Enron Mail

To:trading <.williams@enron.com<
Subject:Important News For Our Texas Customers
Date:Fri, 8 Jun 2001 17:29:00 -0700 (PDT)

June 8, 2001


We are delighted that you have made a smart energy choice by signing up
with NewPower(tm) as part of the Texas Electric Choice Pilot Program.
Tens of thousands of Texas households have joined you in taking advantage
of the tremendous savings NewPower will provide you over the next two years.

As your new energy supplier, we wanted to make sure that you were informed
of a recent development affecting you as a participant of the pilot
program. NewPower was recently notified by the Texas Public Utility
Commission (PUC) that the pilot program will be phased in more slowly
over the summer months. A more gradual timetable for processing switches
from your local utility to energy service providers, such as NewPower,
will help to ensure a seamless transition between energy suppliers for
the thousands of Texans who have enrolled in the program.

Click below to read the official announcement from the Texas PUC. This
requires you to have Adobe Acrobat Reader:

If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, please click below and follow
instructions for free download:

What does this mean for you? It simply means that your NewPower service
will begin during July instead of June as originally planned. Until then,
your existing provider will continue to provide your electricity,
uninterrupted. Rest assured, once your NewPower service begins, you'll
still get the same great rates and excellent customer service you were
promised when you signed up.

There is no need for you to take any action. NewPower expects that the
Texas Public Utility Commission will enable us to begin providing your
household with electric service after July 6th.

In the meantime, NewPower will send a welcome letter notifying you of the
effective date of your NewPower service. If you have any questions or
concerns, please visit the Public Utility Commission's website at
http://tr.innovyx.com/redir.asp?148_47_994 or call NewPower
at 877-819-9817. (For help in Spanish, call 1-866-523-4176.)

Best regards, and welcome to NewPower!

Nick Utton
Chief Marketing Officer

If you do not wish to receive important announcements regarding your energy
service via email, simply reply to this mail with the word "unsubscribe" in
the subject line. Your registered email address is jason.williams@enron.com.