Enron Mail

Subject:Six Months To Be Debt Free
Date:Sat, 2 Jun 2001 21:21:00 -0700 (PDT)

Eliminate All Your Major Credit Card Debt And
Unsecured Loans Without Bankruptcy!!!!!!
* Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck
because of outrageous credit card payments?
*Are you tired of barely getting by every month
because you fell victim to the CREDIT CARD TRAP?
*Are you sick and tired of always wondering if you
are going to be able to pay all your bills next month?
*Do you have outrageous medical bills or unsecured
loans that sucking you down?
*Are you afraid to file bankruptcy because of
1. the humiliation of having your name published in the paper
2. the hassle of going to court
3. what it will do to your credit record
YOU DO Have An Alternative And We CAN Help!!!!!
Our experts have been helping people eliminate their debt in this manner for over seven years and have been 100% successful.
With our program you can eliminate your debt hassle free and in total privacy (no going to court or getting your name published in the paper). The only people who will know about it are you and your creditors.
If we cannot eliminate your debt we will pay it ourselves!!!!!
You have nothing to lose so Call Now
The Price For Our Services Is $1750.00---2450.00
Depending On Whether You Use One Of Our Paralegals.
All Forms Of Payment Accepted
800_320_9895 ext. 6247 (24 hour recorded message)
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