are valued at over $3,500. Some of the books included are also hard to obtain, while other reference works included have never been published in printed form.

The powerful search facilities on "The Word" CD traces the exact location of a word or phrase in the Bible or one of the books on the CD. In addition, more than 660,000 cross-references based on the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge help you to compare Scripture with Scripture.

How blessed we are to have software program like this available to us?

Try it. No Risk. 30-day money-back guarantee
[excluding shipping & handling]

International orders accepted.

If you are interested in complete information on "The Word" CD, please visit our
Web site: http://nieyongxin2.www73.cn4e.com/bible_redirect/

If your browser won't load the Web site please click here to send us an e-mail and we will e-mail you more information.

The goal of our ministry is to have every Christian with a computer using a copy of The Word CD ROM -- putting God's word at your fingertips and allowing you and your family to enjoy and study His word in an amazing new way.

Did you know, if you attend church services every Sunday, and your pastor highlights three verses from the Bible in each of his messages, it would take 600 years for you to make your way through the Bible. Reading and studying on your own is critical to your Christian walk and personal relationship with God and to receiving the gifts He holds just for you. The Word CD is brings the Bible to your fingertips in a way never available before.

Try it. No Risk. 30-day money-back guarantee
[excluding shipping & handling]

International orders accepted.

If you are interested in complete information on "The Word" CD, please visit our
Web site: http://nieyongxin2.www73.cn4e.com/bible_redirect/

If your browser won't load the Web site please click here to send us an e-mail and we will e-mail you more information.

May God Bless You,
GGII, Inc. Alpharetta Ga, 30004
e-mail address Bible-CD@minister.com 770-343-9724


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