Enron Mail

Date:Tue, 10 Jul 2001 23:52:23 -0700 (PDT)

HI there stranger!

Well I haven't spoken to you or heard from you in a few days and I'm just
checkin' to see that my lil' buddy in Portland isn't working himself too
hard. As you know I tried to call you tonight but then had to leave for a
workout and a scrimmage soccer game. I am so sore! It's out of control!

Ok so down to the REAL reason I'm writing. Brendan and I had a great time
at Happy Hour. We talked a little about you but mostly about life in
general. He had mentioned that he had E-mailed me so I rushed home to check

Basically he said all good things but there was one thing that struck me as
odd. I guess because he also brought the same point up at the restraunt.
He had written that although you thought I was cool and whatever you had
commented on how "strange " the situation was and he sort of elaborated on

So the point of this E-mail is I guess to reassure you that I only have the
best intentions towards you. I am not trying to be your girlfriend or
anything similar to that. To tell you the truth I don't even know what your
"romantic" situation is. I just think you are an awesome guy whom I'd love
to become close friends with.

I am ecstatic that you are coming to visit me in Huntington Beach (if you
still are) and I'm thrilled that we can go sight seeing touring together. I
bragged and bragged to Brendan about what a great guy you were and then came
home to feel like maybe you were taken back by my advances. I really am
just a very overly affectionate and loving person( not to mention
spontaneous). I didn't mean to scare you away from having a great
friendship with me and me with you.

For heavens sake you are my Portland connection and I'm your beach bum
buddy. Honestly if I were a psycho I would have jumped at the chance to
come up and see your condo when you offered. I just think you are someone
I'd love to get to know. Especially if you are anything like Brendan (which
best friends usually are) he is such a sweetie! When he and Meg go to visit
her mom in LA they might just stop over for a visit and of course they are
welcome to stay with me as well.

I guess I never asked if you had a girlfriend or someone in your life and to
be quite honest I didn't even think to ask Brendan because it's not
important. I want you, Bill, for your friendship and for your companionship
now and when I move to Portland. Reflecting back I realize that I may have
written or said something that caught you off guard. It's just my
personality. I'm a huge flirt. For heavens sake I was voted "Most
flirtatious" my senior year not to mention "Most likely to succeed".
Probably the second one due to the first but who knows! Hahaha! I'm only

Ok seriously now Bill, I want you to be honest. If I did (locating your
condo etc.) or said (like that was the most romantic thing I had ever read
that was written by a guy) something to upset you or give you a false
impression I am so sorry. I do find you attractive and perhaps if we lived
in the same town or had met a little differently or for that matter I knew
your "romantic" stiuation, yeah I would have jumped at the chance to have
dated you. But we didn't and the truth is I can never have too many
friends. Especially good looking ones that I can introduce to all my "girl"
friends so that they can be jealous with envy! :)

Like I said I only have the best of intentions towards you and towrds our
relationship as friends. But if you are uncomfortable with something I've
done or said I am so very sorry and all you have to do is tell me or E-mail
me and you'll never hear from me again. Scouts honor! I 've never been a
scout but I'm not know for my lies either. Teehee.

I would love to hear any concerns that you might have in regards to our
realtionship as friends. If I can I'll put your mind at ease if not well I
enjoyed our short 30 minute interlude. As always you are still welcome to
come visit me and stay with me I would love to have the company.

If I don't hear form you within the next couple of weeks I'll assume the
worst but still try to keep my schedule as flexible as possible in case you
change your mind. I'm lucky in the fact that I can do that sort of thing!
:) Ok just E-mail me or call me. Let me know that you are alive and

I'll be leaving for Calgary, Canada this Thursday morning at 6 am and will
be there until the 16th. I'm so excited this is my first trip out of
country but then again you know that! So I guess I'll hear from you when I
hear from you.

I just thought of a last possible reason... I may be way off base here but I
am not sure if you know the situation between my boyfriend and myself. He
is a real sweetheart and he's going to make a wonderful husband and
father... just not with me. If you are concerned about our friendship and
him becoming weird well the majority of my friends are guys and Todd is
secure enough in himself that he doesn't care. If this is about August and
you staying with me, my father is moving me down not him and it will be a
long time until he can come to visit. Also when I get there we are not
going to continue a long distance exclusive relationship. I haven't dated
or had much of a wild stage and I have told him that we will see other
people. He's fine with that as well.

Ok I admit that his Potland stunt was a little irrational but hey I thought
it was thoughtful and darling. I love surprises and little "extras". I
just didn't expect to have made plans and make myself look like the bad guy
to someone whom I'd never met. Therefore I did everything in my power to
rectify the situation and make both sides happy and in doing so caused this.
You think I'm a psycho! Not to mention I had to face Brendan and before he
could read my E-mail you had already revealed the stroy to him!! SO I got
to be embarrssed and a little humbled by the whole experience!

Ok that's it. take it however you will but it's 12:51am and I'm exhausted!
I did the best I could to figure out and fix a possibly non-existing
problem. I hope I did well enough to inspire a response from you. :) Hope
to hear or read from you soon!

Goodnight and God Bless,


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