Enron Mail

Subject:Williams Energy News Live -- today's video newscast
Date:Tue, 29 May 2001 14:22:34 -0700 (PDT)

=09 =09 Dear Jason, On Tuesday we brought you a segment from Washingto=
n Correspondent Peter Cook's visit to Maryland. Peter was invited to trave=
l with Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham while the Secretary toured the Calv=
ert Cliffs Nuclear Plant. If you missed Peter's report on Sec. Abraham and=
the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Plant, log on to ENL's Video Library to view th=
e segment in its entirety. The House and Senate are on Memorial Day r=
ecess for the rest of the week, and they're scheduled to reconvene on June =
5. While it's relatively quiet in Washington, ENL's Washington bureau is k=
eeping an eye on President Bush's trip to California. Washington Bureau Ch=
ief Jay Cranford says tomorrow they'll have updates from the meeting betwee=
n the President and Governor Gray Davis. They'll also continue to follow t=
he President in California as he travels to Fresno and Sequoia National Par=
k on Wednesday. Also on Wednesday, the FERC is scheduled to conduct a reg=
ular meeting. It is unclear whether newly confirmed FERC Commissioners Nor=
a Brownell and Pat Wood will take part in the meeting. Finally, from our =
D.C. bureau on Wednesday, Competitive Enterprise Institute's Christopher Ho=
rner is scheduled to join us. He'll discuss the defection of Sen. James Je=
ffords from the Republican Party and the effect this move may have on the n=
ational energy policy. Log on to see the Horner interview in the 9:00 a.m.=
ET newscast. The Houston Bureau is going to shed some light on job ava=
ilability within the energy industry. Correspondent Kim Benestante reports=
the bureau is scheduled to bring us details on the difficulties some compa=
nies are having recruiting employees during boom periods. Kim also reports=
the bureau is scheduled to bring us a story on an international energy job=
s recruiter. We'll find out what areas of the industry are growing, and wh=
ere employees are being hired. The Houston bureau will bring us these and =
other stories on Wednesday. Keep in mind things are subject to change at =
a moment's notice. Occasionally guests cancel or change time slots. We'll=
continue to do our best to keep you updated on future interviews and event=
s. Keep it on energynewslive.com for all your energy news. =09 =09=09=
=09=09=09[IMAGE]=09=09=09 =09
=09 =09Jay Rickerts, EnergyNewsLive.com Anchor View today's Energy Wrap v=
ideo: (Windows Media Player required) Broadband (100k) | Dial-up (56k)=
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ekdays, 7am-7pm CST. Copyright 2001 Williams Energy News Live, LLC. All =
Rights Reserved. =09=09=09=09=09