Enron Mail

Subject:ESPN The Mail: A Date With Lord Stanley
Date:Wed, 9 May 2001 00:20:55 -0700 (PDT)

ESPN.com =09[IMAGE] ESPN.com | mlb | nfl | nba | nhl | expn | fantasy=

[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] A Date with Lord Stanley Hockey fan or no, there =
comes a time in every Cup run when even the NHL illiterate sit wide-eyed an=
d glued to the TV as another epic Stanley Cup contest unfolds. That time ha=
s arrived, and ESPN, ESPN2 and ABC are broadcasting every goal, every fight=
, every power play, kick save and cheap shot delivered throughout the NHL's=
run for the Stanley Cup... Stanley Cup Playoffs 2001 | What We're Watchi=
ng: NHL Playoffs [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Get up to $100 Cash Back fro=
m AT?Wireless! Don't miss this great opportunity to get an exclusive Web of=
fer of up to $100 cash back* on select AT?Wireless online orders. *Click f=
or details . DON'T MISS... [IMAGE] ?Page 2: Hunter S. Thompson's Der=
by Daze [IMAGE] ?ESPNMag.com: Playoff PulseCards [IMAGE] ?Peter Gammons: =
A few early surprises [IMAGE] ?Triple Crown 2001: One down, two to go =
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Fantasy Games [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Greg =
Norman Challenge Select your Byron Nelson foursome for a shot at a '02 Bla=
zer from the Shark! [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09
2001 NBA Playoffs From historic battles for bragging rights in Texas and =
California in the West to a changing of the guard out East, where the Knick=
s, Pacers and Heat are all on the outside looking in at the NBA Conference =
Semis. It's all here. The NBA on ESPN.com: Index | Tor-Phi | Cha-Mil | S=
ac-LAL | Dal-SAS [IMAGE] NBA on ESPN.com [IMAGE] =09

The Finals Countdown May means one thing: Championship finals. Tune into=
Soccernet as the FA Cup, UEFA Cup and UEFA Champions League finals all go =
down in May. Arsenal and Liverpool face off May 12 for the FA Cup, Liverpo=
ol meets Alaves in the UEFA Cup May 16, and the European Cup is up for grab=
s on May 23. Soccernet.com [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09

[IMAGE] [IMAGE] Have you ever wanted to be a member of a Winston Cup Pit=
Crew or take a thrill ride around a NASCAR track? Well, here's your chan=
ce! Log on to www.RPMauction.com today to bid on these all-inclusive week=
end travel packages. =09

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