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<html< <head< <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"< <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Mozilla/4.76 [en] (Win95; U) [Netscape]"< <title<Untitled</title< </head< <body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFCC33" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000"< <center<<b<<font size=+1<Have you been considering filing</font<</b< <p<<b<<font size=+3<Bancruptcy?</font<</b< <p<<b<<font size=+1<Don't do it until you read this information</font<</b< <p<<b<<font color="#FF0000"<<font size=+1< THE REAL TRUTH ABOUT WHETHER FILING</font<</font<</b< <br<<b<<font color="#FF0000"<<font size=+1<BANKRUPTCY IS YOUR BEST ALTERNATIVE!</font<</font<</b< <p<<b<You may be shocked by all the phony information that is circulating about the</b< <br<<b<pros and cons of bancruptcy (some spread by credit card companies). </b< <p<<b<<font size=+1<Here is a small sample of the secrets you will learn:</font<</b<</center< <ul< <center< <li< <b<Discover why bankruptcy may actually improve your credit rating! </b<</li<</center< </ul< <ul< <center< <li< <b<Learn to Restart your life Completely Debt-Free.</b<</li<</center< </ul< <ul< <center< <li< <b<Learn when a Chapter 13 is a better choice than a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. </b<</li<</center< </ul< <ul< <center< <li< <b<How to stop your creditors dead in their tracks! How to immediately stop:</b<</li<</center< </ul< <center<<b<<font color="#FF0000"<<font size=+1<Foreclosures</font<</font<</b< <br<<b<<font color="#FF0000"<<font size=+1<Evictions</font<</font<</b< <br<<b<<font color="#FF0000"<<font size=+1<Wage Garnishments</font<</font<</b< <br<<b<<font color="#FF0000"<<font size=+1<Seizures</font<</font<</b< <br<<b<<font color="#FF0000"<<font size=+1<Liens</font<</font<</b< <br<<b<<font color="#FF0000"<<font size=+1<Creditor lawsuits</font<</font<</b<</center< <ul< <center< <li< <b<Learn to identify when there are better solutions to your financial problems than bankruptcy</b<</li<</center< </ul< <ul< <center< <li< <b<How to know if you need a lawyer to help you.</b<</li<</center< </ul< <ul< <center< <li< <b<How to identify which debts ARE eliminated in bankruptcy and which ARE NOT! (Key)</b<</li<</center< </ul< <ul< <center< <li< <b<What if you charged up your credit card(s) just before filing! (Key)</b<</li<</center< </ul< <ul< <center< <li< <b<HOW TO SAVE <font color="#FF0000"<$1,000</font< OR MORE IN BANKRUPTCY LAWYER FEES</b<</li<</center< </ul< <center<<b<<font size=+1<I'm going to reveal two closely guarded secrets of the legal profession:</font<</b< <p<<b<1) The law does not require that you retain a lawyer to help you file bankruptcy in ANY state.</b< <br<<b<2) The vast majority of personal bankruptcy cases are highly routine and could easily be handled</b< <br<<b<without paying unnecessary lawyer fees.</b< <br<<br<<b<<font color="#CC0000"<<a href="http://www.mymagichost. com/22/bancruptcy/"<CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE!</a<</font<</b<</font< <BR<<BR< <center<<hr WIDTH="650"< <font face="Arial,Helvetica"<<font size=-2<This email was sent to you by Coconut Bay Marketing Services in full compliance with all existing and proposed email legislation.</font<</font<<BR< <font face="Arial,Helvetica"<<font size=-2<You may automatically <a href="http://www.mymagichost.com/remove.html"<remove yourself from any future mailings by clicking here</a<. The reply address on this email was active<BR<at the time this email was sent. Coconut Bay Marketing Services, SJO3016 PO Box 025216, Miami, FL 33102 tel:011-506-296-1109</font<</font< <hr WIDTH="650"<</center<</ul<</blockquote< </body< </html<