Enron Mail

Subject:Daily Electric Power News - 7/5/01
Date:Wed, 4 Jul 2001 21:19:06 -0700 (PDT)


=09 =09


=09 THIS ISSUE BROUGHT TO YOU BY Schmooze or lose! Don't miss out =
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.energycentral.com/sections/jobs/ TOP STORIES California Officia=
ls Say Electricity Price Controls Nearly Provoked Blackouts By Dale Kasler,=
The Sacramento Bee, Calif. -- July 3 Confused by the federal government's =
new controls on electricity prices, generators withheld so much power from =
California on Monday that the state was nearly plunged into rolling blackou=
ts, state officials said. Duke Energy Details Pricing for Winter Power,=
Will Issue $20 Million Refund By Stella M. Hopkins, The Charlotte Observer=
, N.C. -- July 3 Fighting accusations of price gouging in California's powe=
r crisis, Duke Energy is discussing confidential pricing information in mor=
e detail than ever before. Rolling Blackouts Sweep Through Las Vegas Sa=
n Jose Mercury News, Calif. -- July 3 In one of the clearest signs yet that=
the power crisis is not just California's problem, rolling blackouts swept=
through Las Vegas on Monday afternoon in the city famed for its dazzling c=
asino lights, the first forced outages to hit Nevada. Hot weather strai=
ns southwest U.S. power grid July 3 (Reuters) Continued triple digit temper=
atures forecast on Tuesday across much of the Southwestern United States pr=
ompted heat advisories and renewed calls to conserve energy to avoid overlo=
ading the power grid. Cal-ISO Emergency Triggers an Even Lower Benchmar=
k Price July 2 (Special to Western Price Survey Contacts) As the California=
Independent System Operator weathered its first system emergency of the su=
mmer on July 2, the new price benchmark system kicked into place-and result=
ed in a price cap even lower than what had been in effect for non-emergency=
periods. Special Offer from this Publisher! Press Release Henwo=
od WSCC Analysts Predict Little to no Blackouts and Lower Prices For Wholes=
ale Power This Summer July 2 (News Release) Henwood Energy Services, Inc. (=
Henwood) announced today that due to concerted actions taken mostly by util=
ities in the Pacific Northwest to mitigate power problems, they believe it'=
s possible to avoid blackouts entirely in the summer of 2001 throughout the=
WSCC. Henwood's detailed analysis and updated forecasts are being made ava=
ilable to its WSCC Power Market Advisory Service clients and will be offici=
ally revealed at a "Western Energy Executive Roundtable" on July 12, 2001 a=
t the Marriott Airport Hotel in San Francisco. California Crisis =
California Agency Backs Charlotte, N.C.-Based Energy Firm's Assertions By S=
tella M. Hopkins, The Charlotte Observer, N.C. -- July 2 A memo from the ag=
ency running California's power system says Duke Energy followed its orders=
during three days in January when the Charlotte company is accused of mani=
pulating power supplies to maximize profits. EDITORIAL: Experts Urge C=
alifornians to Play It Cool in Heated Energy Feud The Orange County Registe=
r, Calif. -- July 3 Maybe the one thing needed in the electricity crisis no=
w is to end the accusations, recriminations and finger-pointing. A case in =
point is the controversy over Duke Energy Co.'s alleged price "gouging." =
California Governor Goes to Bat for Energy Whistle-Blowers By John Howar=
d, The Orange County Register, Calif. -- July 3 Gov. Gray Davis on Monday d=
efended the three whistle-blowers who testified about conditions at a Chula=
Vista power plant, rejecting the plant owner's assertion that newly releas=
ed documents discredit the men's allegations. Contracts Indicate Calif=
ornia Power Bills Will Exceed Governor's Forecasts The Sacramento Bee, Cali=
f. -- July 3 California's power bills for the next decade probably will exc=
eed the forecasts of Gov. Gray Davis, the State Controller's Office said Mo=
nday as it released unedited versions of long-term contracts in a new jab a=
t the governor. California Officials Insist Energy Company Manipulated=
Prices, Output By Brandon Bailey, San Jose Mercury News, Calif. -- July 3 =
Even as executives at Duke Energy were claiming vindication Monday, state o=
fficials insisted that newly released dispatch logs for the company's Chula=
Vista power plant don't necessarily absolve the firm of charges that it ma=
nipulated electricity prices. California Power Use Continues to Declin=
e By Paul Rogers, San Jose Mercury News, Calif. -- July 1 Reaching a new hi=
gh in conservation as the hottest summer months loom, Californians used 12.=
3 percent less electricity this June than last June, according to new state=
figures scheduled to be released today. ACWA Urges Cpuc to Preserve D=
irect Access to Alternative Power Supplies As Best Protection Against Price=
Gouging Jul 03, 2001 - Business Wire Representatives of the single largest=
class of electricity users in California -- public water agencies -- are u=
rging the California Public Utilities Commission to retain their powers to =
protect ratepayers from excessive costs by preserving the option to allow p=
ower users to select alternative suppliers. Panel Oks Resolution on Po=
wer Plant Seizures Jul 04, 2001 - FT World Media Abstracts via Comtex Calif=
ornia Gov. Gray Davis has been urged by the Senate Rules Committee to start=
taking control of power plants, in a move intended to pressure those elect=
ricity sellers outside the state who have been accused of taking advantage =
of the state's electricity shortage to engage in price gouging. AD=
VERTISEMENT Visit the industry's most comprehensive Data Center and gain=
on-line access to databases, specialty reports, rate tariffs and more! Fin=
d the information you need immediately at http://www.energycentral.com/sect=
ions/datacenter/ Competition & Deregulation For reports and rela=
ted information on this topic visit our Data Center CPUC Vote Could Ma=
rk Final Death Sentence for California Direct Access By Will McNamara, Issu=
eAlert, July 3 (Scientech) The California Public Utilities Commission is ex=
pected to issue a vote today that will pull the plug on electricity deregul=
ation's core feature: the ability of customers to shop around for alternati=
ve power. Special Offer from this Publisher! ERCOT Now Assuming Direc=
tion of Texas Competitive Market Transition July 2 (Utility Spotlight) A ke=
y moment in the state's closely watched move toward deregulation of its pow=
er generation system is unfolding as the Electric Reliability Council of Te=
xas (ERCOT) greatly increases its responsibilities in directing the transit=
ion to a competitive marketplace. Special Offer from this Publisher! =
Texans See Mixed Results from Electricity Deregulation in Other States By L=
aura Goldberg, Houston Chronicle -- July 1 California continues to draw hea=
dlines as a case study for what can go wrong with electricity deregulation.=
UPDATE 1-Calif. delays vote on retail power choice July 3 (Reuters) T=
he California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) on Tuesday said it was del=
aying until mid-August a vote on the future of retail power choice, one of =
the cornerstones of the state's power deregulation law. Rates For m=
ore information on rate tariffs visit Electric Rate Tariffs Electric B=
ills in Northwest U.S. to Rise, But Not Too Much By Greg Bolt, The Register=
-Guard, Eugene, Ore. -- July 2 Electric bills will take a bigger chunk out =
of household budgets in the Northwest this fall, but the bite won't be near=
ly as deep as energy managers feared just a few months ago. Florida Ut=
ility Doesn't Want To Set Aside Money for Customer Refunds By Cherie Jacobs=
, Tampa Tribune, Fla. -- July 3 Disputing an order by state regulators, Flo=
rida Power Corp. doesn't want to set aside money for customer refunds, the =
utility said Monday. Kansas Commission To Discuss Utility's Electric R=
ates By Dion Lefler, The Wichita Eagle, Kan. -- July 3 With nearly a quarte=
r-billion dollars at stake, the Kansas Corporation Commission is scheduled =
today to give its first indication of whether Western Resources customers w=
ill pay higher or lower electric rates. General Utility's Call Ce=
nter Gets an Earful from San Jose, Calif.-Area Residents By Dana Hull, San =
Jose Mercury News, Calif. -- July 3 The phone calls hit PG?like machine gun=
fire, 4,500 calls an hour, 45,000 calls a day: the woman wanting to know i=
f she is exempt from rolling blackouts, the engineer convinced his gas mete=
r isn't being read, the lawyer itching to argue the rate increases. De=
als/Contracts Cogentrix Selects Kvaerner for US$200 Million Indiana, U=
SA, Power Project Jul 03, 2001 - PR Newswire Kvaerner, the Anglo-Norwegian =
engineering and construction Group, today announced that it has been select=
ed by Cogentrix Energy for final negotiations of the turnkey engineering, p=
rocurement and construction (EPC) contract for an 810 MW power facility bei=
ng developed by Cogentrix outside of Bedford, Indiana, USA. Duke Engin=
eering & Services to Provide Engineering Services To NMC-Operated Nuclear P=
lants CHARLOTTE, N.C., July 3 /PRNewswire/ Duke Engineering & Services has =
been awarded a contract to be one of three engineering services providers t=
o six nuclear power plants operated by Nuclear Management Co. LLC. Pow=
er Pricing/Supply West Cash Holds Near $91.87 Proxy Price, Demand to F=
ade July 3 (Btu's Daily Power Report) Western power prices held to Monday r=
anges in Tuesday for Thursday activity with deals continuing to toy with th=
e California Independent System Operator's proxy price still set at $91.87.=
Special Offer from this Publisher! Wholesale Power Supplier to Raise=
Rates 46 Percent for Seattle-Area Utilities By Lynda V. Mapes, The Seattle=
Times -- July 2 The Bonneville Power Administration announced yesterday it=
is raising wholesale power rates 46 percent in October, a dose of bad news=
that wasn't nearly as bad as expected. PNM to Serve Texas-New Mexico =
Power With Long-Term Power Sale; New PNM Power Plant Planned for Las Cruces=
Area Will Serve TNMP ALBUQUERQUE, N.M., July 2 /PRNewswire/ Texas-New Mexi=
co Power and PNM, Public Service Company of New Mexico, have signed a long-=
term wholesale power contract to improve price stability and ensure an adeq=
uate power supply for TNMP's firm retail customers. Power Projects =
San Francisco Chronicle: Power Plant Battle Jul 03, 2001 - FT World Media=
Abstracts via Comtex An 11-page letter to be sent by San Francisco officia=
ls to the California Energy Commission will give the state energy regulator=
until August 15 to submit a revised preliminary assessment of plans by the=
Atlanta-based Mirant Corporation to build a controversial $260m-$320m powe=
r plant on Potrero Hill. PSEG Power moves step closer to building NY p=
lant July 3 (Reuters) Independent power producer and energy marketer PSEG P=
ower said it took another step toward building a new power plant in New Yor=
k. Renewables Japan Launches Study on Space Solar Power As Energy=
Source Jul 03, 2001 - Kyodo News The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Indust=
ry (METI) said Tuesday it has launched a two-year feasibility study on deve=
loping solar power in space as an alternative source of energy. Beijin=
g Provides Solar Energy Equipment for Tibet Jul 04, 2001 - Xinhua News Agen=
cy The Beijing Solar Energy Research Institute presented 303 sets of solar =
energy devices to Lhasa, capital of southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Regi=
on, at a ceremony held Monday. Plants Alliant Says New System Che=
aply Cuts Pollution at Coal-Fired Power Plants By Judy Newman, The Wisconsi=
n State Journal -- July 3 Alliant Energy Corp. said it has developed a syst=
em to reduce air pollution at its coal-fired power plants at a fraction of =
the normal cost. Ontario Takes Next Step to Stop Burning Coal at Lakev=
iew Power Station Jul 03, 2001 - Canada NewsWire Taking the next step towar=
d cleaner air and cleaner energy, the Ontario Government today released a d=
raft regulation to stop coal burning at the Lakeview generating station in =
Mississauga. People New ORA Director Fills Long-Vacant Post July =
2 (California Energy Markets) When Regina Birdsell took on the position of =
director of the Office of Ratepayer Advocates in April, she filled a post t=
hat had been vacant for five years. Special Offer from this Publisher! =
Nuclear Wisconsin Nuclear Power Plant Returns to Full Power after Sh=
utdown By Lee Bergquist, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel -- July 3 The Point Bea=
ch nuclear power plant returned to full power over the weekend after massiv=
e schools of alewives choked a water intake pipe, forcing operators to shut=
down one unit entirely and ratchet down the other. Tennessee Valley A=
uthority Reconsiders Options for Unfinished Nuclear Plant By Dave Flessner,=
Chattanooga Times/Free Press -- July 3 The nation's last unfinished commer=
cial nuclear power plant is getting a new look as a possible power source f=
or the future by the Tennessee Valley Authority. Energy Department Rev=
iew Boosts for Paducah, Ky.-Area Nuclear Plants By Joe Walker, The Paducah =
Sun, Ky. -- July 2 Paducah and Metropolis, Ill., which now provide the sole=
work for two major parts of the domestic nuclear fuel cycle, are at the co=
re of a major national policy review on nuclear energy. Entergy Nuclea=
r Revises Closing Date for Indian Point 2 Acquisition NEW ORLEANS, July 3 =
/PRNewswire/ Entergy Corporation today said it expects to close its acquisi=
tion of the Indian Point 2 nuclear plant in mid-September 2001. Expert=
s Group to Study Nuclear Waste Deep Storage Jul 04, 2001 - Itar-Tass News A=
gency Research centres of the United States, Japan, South Korea, the People=
's Republic of China and Taiwan are developing cooperation in new technolog=
ies for deep underground dumping of nuclear waste, Japan's agency for nucle=
ar fuel development told Tass on Wednesday. Financial Homestead, =
Fla., Electric Utility Hurt by Erroneous Budget Estimates By Karl Ross and =
Gregg Fields, The Miami Herald -- July 1 The director of Homestead's electr=
ic utility, for years the city's economic life-support system, alerted city=
managers in 1998 that overblown budget estimates likely would put the cash=
-strapped municipality millions in the hole. Brazil : Petrobras Makes =
Additional Subscription Jul 04, 2001 - South American Business Information =
The additional subscription of R$1bil to be destinated by Petrobras for ene=
rgy power sector, can harm its performance. Pacific G?seeks reorganiza=
tion plan extension July 3 (Reuters) Pacific Gas & Electric said on Tuesday=
it has filed a request with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court to extend until Dec.=
6 the period during which the utility has exclusive right to file a plan o=
f reorganization. International UPDATE 1-EU to clear Spanish powe=
r aid plan July 3 (Reuters) The European Commission is set to approve Spain=
's multi-billion-euro programme of compensation for electricity firms, an E=
U official said on Tuesday, helping to boost shares in leading utilities. =
Brazil: Northeast Region to Have Floating Power Facilities Jul 03, 2001=
- South American Business Information The Brazilian Northeast region will =
count on floating thermal electric power facilities as of September. A 30 M=
W facility will anchor in Sao Goncalo do Amarante. Brazil: Real Devalu=
ation And Energy Crisis Affect Mergers And Acquisitions Jul 03, 2001 - Sout=
h American Business Information The mergers and acquisitions business is be=
ing affected by high interest rates, the Real devaluation and energy ration=
ing. The "Nuova Edison" of Italenergia Jul 03, 2001 - FT World Media A=
bstracts via Comtex Italenergia, the new energy consortium which has just l=
aunched public purchase offers on Italian industrial group Montedison and i=
ts energy division Edison, is based in Turin. Sergio Pininfarina is chairma=
n. Repsol Chairman Advocates Fresh Look at Nuclear Power Jul 04, 2001 =
- FT World Media Abstracts via Comtex Alfonso Cortina, chairman of Spanish =
oil group Repsol YPF, yesterday advocated a return to nuclear energy as a m=
eans of guaranteeing future electricity supply in the light of increasing d=
emand. Het Financieele Dagblad: Shell Invests $25m in Chinese Joint Ve=
nture Jul 03, 2001 - FT World Media Abstracts via Comtex Royal Dutch/Shell =
Group, the Anglo-Dutch oil group, will invest $25m in a joint venture in Ch=
ina. Agip Seeks to Pre-Qualify Contractors for Thermal Plant Project J=
ul 04, 2001 - Africa News Service The Nigeria Agip Oil Company Limited says=
it is ready to pre-qualify contractors for the development of its 500-Mega=
Watt thermal plant, according to an announcement placed by the company, Tu=
esday. Brazil : Eletrobras' Program Did Not Attract the Sector Jul 04,=
2001 - South American Business Information The program launched by Eletrob=
ras in March 2001 that predicts the contracting of electric power from smal=
l sized hydroelectric facilities PCH-Com, can fail. Chile: Public Bidd=
ing for Andina And El Teniente's Electric Supply Fails Jul 04, 2001 - South=
American Business Information Codelco initiates conversations with AES-Gen=
er to see if this company can increase its energy generation for both divis=
ions, Andina and El Teniente. Chile: Ralco Power Plant's Operations De=
layed between Five And Six Months Jul 04, 2001 - South American Business In=
formation Codelco initiates conversations with AES-Gener to see if this com=
pany can increase its energy generation for both divisions, Andina and El T=
eniente. EBRD Acquires 19% of Three Power Distributors Owned by Union =
Fenosa Jul 04, 2001 - FT World Media Abstracts via Comtex The European Bank=
for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has signed an agreement with Spa=
nish power utility Union Fenosa to acquire 19 per cent of the Spanish compa=
ny's Moldavian electricity distribution companies for $5m (Pta985m). S=
hell Forces Breakthrough in Electricity Sector Jul 04, 2001 - FT World Medi=
a Abstracts via Comtex Anglo-Dutch oil group Royal Dutch/Shell Group is ent=
ering the Dutch electricity sector, as it is building an electricity plant =
in Rotterdam in co-operation with US energy group Bechtel. Montedison,=
Immediate Clash Over Board Jul 04, 2001 - FT World Media Abstracts via Com=
tex Having launched their takeover bid for Italian industrial group Montedi=
son and its energy core Edison, Italian automotive group Fiat and French el=
ectricity group Electricite de France (EdF) have requested that Montedison =
summon a shareholders' meeting to replace the current directors. If =
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