Enron Mail

To:john.anderson@enron.com, todd.bland@enron.com, craig.dean@enron.com,mark.guzman@enron.com, leaf.harasin@enron.com, eric.linder@enron.com, steven.merriss@enron.com, bert.meyers@enron.com, v..porter@enron.com, ryan.slinger@enron.com, geir.solberg@enron.
Subject:FW: Correction to COI rerate message:
Date:Thu, 26 Jul 2001 14:07:42 -0700 (PDT)

-----Original Message-----
From: CAISO Market Operations - Hour Ahead
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 11:02 AM
To: Market Status: Hour-Ahead/Real-Time
Subject: Correction to COI rerate message:

Correction to COI rerate message;see direction of power flow: After the Day
ahead market ran, the branch group COI TTC in the (S-N) direction was
changed from 3675 MW to 2450 MW for HE's 1700 through 2400 for operating day
7/26/01. The reason for the change is for the Northwest Generation Urgent
pump repairs. The first applicable Hour Ahead market to run with these
values is HE 1700. The ISO will update you of any changes in line rating
status. Sent by Market Operations, inquiries please call the Hour Ahead

The system conditions described in this communication are dynamic and
subject to change. While the ISO has attempted to reflect the most current,
accurate information available in preparing this notice, system conditions
may change suddenly with little or no notice.